Come to The Peak

Chapter 643: : People go to the horizon, don't forget to go home

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The griffins and the green flocks shocked everyone, and when they were flying close, they also saw the men riding on the back of the griffins.

What is the strength of those who can ride the Ningyuan Realm Monsters? For the residents and warriors who live in small towns, the next day Jiuzhong is a very powerful warrior. .

The griffins and green pheasants flew over the town and flew directly to the manor buildings in the center of the town.

Luo family, in the hall.

"Homeowner, open the small world of the Luohe landscape map for three years. There are not many remaining stones in that Yuanshi ore vein. It is estimated that the remaining Yuanshi ore reserves can support about two years."

Luo Shi, a rich middle-aged man in a black robe, said with a punch in the seat below.

There are ten people in the ceremonial hall. The top is a man with a handsome face and wearing a robe. The face of this man is similar to Luo Yu's, which is Luo Yu's father, Luo Xingchen.

The others in the hall are all Luo parents, such as Luo Shi, Luo Shan, Luo Youlan, Luo Qing, Luo Fan, etc., all of whom are introverted and have broken through to the real state of cultivation.

The first person at the bottom left of Luo Xingchen is a middle-aged man in a black robe with a straight face, exuding a much stronger breath than others. It is the mid-summer who wants to follow Luo Yu's gratitude.

And Luo Xingchen's pair of pale blue eyes is also hidden in the bright, hidden in his body there is the sound of the river flowing, this Luo Xingchen has also cultivated to the Ningyuan Realm.

"Two years ..."

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Luo Xingchen nodded after listening to the information from the elders below.

"The Luo family is expanding rapidly. There are now eighteen congenital masters in our family, and a total of thirty-one people have joined the Luo family.

Waiting for two years of strength is enough for our Luo family to build a foundation in Qingyang City and sit firmly on the mountain. Although the boulder ore veins are being mined, there is no need to worry about future demand. "

Luo Xingchen said.

"Oh, yeah, now I have a young owner in the Luo family who is sitting in Zixia Tianzong, and Mr. Xia Xia can help, and in Qingyang City will definitely be able to lay a land of no less than four families."

Others also showed smiles. Today, the Luo family is not as good as it used to be. It is no longer a small family that did not have congenital masters three or four years ago.


At this moment, a disciple from the Luo family hurried over and ran directly to Luo Xingchen on one knee and hugged fist: "Reporting to the master, something bad is happening. A large number of griffins and green pheasants came to my Luo family. Its purpose is unknown "


All the people at the scene heard that their faces had changed and they couldn't stand up, and Luo Xingchen frowned: "Griffon, Ningyuan monster beast griffon, really angry monster beast, how many?"

"No ... I'm not sure. I'm afraid there are more than 300 of them."

The Luo family disciple said with some stammer.

"More than three hundred, more than three hundred innate monsters!"

When everyone heard the words, they all took a breath, and then everyone's eyes almost looked at Mid-Xia and Luo Xingchen.

"Griffon! Qingye, how can there be so many griffins and green pheasants flying, the owner is not panic. If it is only a group of griffins and qingye, Yuan Ling and I should join forces to keep the Luo family."

Midsummer stood up and frowned.

The Luo family, from all buildings and courtyards, rushed out a large number of warriors, holding swordsmen and bows and other weapons, and looked at the griffins and green crickets flying over the sky. There were nearly a thousand warriors, all with solemn looks, such as facing the enemy. .

There are also four or five thousand ordinary Luo family members who have left the house to wait and see.

At this time, a group of people from Zhongxialuo Xingchen also came out, looking at the griffins and green pheasants that were flying.

"That's ... the boy's chair!"

Midsummer looked at the leading purple giant bird, showing a hint of surprise, and then kneeling with his fists on one knee, he said, "My subordinates welcome the son!"

People around were surprised for a while looking at Luo Xia's first master, Zhong Xia.

"My son! Mr. Zhongxia, is it that Yuer is back?"

Luo Xingchen asked with ecstasy.

"That's right, that's the boy's mount, it's said that it's the Spirit Beast Dragon Sparrow." Zhong Xia nodded.

When the griffins flew close, everyone could see the people riding on it, and the figure on the purple giant bird.

Three people stood on the back of the purple giant bird. The leader was agitated by a white robe. The black hair full of heads flew afterwards, carrying a purple giant sword, tall and straight, with a handsome face. Extraordinary temperament.

Standing next to him was a stunning woman in a green palace dress, and a beautiful woman in a black dress. Both women were in a bewitching posture, standing around the youth, like a fairy couple.

The other people on the griffins were also young men and women, all of them were extraordinary.

"Feather ..."

Luo Xingchen looked at the young man on the purple finch in front of him, and shivered, with tears in his eyes, his expression excited.

"That's, Young Master ..."

The Bai Luluo family was excited when they saw the familiar figure. Although Luo Yu's appearance was different from more than three years ago, he could still see the shadow of that year.

Whimper ...

A group of griffins and green pheasants flew over the Luo family to land slowly, setting off a gust of wind.

Luo Yu's group of people all jumped off the mount.

"Subordinates welcome the young master home!"

"Subordinates welcome the young master home!"

"Subordinates welcome the young master home!"

Thousands of people said on one knee, holding their fists together, all looking eagerly towards the youth.

The eight elders of the Luo family also bowed and saluted.

Only Luo Xingchen stood in the crowd and looked at the young man who came down.


After Luo Yu came down, he naturally saw the man in the brocade. His face was the same as that of the old man. He shouted with excitement, his eyes were slightly rosy.

"Feather ..."

Luo Xingchen strode up, Luo Yu rushed forward with excitement, the two fathers and a bear hugged tightly together.

"Dad, I'm back"

Luo Yu hugged the man who gave birth to herself, and her tears didn't control.

"Just come back, just come back, grow taller, as tall as dad, well, good, my son is good"

Luo Xingchen let go of Luo Yu and looked at his own flesh, but he also had some excitement.

"Feather ...!"

At this time, a joyful exclaiming came again, a beautiful woman in a yellow dress with a five-year-old girl wearing a sky blue cotton robe walked out of the mansion not far away.

Excitedly looking at the young man who was standing with Luo Xingchen, the little girl looked curious, and at the same time, a tall red **** monkey was also out.

Luo Yu immediately looked at the words, tears ran down again, and her body swayed, and she swept a distance of 100 meters with a swish, and appeared in front of the beautiful lady in yellow.

"Mother, I'm back ..."

Na Lanfang looked at the younger man than himself, tears flooded into her eyes, and she reached out and touched the young man's cheek. Her hands were shaking, then she hugged Luo Yu.

"Yuer, it's really my Yuer, Yuer is back ..." Na Lanfang whispered to Luo Yu and whispered to himself.

The son of a thousand miles is worried. If the son is out in the scenery again, don't forget the person who gave birth to you in the family. The wife and brother who are inseparable in this world are hard to find.

And all your parents who love you as a treasure in their lifetime, who have paid for nothing, have almost all of them, go out and look at the scenery, do not forget to go home.

Do n’t forget to give birth to the two you support you, we are often used to their love and indifferent, do not cherish it, and feel right, if one day you have your own child, you will infuse your whole life with all your efforts Can understand their mood.

No matter how far you go, do n’t forget to go home, people will be beautiful again, do n’t forget your parents, cherish, cherish, and cherish ...

There is flesh and blood and soul. Passion, passion and passion, this is the answer

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