Come to The Peak

Chapter 564: : Peerless Gongfa

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"Peerless power exercises!"

I heard that Luo Yu was stunned, and then I saw the little monk thief head and head looking around in October. The greasy hands wiped on the scum and took out a yellow-covered book from his arms.

The little monk in October saw a slight pain in the eyes of the book, and then threw it to Luo Yu.

"Noah, this is the peerless method. If you want to collect it, be a little monk in return and ask me to drink." The little monk in October was reluctant.

After speaking, he got up and left, and shook his head in his mouth and said

"Flowers are not flowers and fogs and fogs.

Is it fate, or calamity, need to realize, need to realize ... "

After speaking, the back disappeared at the corner outside the inn ...

"What a strange monk"

Luo Yu murmured to the back of the little monk in October.

The little monk talked and did things to give him a sense of lack of logic.

Is it crazy? Definitely not, is it an expert? There is really no good manner.

Luo Yu retracted her gaze, and looked towards the peerless exercises that the young monk said in October, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

Luo Yu opened the old yellow cover, and when she read the contents of the book, she suddenly looked down, and then turned a few more pages, her face became more ugly.

Luo Yu looked towards the direction where the little monk in October left, and gritted a word after a long time.


What is this Peerless Method of Huang Shu? All the paintings in the book are painted. The painting is a pair of spring palace drawings, and the male and female intersecting drawings.

Huang Shu, a yellow book of the Eight Classics.

Luo Yu took a deep breath and endured the idea of ​​shaking this yellow book into fan powder, and began to watch it page by page.

The men in the book are very vivid, with various poses and vivid expressions on their faces, like living creatures.

Luo Yu's pupil narrowed and noticed a problem, and the expression on the woman's face turned out to be painful.

Then he resisted restlessly and read it again. The front half was various pictures of the Spring Palace, but the back was all written.

"Yin and Yang Rongyuan Jue, this practice is a rare dual practice practice. When practicing this practice, you and your dual practice partner can develop their skills while enjoying the love of men and women.

If the attributes of the two parties are complementary, the practice of this practice is more effective. This practice emphasizes that the souls of the two practitioners resonate in love, and those who are not in mutual affection cannot practice.

The yin and yang are one, the yin and yang are separated from each other, and the yin and yang can be merged into the road! "

Behind are all some mental formulas, and the meridian lines that the exercises work.

"Yin and Yang Rong Yuan Jue! Yin and Yang are separated from each other, and Yin Yang and Yang Rong are expected. What does this mean?"

After looking at the entire book, Luo Yu murmured at the words and did not understand the true reason for the words.

What is Yin Yang? Are they men and women? Or something else.

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Yu put away the exercises, and at the same time an idea popped into his heart.

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"If this practice and Linger Qinger practice ... Oh, that's too bad."

Luo Yu shook her head, as if she wanted to get rid of the thoughts in her head, and then left the restaurant after paying the last sip of wine.

"Brother, I'm definitely the little monk with an ancient spirit, it's not simple, I can't see him through at all" Luo Yuque on Luo Yu's shoulder said.

"Oh, not only you can't see it, I can't see it. Forget it, how big this world is, how many amazing people, and this October that we met is a strange man,

At least that dual practice is not easy. Forget it, we do n’t want this, we go straight to the sea to find the volcano under the sea. ”

Luo Yu sighed.

Then one person, one bird and one beast galloped towards the east of the pier.

Ko Luoyu did not find that in the distant past crowd, two pairs of eyes have been staring at him from time to time ...

Luo Yu and Dragon Phoenix Bai Shita came to a corner without people, Bai Ze became bigger and Luo Yu rode on his back.

Bai Ze roared, his body levitating, and then the four claws rushed towards the east of the sea.

Bai Zehua quickly disappeared into the range of the pier for a white light ...

Luo Yu rode all the way to the east waters, while holding a compass in his hand to prevent himself from getting lost in the vast ocean.

This submarine volcano in the east is thousands of miles away from the dock. This area has not yet reached the territorial sea of ​​Baifeng Island. Baize has been flying in the air for half an hour. Luo Yu estimated the distance and felt that it was almost within the range of the submarine volcano. He jumped into the big return from Bai Ze's back.

Shirasawa rushed into the sea without hesitation.


Luo Yu jumped into the bottom of the sea, because the dragon phoenix didn't like the sea, and Luo Yu's blue true yuan wrapped himself and the dragon phoenix to form an aerobic space.

And Bai Ze did not feel any discomfort in the sea, and was no different from land.

The sea area here is not very deep, which is a depth of 700 to 800 meters, and Luo Yu dives directly into the ocean floor.

There are many living fishes on the sea floor, and there are many predatory beasts such as sharks. The coral reefs are very beautiful.

Luo Yu exudes energy fluctuations in the Ningyuan Realm, so those ordinary shark beasts did not dare to come to him for trouble.

Looking at the compass in his hand, Luo Yu determined the east, and then blasted towards the east. The speed was faster than the swimming fish, and a long string of air bubbles formed in the sea.

After blasting a hundred miles in the sea, Luo Yu finally saw the so-called underwater volcano.

This is a submarine fire mountain range. There is no seaweed on the fire mountain range and there are no swimming fish around. The temperature of the surrounding seawater is obviously higher than other places. A volcano has protruded out of the sea and the volcanic eruption is on the sea surface. Above.

Luo Yu explored the volcano with a sense of knowledge, and his knowledge could directly penetrate the volcanic rocks of the seabed to detect the surging magma inside.

This is also the benefit of possessing divine knowledge, otherwise Luo Yu would have to search everywhere.

He has already learned from Ge Xiuzhu that it is a red and blue four-petal flower that is very recognizable.

Luo Yu circled around the volcano's perimeter, and God's Consciousness also explored every corner of the volcano, but found nothing other than rock magma.

Because of the sulfur content of the soil and the high temperature of the water, there are not even many seagrasses.

It was not disappointing that Luo Yu was not found in a circle. This was just the first volcano he explored. How could luck be so good? The first volcano found water and fire and saved the flower.

Luo Yu floated above the sea surface, and soon reached the sea surface. Luo Yu stretched out her golden wings and stood in the void. She looked at the water below and said coldly: "Two people have been with me for a long time. It's time to show up, or I'll ask you to fail. "

Luo Yu's voice infused Zhenyuan, and even the depth of a few hundred meters under the sea can be clearly heard.


How long did Luo Yu's voice fall, two breaking waves came from below, and two figures came out from the sea below.

Luo Yu looked at the two men coldly.

The two were short and small, only about one meter and six meters in height. They were considered pygmy among the warriors, their faces turned yellow, and their tiny eyes were rat eyes. His two hands turned out to be black and black. .

The other was slender and thin, with a cold face, and his eyes were extremely cold, both of them were black martial arts robes.

Both of them had a pair of Yuanyi wings standing in the void, and looked at Luo Yu.

The hiding techniques of these two people are very good. They have been following Luo Yu without being discovered. If Luo Yu had not found out that the two had hid behind him by exploring the volcano with divine knowledge, he would not have found them.

"What does it mean for the two to follow?"

Luo Yu looked at the two and said faintly, there was no trace of fear on his face.

These two did not speak in the void of a hundred meters of Luo Yu, but the true elements of the whole body were agitated ...

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