Come to The Peak

Chapter 630: : Back to Qingyang

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Chapter 630: Back to Qingyang

Twelve days later, the sky was over Qingyang.

A group of griffins flew towards a towering giant city.

On a plain in Qingyang state, a large black city with a radius of nearly a thousand miles lies on the ground like a black beast.

The crowds on the streets are crowded, and the flow is endless, and in some streets, from time to time, you can still see the killings of warriors.

Qingyang City, the first city in the eighteenth city of Qingyang, the surrounding population plus the population of the city exceeds the 100 million mark.

"Brother Yu, there is Qingyang City in front"

Luo Qing rode a gryphon to Bai Ze and told Luo Yu.

"Well, yeah, Qingyang City, I'm Luo Yu back," Luo Yu murmured looking at the distant giant city, Qinger lying in his arms and still asleep.

"Luo Yu, did we kill the Lin family directly?" Luo Yan asked flying over the griffin.

Luo Yu glanced at more than a hundred people in the back, and a lot of fatigue was revealed on his face. Luo Yu shook his head and said, "After more than ten days, the advanced city let the brothers and griffins rest for one night. Well, the Lin family can't run "

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Luo Yan nodded after hearing the words, and then conveyed Luo Yu's order. The griffin quickly flew into the airspace of Qingyang City.

"Look, there are a lot of griffins approaching, please inform the general!"

A nearly 60-meter-high wall on Qingyang City exclaimed a black sergeant.

"Others are ready to crossbow to prevent sneak attacks from the enemy!"

Another leading Black Shaman centurion ordered that the other Black Shaman took out a large crossbow on the wall and aimed at the griffins flying above.

Soon a big man wearing a black armor, a red cape, a burly figure, and a beard face came over, and the surrounding black army soldiers bowed in salute.


The big man glanced at the griffins that were about to fly, showing a hint of shock, and then a pair of yellow yuan wings condensed on his back and flew over the city.

"Stop who comes"

The big man screamed at the griffins that were flying over him.

The griffins of Luo Yu and others stopped in mid-air and looked at the big man opposite.

"Why do you bring a large number of people to my Qingyang City?"

The Dahan swept through this group of people, and was suddenly shocked. Two of these people were the same masters in the early stages of the spiritual state as he was. The rest were basically masters in Ningyuan Realm, plus griffins in Ningyuan Realm. Strength is stronger than the three major families in Qingyang City.

"We are all disciples of Zixia Tianzong. My name is Luo Yu, and I am here to work in Qingyang City." Luo Yu released his identity plate and threw it to the big man.

"What, you are Luo Yu! The top ten disciples of Guozong, Purple Sword Shura!"

The big man hadn't looked at it after receiving the identity plate, and was shocked when he heard Luo Yu's words.

Then the big man showed a touch of respect and hugged Luo Yu: "He will be at your disposal under the Heisha Army, and welcome to the Lord."

The top ten disciples of Zixia Tianzong naturally have a higher status than him, and Luo Yu is now Zixia Tianzong's first disciple and the first person on the Dragon List. This status is naturally much higher than that of a partial general.

Moreover, Luo Yu is a person from Qingyang State, who does not worship Luo Yu?

At that time, when the red crown was angry, and the sword was stained with blood, the purple sword Shura was spread all over the street. Today, the younger generation of the entire Qin Empire, Luo Yu's reputation is too loud.

"Oh, it turned out to be General, General, I don't know if I can wait in the city," Luo Yu said with a smile.

"Yes, naturally, please, my lord!" Said the general, bowing his fists to Luo Yu. Then he shot towards the wall below.

Luo Yu flew into Qingyang City with everyone and then fell in the city with a surprised look on the street.

"General, what is the origin of those people?" The general flew down on the wall, and the other Hexa army came around and asked in surprise.

"History, that adult is old, he is the first genius of our Qingyang state, the first genius of the Great Qin Empire," said You Yousi with a touch of excitement.

"Our first genius in Qingyang Realm, the first genius of the Great Qin Empire!"

Someone was shocked when they heard the words, and then showed fanaticism.

"Is it the Purple Sword Shuluo Luoyu!"

"Oh, yes, Luo Yu is back, and they are all standing guard." You General nodded and smiled, his face also showed a hint of pride.

There are hundreds of cities in the four realms of the Great Qin Empire, and within the range of Qingyang City, Luo Yu, the first genius of the Great Qin, is the pride of all Qingyang warriors.

"Luo Yu is back ..." A look of terror appeared in the eyes of a Heixa army ...

Luo Yu and others fell into the city, and the group of griffins also became the smallest, about the size of a group of wolf dogs. A group of people walked towards a large inn in the shocking eyes of the surrounding people.

Luo Yu and others rested at this inn.

At night, in a huge manor house in Qingyang City, a black sergeant walked quickly in the manor, his face was full of anxiety.

There were many patrol guards in the manor, and he saw the sergeant greet him.

"Lin Ran, why aren't you back in the Hexa Army?" A young man in Tsingyi laughed.

"Come on, tell the owner, Luo Yu is back," said the black sergeant gasping.

"What, Luo Yu is back!"

The people around were astonished at the words.

"You said Luo Yu, it was the purple sword Xiuluo Yu!" Said the disciple of the Lin family with a stunned expression.

"Yes, it's the purple sword Shuluo Luoyu, go and inform the owner," the black sergeant nodded quickly.

"Okay, wait, I'll tell the owner right away, you go to the family's chamber first."

This disciple of the Lin family saw him not a joke, nodded solemnly, and then ran away in a certain direction of the manor.

A large hall is brightly lit, which is extremely spacious and can accommodate thousands of people.

But now the hall was full of people, and there were doubts on every face.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a black robe with big eyes and big eyes came in surrounded by several Lin family guards.

"Homeowner arrives!"

Suddenly someone shouted, and the person in the living room immediately opened a way for the middle-aged man to sit on the main seat of the living room.

A middle-aged man waved his sleeve robe and sat on the main seat.

"Meet the owner!"

"Excuse me!"

Middle-aged man Lin Nulang said loudly, but his face was extremely gloomy.

Everyone got up and stood upright, looking at Lin Nu in doubt, waiting for him to speak.

"The owner is in a bad mood today"

Many people looked at Lin Nu's expression and said in secret.

"I called you to inform you that the disaster of my Lin family has come."

Lin Nu glanced at the crowd and said slowly.

"The disaster of the Lin family is here!"

Everyone heard the words in their hearts and looked at Lin Nu in horror, wondering what the disaster he was referring to meant.

Lin glanced angrily at the crowd and slowly said, "Today, a disciple of the Lin family serving in the Heisha Army saw on the city wall Luo Yu with a large number of people returning to Qingyang City."

"What, Luo Yu is here, this ..."

The following Lin family members were all frightened when they heard the words.

Luo Yu, a person who brought countless disgrace to the Lin family, was also a person who made every Lin family disciple shocked and afraid.

At that time, Luo Yu alone killed nearly a thousand people in the Lin family. The elite disciples in the true state of life suffered less than half of their injuries and caused immeasurable losses to the Lin family.

Luo Yu ’s purple sword Shura ’s name was built on the Lin family, and now this frightened countless Lin family

came back!

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