Come to The Peak

Chapter 695: : Anti-Extinction (Large

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Luo Yu flew in the air, looking down at Gan Yuan in the crowd below, her eyes cold.

Gan Yuan looked at Luo Yu who had killed him, and his heart really showed a hint of fear.

"Who the **** are you?"

Gan Yuan looked at Luo Yu in the air, all jealous.

"Who? Oh, I thought you knew our identity very well."

Luo Yu sneered in the air.

Thousands of soldiers looked up at Luo Yu below, and no one dared to do it.

Look at the blood path that Luo Yu killed, the white bone **** and meat mud all the way, the desert has paved a white bone road, who dares to do it? Can't stop it at all.

"You are Zixia Tianzong? But Zixia Tianzong cannot send so many masters to Wei Kingdom at once," Gan Yuan asked coldly.

The deities of Zongmen's Spiritual Realm are all performing their duties, where there can be so many Spiritual Realm deacons going to Wei State at once.

"Can it be that you are disciples of Zongmen? No, why are there such powerful people among the disciples, etc., is it possible ..."

Gan Yuan suddenly looked at the purple giant sword in Luo Yu's hand.

"You are Luo Yu, the first disciple of Zixia Tianzong!"

Gan Yuan bit his teeth and broke out such a sentence, a look of shock in his eyes.

"Hahaha ... I didn't expect that Luo Yu was still famous. Someone in the desert knew me."

Luo Yu laughed loudly and didn't rush into action. The other side's cultivation was that he had already seen clearly with divine knowledge in a short distance and was a great martial artist with great spirituality.

"Abominable, Zixia Tianzong was reluctant to send Luo Yu out of Wei Kingdom, and they were not afraid that we would send Luo Yu, the strongest in the realm of fire, to hunt Luo Yu?

If it had been known that Luo Yu, who was Zixia Tianzong, was sent to Wei Kingdom, the temple would definitely send the elder Wu King of the **** of fire to hunt Luo Yu. "

Gan Yuan's face was gloomy. As a hostile state of Qin State, Chu State naturally had information on some talented disciples of Qin State.

Among them Ye Luo's Luo Yu is definitely the most outstanding, and Qing'er's congenital body is concealed. The outside world still does not know Qing Er very much, only to know that it is the first flower queen of Qin Guobaihua list and married Luo Yu.

If Gan Yuan knew Ye Ye was also in it, I don't know what it would look like.

Ye Ye and Luo Yu are all the geniuses of Qin Kingdom that Chu State wanted very much to get rid of.

Thousands of miles away in the Qinglong Hall of the Zixia Tianzong.

The old man in a purple robe with a faint-looking face and a big palm adored Dao Xun and Dao Yi in the same purple robe sipling tea in the temple.

"Brother, this time sending Luo Yu and Ye Yan to Wei Guo, is there anything else you can't do?"

Doichi lowered the tea cup and asked.

"Oh, did the younger brother find out?" Daoxu smiled indifferently.

"Well, Ye Ye and Luo Yu were dispatched at the same time. These two are now the leading figures in Zongmen's young disciples and the nails in the eyes of the enemy nation. How can they send out together without surprise to the master?" Nodded his head.

"One mission does not require two geniuses, but it would be different if their whereabouts were leaked and the enemy noticed."

"The whereabouts leaked!"

Tao Yiwen said his pupils shrank.

"Are there spies in Zongmen?" Tao said in surprise.

"Zongmen is not there, but there are mixed fish and dragons in the royal court." Daoxu sighed, touching Bai Xu.

"Then you sent Luo Yu and Ye Ye to go out together. If you let the enemy nations of Chu State know, wouldn't it have sent him to the cusp of the storm?"

Dao Yi is more and more confused.

Dao Xu heard a smile and said, "That's why I sent him both out. Brother, don't you like fishing? There are not enough bait, how can you catch a big fish?"

"Bait? Wait, don't ..."

Dao Yi felt a sense of sudden realization.

"Hehe, my brother has a good calculation. It turned out that he was fishing abroad this time. Haha, my brother understands."

Dao Yi heard the words suddenly realized, laughed out loud.

"Also, the troubled times are about to come. I also like that the two of them can be more disciplined. I hope that they can become a sharp knife for the Zixia Tianzong of the times

Daoxu's exclamation echoed in the temple ...

Gan Yuan knew that the identity of Luo Yu and others was complicated, and Luo Yu nodded on his shoulder.


The dragon phoenix sprang up into the sky after a long cry, and its body shape grew rapidly, turning into a huge purple bird with a wingspan of kilometers.

"This ... this ... so big monster, what monster can become so huge"

"Haha, fight against the group, Yuge's finches are good at it"

Thousands of people looked down at the huge phoenix in the sky in horror.

After the dragon and phoenix became large, a spit of purple flames spewed out, and the purple flames turned into a boundless sea of ​​fire that enveloped Luo Yugan Yuan.

The purple flames condensed into a purple light curtain, covering thousands of people in Luo Yugan Yuan, blocking all retreats.


Gan Yuan also stared at this scene with a stare, and a coolness had already arisen in his heart.

"Sir, our situation can now be reversed"

Luo Yu was also in the flame enchantment, showing a touch of coldness on his face.

