Come to The Peak

Chapter 554: : Leave, Epiphany

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"Don't be angry, Xiang ... Xianger will get dressed right away."

Xianger heard Luo Yu's tone turned blunt, and seemed to be angry.

Then Luo Yu only heard a sparse sound of wearing clothes, and could not help but have an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

This world is so cruel, the strong can enjoy everything, women, wealth, resources.

The weak can only survive in the cracks, be bullied, and control their own destiny.

However, Luo Yu is not a sage. He has no ability to change the destiny of all people in the world. All he can do is try to change his destiny, grasp his own future, and give the person he loves, the person who loves himself a sky.

He is not a gentleman who has no troubles, and when he can't help himself, he is not a stallion. He is a woman who wants to hold him.

He had originally thought that having a Qinger in this life would be enough, but Bai Linger's affairs could not make him really unable to let go. He felt guilty and emotional towards Linger in his heart.

It wasn't until later that he really didn't control himself and Linger had a relationship, and Linger also became a relationship that he really couldn't let go.

As for Nangong Xin'er, she died for him, and Luo Yuzhong's character naturally couldn't let go of this Xin'er's heavy feeling for life.

"My son ... I ... I'm dressed"

There was a soft voice from Xianger behind Luo Yu.

At this moment, Luo Yu turned her head and saw that Xianger in her white dress and bowed her head stood in front of the bed, her face was crimson, and she did not dare to look at Luo Yu.

"Hehe, Xianger, thank you for serving me just now. I have a bottle of monster blood here. You can take it back every three days and take a drop of blood."

Luo Yu smiled, took a bottle of blood from the ring of Qian Kun, and laughed into Xianger's hands. Seems to forget the embarrassment just now.

"Monster blood! No, no, son, this is too expensive, Xianger cannot accept it."

Xiang'er's head shook like a wavy drum, and he said quickly, at the same time, he wanted to return the essence and blood to Luo Yu.

Luo Yu took Xiang'er's hand, and deliberately pretended to be somber: "If you don't accept it, I'm going to be angry"

"Don't be angry, Xianger accepts it ..." Xiang'er blushed after hearing the words, and the warmth coming from Luo Yu's hands made her tremble slightly.

"Oh, this is not right"

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Luo Yu laughed, and then his hand suddenly rested on Xiang Er's soft shoulders, and a blue real element poured into the meridians of Xiang Er's body.

Xianger only felt a cool stream flowing into her body, she was very comfortable, and she did not resist.

After a while, Luo Yu retracted his hand, and when he touched the ring, two non-thick books appeared in his hand: "I have just explored. You have medium root bones and have the qualifications to practice martial arts. I have Ben Xuan here If the skill of the lower grade is determined by water, and the sword practice of the first grade of the yellow grade,

After you take it back, you can use the method recorded in the book to give up the vitality of the world. If you are smart enough, plus the blood I gave you, you may have the opportunity to cultivate to the innate state before you are thirty. "

Luo Yu sent the exercises to Xiang'er's hands when he spoke. He killed countless people and naturally collected some exercises. When Luo Yu's five internal organs were examined, Luo Yu found that her kidneys were the strongest, most likely because of her physical constitution. I took out this book.

"Gongfa, cultivation!"

Xiang'er heard the words and looked at the two small books in his hands, and two lines of tears shed.

Xiang Er suddenly embraced Luo Yu. This time, Luo Yu was a little helpless. She could not hold her hands either, and finally sighed and gently held Xiang Er and patted the latter's back.

"My son, you ... you are really nice to Xianger. I just washed your feet. You gave me this monster blood and practice method. Xianger really didn't want to report it, Xianger. Please ask me to take me by my side and let Xianger always serve you "

Xianger said sobbing in Luo Yu's arms.

Luo Yu sighed and shook her head again. She patted her partner's shoulder with his hand and said, "Stupid girl, I said that you have your own life. You don't need to be served by anyone. I give you this technique. I want you to change your destiny, not want you to return something,

You should collect this exercise and blood, and don't let outsiders know, otherwise it will bring you the scourge of killing, remember! "

After Luo Yu finished speaking, she let go of Xiang Er, and Xiang Er also got rid of Luo Yu's embrace with interest, but her eyes were red and swollen.

"Well, you can go back, if the village chief blame you, you say it means me" Luo Yu waved to Xiang Er and said.

Xianger nodded, and when he walked out of the door, he looked back at Luo Yu deeply, and then walked out of the door.

Luo Yu watched Xianger leave, and touched her nose to reveal a bitter smile, and then lay on the bed, but now Luo Yu could not sleep, took out two yuan stones directly in her hand, swallowed Taken a drop of Earth Spirit Milk and fell into cultivation.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Yu opened her eyes and shot two fine lights, and slowly spit out a white air stream in her mouth. She squeezed the two vitality exhausted into powder, and Luo Yu got up and walked out of the door.

Looking at the fine weather outside Luo Yu stretched his waist.

"It's time to go ...!"

Noon, fishing village pier.

"Master, don't you really live longer?" Said the old man in the gray robe, looking at Luo Yu, who jumped into the boat.

"If you don't have the village head, don't give it away. If I have the chance, I will return to the fishing village. Maybe I will stay here for a while," Luo Yu said, shaking her head.

"Hey, let me give you my master!"

The old man in the gray robe said to Luo Yu with his fists.

"Congratulations, sir!"

The other villagers on the dock were also respectful and saluting, and were somewhat grateful.

It is this young man who has solved the biggest trouble that has always troubled their fishing village, and has not yet asked for any compensation.

"Oh, thank you folks, we regret it!"

Luo Yu said with a fist and a smile.

Then Gu Yuan on the boat sang aloud, "Go sailing, sailing smoothly!"

After a rowing oar, the ship left the dock.

"Go sailing, sail smoothly!"

The fishing villages on the pier also shouted in unison.

This is the fishing trumpet they fishermen call when they go out to sea.

In this way, the Wupeng fishing boat quickly left the dock in the eyes of everyone, and rowed towards the vast sea. Luo Yu stood on the bow of the boat and stood with his hands, looking at the round day that was slowly and even high in the sky. The peace in my heart is beyond the cruelty and brutality of martial arts.

Closing his eyes, Luo Yu gradually immersed himself in a strange mood.

After the wharf, the fishermen saw that the figure of the black shed boat gradually diminished, and all of them left. In the end, there was only a small show in a blue dress and a young girl Xianger in a white dress.

At the bow of Wu Peng's boat, Luo Yu closed her eyes. At this moment, his heart seemed to be immersed in the heavens and the earth, and his heart seemed to be transformed into this sea, which could hold the stream of Baichuan.

The dragon and phoenix on his shoulders flashed with surprise in the eyes of Luo Yu.

"Brother, this is ... epiphany!"

Because the dragon phoenix resonates with Luo Yu's soul, he can feel some situations of Luo Yu at this time.

The heart is full of emptiness, and it suddenly rises for a hundred days!

At this time, Luo Yu was in the state of enlightenment that martial arts had most coveted. As the saying goes, once enlightenment, a hundred days soared, in this state, any problems encountered by people in cultivation will be understood by themselves.

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