Come to The Peak

Chapter 673: : Lovely Tree Spirit

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"Father, countless generations!"

Luo Yu's face kept changing and changing her expression under the kneading of the little girl, and she looked very funny, but Luo Yu's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Do you mean that you are the daughter of the Emperor Luohe?"

Luo Yu looked at the little **** the shoulder.

"Hee hee, you're not too stupid, how about it, I'm your grandma?"

The little girl hooked the corner of Luo Yu's mouth and squeezed her eyebrows with a thumb to make Luo Yu's face a sullen expression.

Luo Yu heard a twitch in the corner of her mouth and a black line on her head, which made him call such a little girl grandma who looked eight or nine years old. Brother Yu could not say anything.

"Why do I believe you?"

Luo Yu hugged the little girl angrily and pinched the other's face with her hands, feeling a bit childish.

"Ouch, you hurt me"

The little girl rubbed her flushed little face, and the Luoshen tree was shaking constantly outside.

"Don't believe me, then what do you think it is?"

There was a sudden burst of blue energy in the hands of the little girl's hands. This energy was different from the true water element. It was a kind of pure blood energy, which was the power of blood vessels.

At the same time, the little girl also had nine blue rays on her body, which were the blood of Jiuzongluohe.

"The power of nine bloodlines!"

Luo Yu showed a hint of surprise, and he could feel that the blood power of this little girl was even more refined than him.

"Hee hey, how about, this time you believe it, Xiaoxiaoyu"

The little girl said with a grin.

"Little Xiaoyu"

This title caused a twitch in the corner of Yu's mouth, his facial muscles shook, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

"What's your name again?" Luo Yu rubbed his opponent's head angrily.

"My name is Luo Yun, but you have to call me Grandma Yun," said Aojiao, the little girl.

"Xiao Yuner ..."

… A /

"It's Granny Yun"

"Xiao Yun'er"

"Ah! I hate it, Grandma Yun."

"Xiao Yuner ..."


Luo Yu was joking with each other like a child. This picture looks like it would be surprised if people outside see it.

This is the purple sword Shura who decisively cuts down the dead body without frowning, it feels ... it's funny ...

People are multi-faceted. Luo Yu has the cold side of killing, the soft side like water, the same playful side, facing different people with different attitudes, and such a cute little girl Luo Yu can't be cold.

"Cough, okay, don't make a mess, you said you were the daughter of the Luohe ancestor, but why didn't you grow up?"

Luo Yu took care of the little girl's messy hair and walked to the table to drink a cup of green tea.

The tea ran into the throat for a while, and then turned into a heat current and rushed to the extremities, making Luo Yu almost uncomfortable.

This tea is not made from ordinary tea leaves, but is made from the buds of Luoshen Tree, which is a kind of spirit tea.

"They are not human. For thousands of years, it ’s almost like a few years for your people, so naturally they are so big," Xiao Yun'er said with a small mouth.

There was a hint of depression between Xiu Mei's wrinkles, and she was obviously helpless about this issue.

"Not human!"

Luo Yu heard the pupil for a moment, showing a hint of surprise, and then suddenly remembered something.

"Aren't you the spirit of this Luo Shen tree?"

"Well! Very clever, yes, I am the tree spirit derived from this Luoshen tree."

There was a trace of memory in Xiao Yun'er's speech.

"The Luoshen tree was originally just an ordinary spirit tree, but I met my father when I was very young

My father cultivated me with his own blood and planted it in his small world. Only then did I grow into what I am today, possessing the power that Luoshen tree generally does not have, and also derived the soul, which is me.

Sitting at the bed, Xiaoyun kept shaking her feet, as if thinking of Luohe, and her eyes were full of miss.

Luo Yu nodded relievedly after hearing the words, this little cloud is similar to the earth roots.

"Why hasn't your news been recorded in the genealogy of the Nalu people, why don't you go out with the people? It's lonely here alone."

Luo Yu looked at the chess game in black and white. It is estimated that Xiaoyuner spent most of his time in this long time playing chess to pass the time.

For thousands of years, I was alone, how lonely, I thought of looking at this playful little girl here. Luo Yu felt a little distressed in his heart.

"I'm not lonely. Although I can't get out of this room without my body, my consciousness can cover every corner of Luo people.

Including what you said to your two wives at night, and those strange gestures I did, and I still have a big relationship with Luo ethnicity every few years. I still have to choose the heir, how can it be boring? "

Xiao Yun'er turned to look at Luo Yu.

"What, you have been spying on me with God's knowledge?"

When Luo Yu heard the words, she was immediately shocked and angry. When she heard Xiao Yuner's words and what his wife had done, the little girl looked at her, and her skin was hot for a while.

That's not to say, this little girl often sees her performances for free?

There were sweat beads on Luo Yu's face, and he came to Xiaoyun'er and held the other person's face viciously and said, "You can't say those things, and you can't peep with the sense of God, otherwise I will ..."

Luo Yu wanted to threaten, but didn't know what to say. Suddenly his eyes brightened, and he held the little girl in her arms and opened the skirt to expose the white tender buttocks, and slapped them.

Poppy ...

With a slap, Xiao Yun'er's **** was flushed. Although Xiao Yun'er was a shape transformed from his soul and body energy, he could still feel pain.

He kept flapping in Luo Yu's arms, his eyes were full of water mist.

"Hum, don't look at it later, hear nothing"

Luo Yu pulled up her dress and stared fiercely at the little girl.

"Woohoo ... you asshole, my father never hit me like this"

Xiaoyuner cried again, holding Luo Yu.

As soon as the girl cried, Luo Yu immediately surrendered again, and immediately comforted Xiao Yuner slowly.

I don't know how long it took before Xiaoyuner got up from Luo Yu's arms.

"By the way, what did you say about finding successors?"

Closer to home, this big and small is very harmonious sitting at the table and drinking tea, Xiaoyun's eyes smiled and turned into a black line, very cute.

Obviously someone came in to accompany her to make such a crazy turn, and made the little girl very happy. After all, staying in this place for too long, even if you can know the outside world, it is absolutely different from someone who can hang out with yourself. of.

It's like a man watching TV at home every day. Although he knows the outside world, he doesn't go out by himself. Although this little girl has lived for thousands of years, she hasn't touched the earth after all, and her heart is still very simple.

"This successor is naturally a continuation of my father's choice. When you first came to Luo, you noticed you when you poured blood into the leaves of Luoshen.

You are the Luo people who have the purest blood power except me and my father. Even if they are the children of the father, the blood power cannot be compared with you. "

"Oh, so I am the heir you said, or is this heir related to the purity of the bloodline?"

Thank you for following me and uncle ’s unblocking, thank you for the three June guardians of Duanyu, and for eternal silent sisters, old songs and other siblings for their rewards

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