Come to The Peak

Chapter 514: : Unreasonable

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Chapter 514: Unreasonable

"Brother Qin, Brother Du, this guy bullied me, my elder brother is not in the two of you and you have to decide for me"

The woman in a red dress with a jade finger said to Luo Yu resentfully.

When Luo Yu saw her eyebrows twisted, she didn't say much, instead she looked at the two men who had just come out of the practice room.

The burly man and the young man in black robe also looked at Luo Yu.

"Well, it's Luo Yu!"

The young man in black robe looked at Luo Yu and recognized his identity.

"Yes, it's Luo Yu."

The burly man nodded.

The duo in the black robe duplied his face and said to Luo Yu, "What does Brother Luo Yu mean, why bother my teacher and sister?"

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Luo Yu heard a sneer and said sneer: "Some of you will not know that this 35th training room belongs to my Luo Yu, it ’s unreasonable for you to be my teacher and sister, and you ask me what you mean. Do n’t you think that Luo Yu is so bullied, no one wants to step on my head? ”

The burly man heard a word of cold eyes and said, "The training room on the 35th is Master Luo. Of course we know that Master Luo has not practiced in this practice room for a long time. This practice room is empty and empty. What happened to my teacher and sister, Brother Mofeiluo wants to occupy the pit without shit. "

"Yes, we still have this practice room, what can you do with Luo Yu, do you know who we are? We are from Jintang," said the young man in black robe with a arrogant attitude.

"Yes, Luo Yu, others are not afraid of you, but Jin Yingying is not afraid of you. You, the training room lady, took it first. When will I finish your cultivation? When will I return you?"

The woman in the long red dress saw two helpers coming, and her attitude was arrogant.

Also, Luo Yu ranked thirty-fifth in the Zixia Monument, and Qin Dahan and Du surnamed younger than him. There are two top-ranked masters who are afraid of helping Jin Yingying.

After all, Luo Yu's enrollment time is too short. Even newcomer Wang Ke is just a talented newcomer in the eyes of many old disciples.

This psychological phenomenon is very common. Just like a school, older students in older grades will always look down on new students in lower grades, even if the new students are doing well.

Luo Yu heard that the anger in her heart was completely ignited. He had not seen anyone who had taken such a bad attitude in the cultivation room of others.

The white-haired, white-haired beast Bai Ze, who was next to Luo Yu, also yelled at several people. The blue pupil glowed fiercely, and there was a stance to be rushed up.

Luo Yu patted Bai Ze's head to prevent it from moving arrogantly. Here is the Great Zhou Tianju Yuan Tower. It is forbidden to compete.

Luo Yu stared at the three men with a sneer: "Since the three are so unreasonable, I don't want to say anything more. I rely on my fists to speak at the contest field outside the tower. I'm waiting for the three drivers there!"

After Luo Yu finished speaking, she turned her head and took Bai Ze off the tower.

The burly man and the black robe youth looked at each other, and then the two and Jin Yingying, a woman in a red dress, followed.

In Zixia's secret realm, this kind of battle often happens because of looting the cultivation room, so there is a competition field next to the Dajutian Juyuan Tower in the cultivation area, which is the only place in Zixia secret realm that can be used.

A large battlefield paved with obsidian covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters is located in the center of the training area next to the Juyuan Tower of Da Zhoutian.

And now there are nearly a hundred people waiting on the battlefield.

Two disciples dressed in Zongmen played fiercely on the field.

These two disciples are the core disciples of Ningyuan Realm, so don't look down on them when you fight.

The people on the sidelines burst into applause from time to time.

The two were staggered on the court, and Red Zhenyuan and Yellow Zhenyuan kept bombarding on the court.

During the fierce fight between the two, several people approached the battlefield. One behind the other was a handsome young man with a purple sword and a strange bird standing on his shoulders. He had a white body next to him. The born horns look like a lion's beast.

Behind is a burly young man in a black robe and a woman in a red dress, Jin Yingying.

Luo Yu stopped outside the crowd at Biwuchang, and the young man in the black robe shot a bit into the field.

As soon as the young man in the black robe entered the battlefield, he was startled by the two Zongmen disciples who were in the match. He stopped his hands and saw that his face was a little surprised.

The two hurriedly saluted the black robe youth, "Master Du!"

Du Duqing nodded expressionlessly, and said to the duo: "Now I will use this contest, you two have no opinion?"

"No opinion, no opinion! Brother Du has no opinion of using me."

The two quickly waved their hands and said that the young man with the surname Du was the 30th core disciple on the Zixia Monument. What would he dare to say?

The two did not dare to ask any more what they jumped out of the contest after the ceremony. As for the conflict between the two, it was only temporarily put down.

"Well! This isn't Brother Du, the 30th Golden Hall on the Zixia Tablet, how did he go to the battlefield?"

