Come to The Peak

Chapter 547: : Thunder

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On the third floor, Luo Yu naturally heard the following conversation, and was somewhat surprised that the shopkeeper did not sell him.

Seeing that the T-shirt shopkeeper was lifted up by the big man, it was going to be done by the big man. Of course, Luo Yu could not stand still and sang a cold drink.


The big man in the black robe looked up and saw a strong young man in a white military robe walking slowly down.

The young sword eyebrow star eyes have long hair and shoulders, a pair of blue eyes are like crystals, and a giant purple sword is slanted on the back.

Next to him was a handsome young man with purple hair wearing a purple robe, with a face similar to that of a young man, and a wolf dog with a snow-white head and a single horn behind him.

Luo Yu and Luo Yan slowly walked down the stairs and looked at the black-robed man with pale faces.


The man in the black robe threw his hand, slammed the blue shirt shopkeeper on the side of the table and chairs and looked at Luo Yu and others.

The T-shirt shopkeeper fell screaming with blood.

"Boy, who are you? Dare to care about Lao Tzu"

The black robe said coldly.

Luo Yu glanced at the big man in the black robe, and the birds were not birds. He walked slowly to the blue shirt shopkeeper and lifted up the blue shirt shopkeeper. At the same time, he put it on the back of the blue shirt shopkeeper. Poured into the body of the T-shirt shopkeeper.

The T-shirt shopkeeper only felt a cool liquid pouring into his body, and the injury that was thrown out was recovering quickly.

"My son, I said why you still came out when you were not here, you ... hey ... this is over."

The T-shirt shopkeeper said bitterly after being lifted by Luo Yu.

"Oh, thank you for your kindness, the shopkeeper. I wo n’t be able to see you killed if you do n’t come out, rest assured that the rest is left to me."

Luo Yu patted the shoulder of the T-shirt shopkeeper and smiled slightly.

Then Luo Yu turned to look at the black robe man and said lightly, "I'm the one you're looking for."

"What! You're the one who hurt my disciple Chen Hongqing?" The big man in the black robe first frowned, and then said with a somber face.

"If you said that Chen Hongqing was the young man in the yellow robe who was smashed to death by me yesterday, it was me who hurt your disciples."

Luo Yu hugged her chest with both hands, and said calmly.

"Well, boy, you don't ask about this in a hundred miles, then Chen Hongqing is my disciple of Tu Wan. Can you call it?" The black robe man who claimed to be Tu Wan chuckled coldly.

Luo Yu sniffed and said, "I said, if you want to find a little trouble, please go outside. Please don't make a lot of nonsense in this small place. Let's fight outside."

"Hey, your kid is kind of crazy, go, outside!"

Tu Wan was laughed by Luo Yu, turned his head and went out.

When Luo Yu saw this, she went out, Luo Yan and Bai Ze followed.

"This young man has to compete with Lord Tu Wan!"

"Yeah, Lord Tu Wan is the only master of Ningyuan Realm who is far away, and some people dare to do something with him.

"You don't know. This young man casually threw a sword yesterday and injured Tu Wan's disciple Chen Hongqing. I have seen it with my own eyes. The strength of this young man is not simple."

People who drank and drank in the inn talked about it, and then went out one by one to watch the excitement.

On the street, Luo Yu and Tu Wan stood on the street, looking at each other 20-30 meters apart.

Hundreds of people have gathered around the crowd, and there are still people coming to see the lively.

"Boy, see that you are a warrior, I have nothing to say when I killed your government. I can now give you a chance and dedicate the sword on your back to Lao Tzu. If you break your arms, I can let you go. "

Tu Wan looked coldly at Luo Yu, but his eyes kept walking on the purple giant sword behind Luo Yu, revealing a trace of fiery.

From his eyes, it was natural to see that the giant sword of Asterium was a treasure.

You have to know that the epee he is using is just a third-class weapon.

