Come to The Peak

Chapter 542: : Blood Kill Mission

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Ge Xiuzhu asked.

Because Luo Yu killed the three men, they must make a big contribution this year. The killing of the top ten murderers on the blood killing list is certainly a great achievement.

This is also proposed by Lin Sheng. This way, Luo Yu is preserved, and all disciples of Zixia Tianzong have nothing to say about Zongmen's decision.

Luo Yu frowned slightly when she heard that, and Qinger beside him was using real fire to heat the tea for the two of them.

"I want to go to the mission release hall today to see if there is a suitable kill target"

Luo Yu said silently.

His injury was almost recovered, and this task was also a thorn in his heart, and he wanted to complete it as soon as possible, otherwise he could not practice with peace of mind.

"Well, okay, then I'll walk with you for a look," Ge Xiuzhu nodded.

Then a few people didn't say much. They got up and walked out of the attic. As soon as they came out, they met the people who were discussing the Dragon List.

"Brother Yu, come and see, you are in the rising dragon list, or tenth?"

As soon as Luo Yu came out of the attic, Luo Qing and others held the Dragon List and laughed.

"Into the rising dragon list!"

After hearing a word, Luo Yu took a single look at the list, and at a glance, she found her tenth ranking.

Luo Yu smiled faintly and didn't say much. He always paid little attention to fame and fortune. Then he also saw Qing'er's ranking, and looked at Qing'er around and joked.

"Long Qing, 32 on the Dragon List, or the No. 1 beauty in the hundred flowers of the Qin Empire, alas, whoever marries this No. 1 beauty in the Qin Dynasty will be blessed"

Qing'er heard Yan Luo's white look, his face was slightly rosy, but there was a hint of happiness on his face.

"Hey, Brother Yu, it seems that the first beauty of the Great Qin Empire has been scourged by you."

Luo Zhu laughed aside.

"You dude, when did you learn to make fun of me?"

Luo Yu smiled and stomped over.

"Yeah! Ye Ye ..."

At this time, Luo Yu noticed Ye Ye, who was at the top of the list.

"Qinger, this Ye Ye seems to be your suitor, right?" Luo Yu smiled at Qinger again.

He stayed at Zixia Tianzong for more than a year, and naturally knew some of Qinger's suitors, the strongest of which was Fengchen and Ye Yan, and Fengchen had been killed by Luo Yu. Ye Ye.


Qing'er heard the words and nodded.

"He formally pursued me before you came, but I refused," Qinger quickly explained.

Luo Yu smiled and said, "You are so attractive to the first beauty of the Great Qin Empire. The first genius on the rising list has been attracted by my family, Qinger. It seems that I need to pay attention to it later."

Then Luo Yu frowned again: "But this Ye Ye seems to have taken the task on the blood kill list and left the school."

"Yeah, Ye Ye was the third-ranked murderer on the blood kill list, and he hasn't returned yet," Qing'er said.

Luo Yu nodded and didn't say much, then several people continued to gallop towards Zixia Peak.

After a while, everyone rushed to Zixiafeng's task release hall, and the hall still looked like a lively one. Many disciples were taking the task.

When these disciples saw Luo Yu come in, all of them showed a touch of worship, and clenched their fists: "Brother Luo!"

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Today Luo Yu is the fifth core disciple of Zixia Monument, and is also known as a brother.

In martial arts, the strong are respected and the masters are teachers, regardless of age.

Luo Yu smiled and nodded, and said nothing, and walked towards a deserted stone platform with several people.

"Look, Brother Luo is on a mission to kill the list."

"Hey, you watched Brother Luo kill a few people and committed a major crime, and you were convicted of the crime."

"Oh, yeah, I remembered, but the Hu Jian people were really unlucky. They were sent to kill Brother Luo by Fengchen, and even Fengchen was killed now. "

Several disciples looked at Luo Yu's back and argued that all of them were new disciples. It was a long-term thing for their new disciple Wang to enter the top ten core disciples.

Therefore, few of Zixia Tianzong's new disciples did not admire Luo Yu.

Several people from Luo Yu went to the stone platform and said directly: "Master, dear, I will take the blood to kill the task."

"Huh! Luo Yu, huh, you're here to take over the blood kill mission designated by Zongmen."

The middle-aged man in a black robe saw Luo Yu for a moment, and then smiled.

Luo Yu had to complete a blood-killing mission to kill the top ten murderers. All the ancestors knew that Luo Yu was not surprised by the deacon's guess and nodded.

The man in the black robe was not hesitant. He took out a scarlet scroll and gave it to Luo Yu. Choose one "

Luo Yu heard the words, and the booth opened the Scarlet Scroll on the stone platform. There were one hundred blood-slaying missions on it. Each name was followed by Xiu Wei's introduction.

"Blood kills first, Poisonous Sea, God of Poison, Lord of the Four Calamities, Fire King, killing rewards for a method or martial art, Yuanshi 500,000"

"Second blood killing list, Qiu Ren, Qiu Guzhu, three calamity gods of the fire world warlord, killing rewards in the ranks Zhongpin Gongfa martial arts, 400,000 yuan stone"

"The third place in the blood killing list is Qian Qian, the agile state is complete, and the killing rewards a medium-grade martial arts book, 100,000 yuan."

There is a name behind Ye Qiang, the third thousand thugs, apparently the task has been taken over by Ye Yan.

Luo Yu shook her head and continued to watch. He didn't have to think about the first three tasks.

That poisonous sea and Qiu Ren ’s Tianduo religion and Qiugu are the opposing forces of Zixia Tianzong. These two forces were two first-class forces before, but were later destroyed by Zixia Tianzong. That day, Duxuism and Qiugu were not. It was created by some evildoers.

"The fourth place in the blood killing list, Wang Jiang, in the late stage of the agile state, kills a rewarding inferior martial art with a reward of 100,000 yuan.


Luo Yu looked to one side and did not give it to Ge Xiuzhu. Ge Xiuzhu took a look and said after a moment of silence, "Xiao Yu, let's choose the seventh one."

Luo Yu came and looked at it. He was seventh in the blood-slaying list, spent a hundred cripples, and cultivated in the midst of the spirit state.

In the middle of the **** killing list, the murderers in the middle of the spiritual state spent no one on it. Others had some people in the early stages of the state. Although the strength in the later period was not picked up, it was too dangerous. The task of blood killing is more appropriate.

"Uh-huh, yes, then pick this one called Baibai Can"

Luo Yu nodded and handed the blood kill list to the man in the black robe.

The man in the black robe nodded when he heard the words, and wrote Luo Yu's name on the blood killing list after spending a hundred cans, indicating that he was taken over by Luo Yu.

Then the man in the black robe took out a blood-red scroll from the storage bag and handed it to Luo Yudao: "This is some information on the flowers, you can take a good look"

After Luo Yu took over, he was embarrassed, spent a hundred candids, and practiced in the middle of the spiritual realm. He practiced the evil cultivation method of yin and yang. He raped countless women in the Great Qin Empire and absorbed Yin Yuan cultivation. All the women who were absorbed Yin Yuan Death, the most sinful, often haunts Baibai Island in the South China Sea! "

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