"I don't know, maybe he's going to fight with him!"

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"Compete! If this is the case, there will be a good show. Brother Du is the 30th master on the Zixia Monument. Those who dare to compete with him are estimated to be the top 40 people in the Zixia Monument.

Those Zongmen disciples who watched the game in the battlefield talked to see Du's youth coming to power, and many of them showed an excited expression.

At this moment, the young man with surname Du looked coldly at the crowd below and said, "Luo Yu, why don't you ask me to come up?"

In the crowd below, Luo Yu heard his mouth rise, and his toes jumped out of the crowd. He flew onto a competition field more than three meters high, and landed more than thirty meters opposite Du Youth.

"That's Luo Yu!"

"What's wrong, Luo Yu has to compete with Brother Du!"

The people watching from below saw another uproar from the people on stage, and their expressions were very excited.

As soon as Luo Yu's domineering strength was shown, countless people deeply remembered him. In addition, when he started, he had a five-year agreement with Dao Huizhang. Not much.

Luo Yu ranked thirty-fifth in Zixiabei, which is very close to the ranking of Du's youth. They naturally look forward to the competition between the two.

"Well, Luo Yu, if you lose, in the future, your training room on the 35th will be used by my sister and sister, how about it, do you dare to compare?"

Du Du youth hugged his arms around his chest, sneer looking at Luo Yu's proud look.

"If I win, then what? The training room on the 35th is already mine. If I win, you and his training room will belong to me, do you dare to compare?"

Luo Yu looked indifferent, said Qin Han under the fingers.

There is no good thing Luo Yu will not do. Although he can't use three practice rooms by himself, he still has a large group of brothers and sisters. He can give them to his elder sister if he can't.

The vitality of the heaven and earth in the cultivation room in the ninth-level tower is four times that of the outside of the tower. Such a strong heaven and earth vitality cultivation room is what most disciples dream of.

This is also the benefit that Zongmen gave to the core disciples on the Zixia Monument, which can stimulate the disciples' enthusiasm and vitality.

In Zongmen is very simple and powerful, you can get much better treatment than others.

The world is always so cruel, the weak are either eliminated or bullied.

The young Du surnamed his face slightly changed, and his eyes were a little gloomy. Then he looked at the burly man.

The burly man naturally knew what his companions were thinking, and nodded to the young Du surnamed, "I bet with him, I still don't believe that a new disciple is really going to fail."

The young man with the surname Du nodded to Luo Yu and said, "This is a bet against us."

The corner of Luo Yu's mouth slightly lifted, sneer: "It's not against the sky, but I've never let myself down before I clean up your scum. Let's go, otherwise you won't have a chance."

Luo Yu's fingers sneered at Du Youth.

The people below were all uproar, and they all said that Luo Yu was arrogant and domineering.

This is not Zhang's arrogance, this is madness.

When Du's youth saw Luo Yu's disdain, he was naturally furious.

"Brother Du, take care of this kid who doesn't know the heights!"

The woman in a long red dress below Jin Yingying shouted.

The young Du surnamed seeing the woman he was looking at below, and in his heart was determined to use lightning to quickly defeat Luo Yu.

"Boy, don't assume that you are talented and pride yourself, Zongmen is not as simple as you think"

Du Duqing said coldly, at the same time, his body was overflowing with golden real elements, and the breath was really late in the Ningyuan Realm.

"Hehe, ridiculous, it has always been you who provoked me Luo Yu, saying that I seem to be an irrational person, let alone, this world originally speaks with strength, I have nothing to confuse Luo Yu"

Luo Yu sneered, and at the same time, the power of the blood in the mud pill palace was mobilized. The blue true elements in Dantian filled the meridians, the power of the blood merged into the true elements, and Luo Yu ’s hair became sky blue. A pair of blue eyes let out the light between the opening and closing.

Luo Yu's momentum is even stronger than the youth of Du.


The two suddenly moved at the same time, and Du's youth was like a wind, a hand knife slashed at Luo Yu, and suddenly a golden palm knife whistled away from Luo Yu.

At the same time, the young man with the surname Du also clenched his fist into Luo Yu, and then another huge golden fist shadow and palm knife bombed Xiang Luo Yu.

This young man with the surname Du is also not simple. At this moment, two martial arts techniques were issued to attack Luo Yu. Most people really couldn't react.

But is Luo Yu an ordinary person? of course not.

The lasing Luo Yu's hands became sword fingers, and both hands shot together. Suddenly, several blue pulses of sword qi screamed and shot away towards the palm sword and fist shadow.

Uh ...

There was a crackling sound of blast on the field, and the palm-sword fist bombarded all the shots that passed through.

After being shot through, the fist shadow and palm knife also broke apart and Jian Mang collapsed on its own.

But the two figures are handed over together ...

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