Come to The Peak

Chapter 711: : Kindly (small outbreak)

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"Okay, the battle between the Three British Heroes is settled. This battle will be preached so that the people can see the youthful appearance of the young people."

Wei Wang laughed.

The three of them bowed down and sat down.

"Brother Luo, is it okay for you to fight with each other alone, do you need me to block you?"

Ye Zheng frowned.

"Thank you Brother Ye for your kindness, you can rest assured that your peace of mind is good, my brother has this confidence," Luo Yu said with a smile.

Ye Ye didn't say much when he heard the words. The poison of the fifth-order ancient worm really made him feel weak and weak. It would take some time for the body to recover to its peak.

"Sixth brother, is it okay?" Dongfang Yueyao also asked worriedly.

"Sister Five, believe me"

A word from Luo Yu made Dongfang Yueyao calm down.

That's right, believe him, never when he disappointed.

The state banquet dispersed after a long time, and Dongfang Yueyao, Chu Xinli, and others had already arranged their residences in Weidu. This did not require them to worry.

A group of people resigned after leaving Wei Guo, and Chu Xinli gave Luo Yu a deep look when he left, and then left with Chu Jingtian and his guard.

A large group of people from Luoyu Dongfang Yueyao also left the palace and were brought to live in a huge mansion not far from the palace by the waiters of Wei Kingdom.

Late at night, in the palace of the capital of Wei, two figures lingered in the red waves, a long time later.

"Sir, how do you choose between these two countries?"

The queen's floury face contained spring, and the jade body was dripping with sweat, crawling on the body of King Wei and Wei Zheng, Zhu Lip asked softly.

Wei Zheng hugged his wife and heard the words silent.

"Daner, who do you think is more reliable in these two countries? The strength of Chu is almost the same as that of Qin. When the troubled world comes, it will be years of turbulence. If you stand in the wrong team, you may face destruction Crisis, I have to think carefully "

Wang Wei said softly.

"My officials think that neither of us can fully trust the two countries, but if we have to choose one country, I think we can choose the Qin country."

The queen said softly.

"Oh, why is this?"

Wei Wang thick eyebrow asked.

"Zixia Tianzong of the Qin Kingdom is good at array formation. It has an inestimable effect on war in troubled times. Second, the emperor himself is also a peerless powerhouse on the mainland.

The third is that our brave sons like Princess Yueyao of Qin Kingdom, and we can propose a relationship with Qin Kingdom to strengthen the relationship between the two countries. "

The queen stated three reasons in succession.

"Oh, Yonger actually likes Yueyao's girl, huh, this is also the case, the appearance and temperament of that girl can't find a few in this country, but you only mentioned Qin country just now, but you didn't think of Chu country what"

King Wei hugged her queen, looking up at the ceiling, her eyes wide.

"Of the top ten Emperor Wu Emperors on the mainland, the Emperor Mu Chen is the second-ranked peerless power on the peerless list, and the Emperor is ranked fourth. If you take a shot, then the king of war and the powerful martial arts will become the peak combat power, and Chu Kingdom has a person named the first overlord Wu Yu Xiang Yu, who is the top one, Chu country has the upper hand. "

King Wei frowned.

This time the queen heard nothing and said nothing.

"It is not necessary to draw conclusions too soon. After waiting for half a month to see the decisive battle between Wang Chuanluo Yu and Chu Jingtian, the younger generation is the long-lasting fresh blood of a country."

King Wei shook his head and regained his energy. A turn over put the queen under him and started a new round of crusade. The red waves rolled and moaned continuously.

The maids in the palace serving outside the account were all blushing ...

At the same time, the residence of the envoys of the Chu Kingdom lived.

In a certain room, Chu Xinqing looked at a letter in her hand, but her eyes were rosy, and the moisture in the beautiful eyes, plus the weakness of her face, really made her heart feel pity.

"Father Wang, why are you asking me to marry Wei Yonglai and the Union of Wei Kingdom? Rarely do you not believe that your daughter can convince Wei Kingdom?"

Chu Xin looked at the letter and sobbed in a low voice, holding her fingers tightly, holding the letter so wrinkly.

"No, I want to marry a person who has no feelings and no acquaintances. I can't do this, Alliance! Qin Guo, as long as the main messenger who came to Wei Kingdom is settled, how can he alliance with Wei Kingdom, and also Let Wei Guo look at the strength of my Chu country, let King Wei throw in a jeopardy, and persecute King Wei and my alliance with the Chu country. At that time, I will let my father regain his life. "

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Chu Xinsi thought of it, and there was a killing in her eyes that did not fit her temperament.

Then a call was made to the maid outside the door, and the maid quickly entered the room.

"Zi'er, please call Master Tianhu"

Chu Xingan ordered the white maid.

"Yes, princess!"

The maid in white should step down, leave the room, and walk quickly away.

A moment later, the maid brought a man with a burly body more than two meters, a man in a black outfit with muscles and a beard.

"Tianhu meets His Royal Highness"

The burly man bowed to Chu Xinli.

"Zi'er, you step back"

Chu Xinli sent the maid away, so he said to the big man named Tianhu, "Master Tianhu, please sit down, I'm sorry, but I also called you late at night."

"Oh, no matter what the princess has ordered,"

The big man in black waved his hand and sat aside.

"That's it. Father Tong and Tongyun carved an urgent order to let us kill Qin's envoy and destroy their alliance plan."

Chu Xinli said to Tianhu softly when he got a cup of tea.

"Oh, kill Qin Guo's ambassador, that is, Dongfang Yueyao, you should start in Weidu. When will the empire come to command?"

Tianhu heard a hint of suspicion when he heard his words.

"That's the letter I got tonight," Chu Xinsi said.

"Tonight's correspondence, the princess, can you show me that correspondence, after all, it matters a lot," Tianhu said.

"Ah ... this ..."

Chu Xinci heard the words ending, she was too anxious just now, and thought that Tianhu would doubt it.

When Tianhu saw Chu's pity, he said, "Princess, I'm afraid this is not the order of the empire. I looked at you when I grew up. I look so clear when you lie."

Since Chu Xinli heard the tears in Mei Yan's eyes, she got up and cried to the man and said: "Uncle Tian, ​​you must help me this time, my father and his father wanted to make me alliance with Wei. Marry Wei Yong, the second heir to the throne of Wei Kingdom "

"What's the matter," Tianhu heard the words and was surprised.

Chu Xinxi nodded, and handed the letter to Tianhu.

Tianhu sighed after watching it.

"Princess, you want to kill Dongfang Yueyao so that Qin Wei can't make an alliance, so that Her Majesty can take it back to life"

Tian Hu sighed.

"Yeah, yes, uncle, you grew up watching pity, and you also understand my temper. It is absolutely impossible for me to marry someone who has no emotion, so you must help pity."

Chu Xinli pulled Tianhu's arm and begged. This weakness was difficult for individuals to refuse.

Tianhu heard a long sigh and nodded. As Chu Xinli said, he watched Chu Xinli grow up and had deep feelings. He was not willing to sacrifice his happiness for the country.

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