Luo Yu heard his mouth go up and smiled slightly: "I also give you a chance, now you can leave with your own arms, or you can only lie down forever"

He returned the words of the black robe man to him.

"Boy, you look for death!"

Tu Wan was furious, his eyebrows froze, he pulled out the **** epee behind him, and he stunned with a single foot. A red true yuan erupted, and Tu Wanzhenyuan encouraged Luo Yu to kill him.

Luo Yu was still calm when she looked at it, and she did not even pull the purple sword on her back.


At a distance of 20 meters, Tu Wanzhang rushed to Luo Yu's eyes, lifted his sword and fell down towards Luo Yu, with a momentum of two halves.


When Luo Yu's footsteps twisted, the figure shook away more than ten meters away, leaving a residual image in place.

Tu Wan's sword chopped the residual shadow and fiercely chopped it on the street. The street clicked and rattled endlessly, and Tu Wan chopped out a huge sword mark that was ten meters long.

"So fast!"

Tu Wanjian Luo Yu left a residual image and avoided more than ten meters, revealing a hint of surprise, and then looked cold, Zhenyuan encouraged a sword to chop Luo Yu away.


Suddenly, a huge red Jianmang cut to Luo Yu, Luo Yu hugged his chest with both hands, and saw a red Jianmang roar and cut open one side of the body, Jian Mang cut against him.

Jianmang was chopped in a shop, and the wooden door of the shop was chopped in half at the same time. At the same time, the tables and chairs inside were chopped, and the people inside were frightened to sweat.

"Boy, don't hide if you have the skills, you can do two tricks with me"

Tu Wan said coldly, and at the same time stepped on his soles, and killed Luo Yu with a sword.

"Hard to hit! Are you hard?"

Luo Yu sneered, but this time he did not dodge, with his two-handed sword pointing together, suddenly the blue sword-mandrilled Tu Wan rushed away.

The nine-pulse Jianmang is extremely powerful, Tu Wan's complexion is slightly changed, and the fire property is true body protection. At the same time, he wields an epee to cut off the nine-way Jianmang.


A large red swordman Xu Zhang was cut out, and he rushed towards the nine blue pulse swordmans, and suddenly there were seven pulse swordmanks and red swordmans colliding and breaking apart.

The remaining two stabs towards Tu Wan.

Tu Wan's body method was twisted, two pulse Jianmang rubbed his body, two cuts were made in the black robe, but Tu Wan's body was not injured.

At this time, Tu Wan had rushed into front of Luo Yu, and severely cut it off with his sword. The blade cut through the sky and left a red curved sword mark.


Luo Yu sighed coldly, steadfastly unavoidable, and clenched his fist into a fist to wrap Zhenyuan in one punch.

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A blow from the air caused a shock, and a huge vortex of air formed in front of the fist struck the red epee that was severed.

The red epee was slammed with a punch, and Tu Wanjiajue felt strong and powerful power uploaded from the sword body, and then Hukou hurt the epee and flew away.

Tu Wan was frightened, but at this time Luo Yu stepped forward like a ghost, grasping Tu Wan's hair with one hand and pulling it hard, while raising his knees and knees to slam out.


Tu Wan's head was pulled down and flexed, and Luo Yu's knee slammed against Tu Wan's face door.

Uh ...

Tu Wan's nose, nose, and blood were blown out and hit.


At this time, Luo Yu moved again, the soles of the feet suddenly burst out, as if the thunder jumped up, kicking fiercely towards Tu Wan who flew.


He slammed on Tu Wan's chest, and suddenly his chest collapsed. At the same time, he fell **** the ground, and the bluestone on the ground was cracked.

Luo Yu looked at Tu Wan, who was vomiting blood, coldly in Tu Wan's chest.

The onlookers were stunned. The first master in their eyes was defeated by the young man's three punches and two legs with the thunder.

From two fights to Tu Wan being defeated and stepping on his feet, this process is just a dozen breaths!

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