Come to The Peak

Chapter 574: : Strong debut

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Jueyi Halberd severely chopped the head of the old man with the surname Zhao, and Zhenyuan urged to draw a beautiful and dangerous blue rainbow in the space.

The old man with the surname Zhao was blocked by a horizontal knife, and was retreated a few meters away by the sound of the shock. At this time, he took a photo with one hand and took a huge blue water palm to the old man with the surname.

The response of the old man with the surname Zhao was also extremely fast. The other hand squeezed into a fist and punched it out fiercely. A big green fist smashed into the blue palm that was shot.

With a loud bang, the two exploded as they collided, and the real energy wave radiated on the sea surface, exploding with waves of water mist.

"Hum, old guy, die!"

There was a sigh of utter coldness, and his hand made a move to the seawater behind the old man surnamed Zhao, and a huge water column slammed into the back of the old man surnamed Zhao after a toss.

"Hmm ..."

The old man surnamed Zhao had a heartache, and suddenly a spit of old blood spewed out and flew forward. At this moment, he smashed into the air and punched the old man's chest with a punch.



The old man surnamed Zhao was blown out dozens of meters away with a punch, and hit the iron fence of the ship. The iron fence with thick arms was smashed and bent, and the old man's chest was sitting on the ground with depression in his mouth. Apparently suffered severe internal injuries.

"Bo Zhao!"

The woman in red exclaimed, and ran over with her four brothers from the Sun family to protect the old man named Zhao.

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The four brothers of the Sun family each held a horse-knife and looked at the extinction coldly.

"Bo Zhao, are you okay?"

The woman in red asked slightly.

"Ahem ..."

Mr. Zhao coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood stuck in his throat, shook his head and said, "Miss, this group of Tatars is not an ordinary Tatar tribe. We are not their opponents. I will hold the thief for a while, and I let Sun The four brothers took you away "

"No ... Bo, Zhao, I can't leave you alone." The woman in red shook her head quickly. Although she was a daughter, she had a man's gall.

At this time, the battle on the merchant ship also weakened. With more than 300 human guards dead, there were only a hundred people left. This hundred people gathered together to guard the old man with the surname Zhao and the women's group in red.

The Tatar tribe died of three or four hundred people, but more than half of them were on the boat.

On the deck were scattered blood, scattered internal organs, and extremely stink, and a large group of sea beasts more densely packed on the surface of the merchant ship could not leak water.

Juezhen held the blue trident and looked at the old man Zhao who was constricted together, and looked at the sturdy figure of the woman in red. There was a trace of fiery wickedness in her eyes, sneer: "I can still return you now An opportunity to leave the property and the woman, the others and Ill

The old man surnamed Zhao glanced at the woman in red, and looked ugly to the utter sorrow: "We can give you the property, but man is the one who cannot give you"

"Hum, dare to talk to me about the conditions and give me all but the women, kill everyone else!" Jue ordered a trident coldly.


Hundreds of tartars surrounding the crowd would cull again, killing the last wave of people.


At this moment, a purple light suddenly shot out on the sea surface, and a sound of a sword rang out of nowhere. The purple light shot a great white shark on the sea and passed by. A purple light was inserted in front of the Tatar race deck that was about to rush to the past. A Tatar race directly The corpses were cut into two halves to separate.

The Tatar people were so horrified that a purple giant sword suddenly appeared on the thick steel deck.

The sword is two meters long, the width of the sword is as wide as one palm, the sword's **** are thick, the whole body is painted with exquisite dragon patterns, the body of the sword has a slight blood color, and half a meter is inserted into the deck.

A handsome young man in white robes and black pants with long shoulders and stern eyes, with a sharp face standing on the hilt of a single leg, and a purple bird with a big palm on his shoulder, and the young man hugged his arms around his chest. , A pair of blue eyes like crystals glanced around the Tatar people.

The Tatar people and the guards on the ship were shocked. The guards on the ship showed a touch of joy when they saw the back of the people. This back was obviously a personal race.

The Tatar people were also horrified. They could not help but take a few steps back. They looked ugly at the young man who was suddenly killed. After the scan of consciousness, the corners of their mouths showed a sarcastic arc.

The old man with surname Zhao shrank his old eyes, and there was a glimpse of expectation on his face, which was also a glimpse of consciousness. However, after this scan, the expectations turned into disappointment, because he discovered that the young man was just a great consolation in Ningyuan Realm. This state of affairs is definitely the leader.

However, they are just a master in their merchant ships. They are almost the same as the four brothers of the Sun family, and they cannot help them in the battle of the powerful men.

Luo Yu clasped her arms around her chest and stepped on the hilt of the sword, looking at the group of people with a calm complexion, without a trace of fear.

"What does it mean that your people are blocking our people's merchant ships? When my people ca n’t cheat?" Luo Yu sneered, holding her hand.

"Boy, are you here to die? A gimmick with a great consolation in Ningyuan Realm dared to talk to me like this, the youth of your people race is so arrogant." Jue chuckled the trident coldly.

"Dead to death? Oh, I don't know who died, but if you retreat now, you can still have a life, otherwise, hey, no wonder I licked hundreds of injustices under Luo Yu's sword." Luo Yu licked her lips and laughed Road.

The charming red woman on the merchant ship immediately shocked after hearing the name Luo Luoyu.

"Little brother, let's run away. He is a strong man in the middle of the agile state, and you are not his opponent." The old man with a surname Zhao said with a bitter smile, listening to the pride in Luo Yu's language.

"Hey, boy, that old guy was right, but it's too late for you to run away, just wait for your death, you, kill me."

Jueyi pointed at a stern man who was also very conscientious in Ningyuan Realm.

"Yes, sir!"

The stunned man should be killing the past with a blue fish knife in his body with a blue fish knife.

"I look down on me?"

Luo Yu sneered, and suddenly nine blue skies rose into the sky, while eight water qi species in the body exploded.

The eight-fold surging Zhenyuan wandered in the meridians in an instant, the blood power merged into Zhenyuan, and the explosive power increased six times. Luo Yu's momentum soared steadily until the middle of the spiritual realm.

"Eight Tigers Ben Leiquan!"

Roar Roar ...!

The light of Luo Yu's eyes was like electricity, and one punch blasted out fiercely. After eight tiger shouts, eight blue tiger punches rushed out and blasted away to the savage tribe.

The face of the Tatar people changed greatly, and the power carried by the eight-headed tiger surprised him.

As soon as the Tatar people waved a fish knife, a blue tiger blade cut into the banging tiger image, but the sword blade cut a raging tiger blade and was blown away.

The second bang of the tiger tiger fist blasted the real Yuan bodyguard.

Uh ...!

The remaining six tiger tigers all banged on the body of this Tatar people. After the six thunder sounds of the Tatar people, the Tatar people had exploded into a cloud of blood, and the minced meat and viscera were scattered and fell. It landed on the deck.

The Ningyuan Realm was so successful that it was blown away!

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