Come to The Peak

Chapter 552: : Kill (3rd month)

Biquge, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Pinnacle!


All the remaining seven tentacles swept away towards Luo Yu, with a flash of cold light in Luo Yu's eyes, his right hand squeezed into a fist and blasted out.

"Eight Tigers Ben Leiquan!"

Roar Roar Roar ...!

After the eight-screaming tiger howl, the eight-headed tiger fist roared out, blasting at the eight tentacles that came.

Uh ...!

Eight explosions rang, and three tentacles were blasted by the tiger fist, which exploded directly into blood rain fragments. Luo Yu raised a purple sword and chopped another tentacle.

Uh ...!

Another tentacle was cut into two by Luo Yu.

The eight-footed monster chapter lost five tentacles in an instant, and the lower eight-footed monster chapter was screaming and roaring at the same time. At the same time, the eyes were fierce, and one of the remaining three tentacles became entangled, like a huge long The whip was pulled out.


With a muffled sound, Luo Yu was caught by the tentacles and was drawn into the body by a distance of 100 meters. At the same time, a mouthful of blood spit against the throat and spit out.

The power of the demons is also very strong. The physical strength of the monsters of the same order is much stronger than that of the human race. The power of the pumping plus the miscellaneous monsters is no less than the power of the third-order ancient beasts. Luo Yu suffered some internal injuries.


The lower eight-footed monster chapter swam quickly, while the three tentacles rolled towards Luo Yu, which was flying backwards.

Luo Yu's golden wings trembled, and she stopped flying. She saw three tentacles entangled towards herself, and Luo Yu's body flew upward, flying away, avoiding the entanglement of three tentacles, and flying away. It's within reach.

The Eight-footed demon chapter saw Luo Yu fly up a few hundred meters beyond the reach of his tentacles. Suddenly, the blue demon element of the whole body agitated, the sea surface suddenly rolled up, and huge columns of water rose up, impacting Luo Yu. go with.

The water column was more than one meter thick, like a water dragon banging at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu saw a flash of surprise in her eyes, and then the whole body of the real yuan riots poured into the Aster Sword, the Aster Sword's blue Jianmang could not swallow.


"Ba Jian Returning to Heart!"


A huge blue Jianmang, which was more than ten meters in length, chopped down to the octagonal demon chapter below.


The blue swordman cut through a blast of water and went straight to the Eight-footed Monster Chapter.

The Eight-footed Demon Chapter was frightened, and the Demon Yuan quickly inspired to form a body, oh!

The blue sword-mang was now on top of the blue shield, and the blue light of the shield dimmed, and then broke and opened. By then, the sword-mantle did not dissipate, and it was chopped on the huge skull of the eight-footed monster chapter.


The head of the eight-footed demon chapter was cut open with a big mouth, and the eight-footed demon chapter made a painful howl. Then he knew that this human race was really not easy to mess with.

Then the Eight-footed Demon Chapter sank and went into the sea and dived into the deep sea.

"Hum! Where to escape!"

Luo Yu snorted, and then her wings were shot towards the sea below.

He wants to completely kill the Eight-footed Demon Seal for the fishing village forever.


Luo Yu's body also shot into the sea. Throughout the blue Zhenyuan's body protection, the sole's eruption of the foot formed a thrust, which turned into a water arrow and shot at the eight-footed monster chapter diving into the deep sea ...

In the distance, Gu Yuan saw the battle between Luo Yu and the Eight-footed Demon Chapter stunned, and the power of the one-man, one-beast battle erupted in his eyes like the battle of the gods.

Then saw the eight-footed monster Zhang defeated by Luo Yu and fled, Luo Yu chased after him with all his excitement.

"Brother Luo Yu, you must kill this eight-footed monster chapter."

Gu Yuan murmured to Luo Yu, who had dived into the deep sea.

In the deep ocean, countless fishes marched in the sea, and various colorful underwater creatures were dazzling.