"How do you know our whereabouts? I hope you will come one by one."

"Huh, I said you can let me go?" Gan Yuan sneered, squinting his eyes.

"No, but I can make you die happy, let your soul reincarnate and have a chance to be born again, otherwise, it will die!"

Luo Yu shook her head and said coldly.

"Hahaha ... boy, even if you are Luo Yu, don't think you're going to eat me, don't forget, I'm also a great warrior in a dynamic state."

A black war spear appeared in Gan Yuan's hands. The red real yuan in his body boiled, and his breath was full of agility.

"Smart state ... ha, let you try it"

The wings of the Phoenix behind Luo Yu shook and turned into a purple streamer that shot and killed Gan Yuan.

Gan Yuan held the war spear, and the red Yuan wings condensed behind him shot at Luo Yu, and the two fought in the flame enchantment.

At the time of the two-man war, the temperature in the flame enchantment suddenly rose, and the yellow sand on the ground began to turn red, and the yellow sand was gradually melted into magma.



The fighters in the flame enchantment among the thousands of people under the Ningyuan Realm did not have the real body protection, and began to withstand the high temperature, and their bodies spontaneously ignited.

Then a scene of inferno on earth appeared, and a terrible scream was made in the flame enchantment. The soldier and the wolf were tumbling and struggling in the lava turned into yellow sand.

A warrior's leather armor quickly burned, and the hair on his entire body was burning, and the whole person became a fireman crying.

His skin was cracking quickly, his eyes were bursting, and then he was drowned in the magma that gradually formed under his feet ...

"Brothers, go out together!"

There are dozens of people in this group who condense the warriors of Yuanyuan, condensing Yuanyi flying in mid-air, and bombarding the flame enchantment together, but only a circle of ripples on the flame enchantment.

However, the flame enchantment is not without any influence. Under the constant bombardment, the light gradually fades. Obviously, their attack consumes the enchantment.

However, it will take a long time to bomb the flame enchantment completely.

The others were all mournfully submerged in the magma.

There are also fighting outside. Three hundred Ningyuan Realm disciples, more than 100 Zhenqi realm and Ningyuan Realm warriors are combined. This power is too huge, and how amazing the outbreak of attack power is.

Ge Xiuzhu confronted Nanshan, the strongest of the nine spirited warriors.

Ge Xiuzhu was shaking with a white robe, and a pair of green and black yuan wings condensed behind him.

The real Yuan in his hand boiled and rolled, and then condensed into two blue and black angry dragons and blasted to Nanshan.

Nanshan, a man in a black robe, had already turned over with Ge Xiuzhu. One arm was chopped off by the other, and the whole man was in an absolute disadvantage.

Nanshan saw Ge Xiuzhu's attack from Zhenyuan again, and his face was frightened.

From the beginning, he was beaten by Ge Xiuzhu like a play, making him startled and angry.

"Damn, these people are really just ordinary warriors of Qin Kingdom?"

Nanshan didn't care what to hide. All black scale armor appeared on his forehead, a lizard tail grew behind him, and his eyes became vertical pupils.

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After becoming a lizard, Nanshan's defense strength rose sharply, and he wanted to defend Ge Xiuzhu's attack with the real Yuan bodyguard and scale armor.

"Well, it turned out to be a lizard."

When Ge Xiuzhu saw the animalized black robe man also showed a hint of surprise.

"Haha, is it animalistic? But it still can't stop it"

Ge Xiuzhu smiled indifferently. The two blue and black fury dragons flew silently into pure black.

The two black dragons swept Nanshan all at once, and Nanshan's true Yuan body and scale armor were quickly eroded. After being corroded, the flesh turned into white energy silently and merged into the black dragon.


The whole person of Nanshan was corroded and cleaned, and the soul and body became a trace of white energy and merged into the black dragon.

Ye Ye, the five deacons, and Wan'er were fighting. Ye Ye also killed his opponent and looked at Luo Yugan Yuan who was fighting in the huge dragon-phoenix and flame enchantment.

"This is Brother Luo Yu's spirit beast finches, as it is said to be, it is one of the largest beasts among birds," Ye Yan was surprised.

Waner also easily burned and killed her opponent. The three men Ye Ye Ge Xiuzhu Waner went to help the five deacons. The following questioning summit will protect Dongfang Yueyao while fighting and killing.

"Terrible, we are not opponents at all, brothers, run away."

Tens of thousands of people were killed, leaving only one or two thousand people. The corpses of one place stained the yellow sand with blood red.

The rest of these people also lost their war intentions, leaving only panic, a group of people turned and fled to the desert, leaving a dead body.

The disciples of Zongmen did not go hunting, all looked at the battle in the flame enchantment.

"Xian Jianbo thousand stacks!"

Luo Yu's sword came out flat, the purple giant sword buzzed, and five purple sword waves rushed away toward Gan Yuan.

Five circles of sword waves directly hit Gan Yuan's body, Gan Yuan's complexion suddenly turned white, and his body was cramping.

Uh ...!

A spurt of blood containing broken internal organs spewed out, and Gan Yuan suddenly fell to the yellow sand melting magma ...

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