Suddenly all of these fish scattered and fled, and a large object blasted out with water pressure. Eight tentacles and five octagonal demon chapters quickly swam into the sea. The speed was as fast as a water arrow. Shoot a hundred meters away, depending on the resistance of the water.

And not far behind it, a figure was no slower than it, and came after it.

Luo Yu is as flexible as a swimming fish in the sea. He has reached the point where the sky, land, and sea are not much different. He has gone down the lava lake.

Moreover, he is still a member of the water and fire, with a true element of water, and fighting in the waters of the sea is very powerful for him.

"Damn, this eight-footed monster chapter tour is pretty fast. It seems that it is not necessary to use some real means."

Luo Yu looked at the eight-footed demon chapter that was at the same speed as him, and gritted his teeth, then cursed, and then two sounds exploded in the body. Two real-yuan seeds burst open, and a rushing real-yuan poured into the body.

Luo Yu poured all the new Zhenyuan into his legs, and the method of erupting the true Yuan through the longitudinal technique formed the thrust of Zhenyuan's hair. Suddenly Luo Yu's speed was more than twice as fast. The distance of the foot monster chapter.

When it was three hundred meters away from the Eight-footed Demon Seal, Luo Yu's hand was full of Xia Guang, and a large red bow appeared in his hand.

At the same time, Luo Yu took out a Tianjing arrow and Zhang Gong took the arrow.

Long She's bow was pulled out of the full moon by Luo Yu, and the cold light flashed in Luo Yu's eyes, and the string pulling hand was loosened.


Tianjing Arrow, which had engulfed Zhenyuan, turned into a blue light and shot at the Eight-legged Monster Chapter.

Tianjing Arrow turned into a huge water arrow in the sea, tearing the seawater and letting the surrounding seawater toss for a while.

The fast-moving Eight-footed Demon Chapter felt only a strong pressure coming behind him, and his heart was full of horror to urge the Yuan Yuan to swim.

But how fast does it swim faster than the rate of fire of Tianjing Arrow.

The distance of three hundred meters was almost the moment Luo Yu fired the arrow, and Tianjing's arrow hit the back of the Eight-legged Monster Chapter.



A burst of blood mist exploded and spread in the sea water. Tianjing Arrow shot into the skull of the Eight-legged Monster Chapter severely and then burst into a huge blood cave, assassinating into the depths of the skull.

See W + T√ version \\ chapter on ¤;

The Eight-footed Demon Chapter shook his body, and then moved his body. The crimson eyes lost their luster and dim, and the vitality slowly declined until there was no breath.

The body of the eight-footed monster Zhang slowly looked down and sank deep in the bottom of the sea, and Luo Yu at the back showed a smile, and then a few breaths swam in front of the sinking eight-footed monster.

Luo Yu grabbed a tentacle of the Eight-footed Demon Chapter, and then swam up to the sea.

He and the Eight-footed Monster Chapter did not dive very deeply, just a few hundred meters, and soon reached the surface of the sea.

Wow ...!

Luo Yu swam out of the sea and flew away in midair, while the body of the Eight-footed Monster Chapter was dragged by him.

Luo Yu and the Eight-footed Monster Chapter both ran in a straight line. He also knew the direction to go back, dragged the huge body of the Eight-footed Monster Chapter, and flew past.

Gu Yuan waited anxiously on the boat, looking at Luo Yu's direction.

Suddenly a figure appeared on the surface of the sea, galloping towards this side, and there was a large object on the sea side dragged towards this side, breaking the huge waves on the sea surface.

Gu Yuan fixed his eyes for a moment, showing a hint of joy.

"Brother Luo Yu!"

Gu Yuan shouted loudly.

Luo Yu dragged the dead eight-footed demon badge and flew to Gu Yuan. Gu Yuan looked at the blood-dead eight-footed demon badge and showed a touch of ecstasy.

"This ... this eight-footed monster chapter was really killed by you?"

Gu Yuan said with delight.

"Well, it's a shame!"

Luo Yu nodded and smiled.

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