Come to The Peak

Chapter 715: : Issei, the last life (Large)

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Chu Xin looked at Luo Yu with a complex and diverse face, and couldn't find an answer in his heart.

Luo Yu looked at Chu with some pity. If it was by strength, he could instantly kill the hostile Princess Chu in an instant. A trace of killing.

Chu Yu's indifferent smile just now, Luo Yu looked at it again.

"It's so much like the dimple on the same left face, even the smile is so similar, Meng Xin, will she really be you?"

Luo Yu's eyes became complicated again, staring directly at Chu's pity, with sorrow, regret, surprise, and tenderness.

Chu Xinli was shocked again by these eyes. For some reason, she could understand the emotions contained in these eyes, how a stranger looked at herself with such complicated feelings.

They stared at each other for a long time.

"Whether she is reincarnated or not, in short, God, thank you for showing me this familiar face again."

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Yu's mouth, her eyes closed, and two lines of tears fell down.

All this naturally fell into Chu's eyes.

"Is he crying? No, he is laughing, why am I feeling a little sad?"

Chu Xin looked at Luo Yu with tears in her eyes and laughed with a faint ache in her heart.

The bathroom was very quiet, with a man and a woman facing each other in the room, the atmosphere was weird.

After a long time, Chu's pitying voice broke the silence.

"Luo Yu, is your name Luo Yu, do you know me?"

Chu Xin looked at Luo Yu with pity.

"Well, yes, how does Her Royal Highness make this statement? Yes, Luo Yu was out of order just now."

Luo Yu was also awakened from the complex emotions and gave a fist to Chu Xin.

"Your eyes, I have never seen you before, but you have shown me a look that would be possessed by an acquaintance. I have never seen you, but you have given me a sense of acquaintance.

Just now, you seem to be crying for something, and you seem to be rejoicing. This emotion is because of me, it ’s weird, so weird, I seem to understand your emotions. "

Chu Xinli said with a frown.

This remark made Luo Yu petrochemical again.

"I haven't seen you, but you gave me a sense of acquaintance. It's strange that I seem to understand your emotions ..."

"Yu, farewell, if I meet you in the next life, I will still love you

These two words have been blowing in Luo Yu's heart.

"Meng Xin, is it really you of this life!"

Luo Yu shivered, and stared blankly at Luo Yu.

"Your eyes have changed again, it's joy, yes, it's joy," Chu Xin said, looking at Luo Yu's eyes that changed.


But at this moment, Luo Yu's body was shaking again, Chu Xinli just felt the whole body tightened, and a breath of male breath came from him.

Luo Yu clutched her waist with one hand and clasped her back tightly with one hand. She was already tightly held in Luo Yu's arms.

Chu Xinsi felt a shock in her heart. She was conditioned to break away from Luo Yu's arms, but there was a heat and a whisper in her ear.

"Don't move, let me hold you, let me hold you"

Luo Yu's face was close to her forehead. The gentleness of this whisper seemed to contain infinite magic to stop her from struggling.

Chu Xinli stopped struggling, and allowed Luo Yu to hold her in her arms, and allowed one to meet twice. Just now, her strange man who was frivolous held in her arms, but she did not resist.

Because she could feel the joy in the man's chest from the beating heart.

The first genius of a Qin country, the peerless beauty of a Chu country, the two had only met twice, but they hugged tightly together.

It is the love of previous lives, or the fate of this life, I do n’t know, who knows, but who can say it clearly.

The room was quiet again, and Chu's pity was even stranger and more surprised. Why didn't she resist and why didn't she resist when she heard her words? She had seen her twice before.

He had never been so close to a man before, but was held in a strange place by a man who can be said to be strange and did not resist.

Why does his embrace give himself a sense of familiarity, and why he gives himself a sense of warmth that he has never experienced before.

This embrace was too warm, and Chu Xinli gave birth to a feeling that he could not bear to destroy it.

Unconsciously, it took a long time before Luo Yu took the initiative to let Chu Xinpei release. In this long process, Chu Xinli did not have a trace of resistance, and was even intoxicated.

When Luo Yu let go of her, she gave birth to a kind of reluctance, and even wanted to stay, but she still failed to do so.

"thank you"

Luo Yu let go of Chu's pity and said after a moment of silence.

"Why thank me?"

Chu Xinbit bit her **** red lips and said.

"Do you want to know?"

Luo Yu smiled.

The pitying ghost in Chuxin nodded his head.

"Dare you follow me?"

"Go? Where are you going?" Chu Xindai Dai frowned.

"One place, I tell you the answer"

Chu Xinping heard his words silent.

The man in front of him is the most outstanding man in Qin Guo's younger generation. His name is also known in Chu. He can be regarded as her future enemy and her enemy, and her own enemy invites himself out.

It stands to reason that she could not agree, but in her heart she told her that she was willing to follow.


Chu Xinli nodded eventually. She also wants to know why Luo Yu has such a strange performance, and more importantly, she wants to know why she can't help herself in front of him.

Luo Yu heard a smile, and then his body clicked and crackled into a meter.

It's not surprising that Chu Xinsi sees this. This is a bone shrinking technique, a secret technique, but most people can't shrink the body like Luo Yu.

Luo Yu's ability to shrink so small is also attributed to Yan Yan's practice, his ability to control the body exceeds ordinary people.

"You take me out, otherwise I will take you and be found by your people"

Luo Yu said.

Chu Xin nodded pitifully, a flash of Qiankun on his finger, and a closet more than one meter appeared.

"You come in"

Luo Yu entered the wardrobe without any hesitation.

"Come here"

Chu Xinci shouted to the outside maid.


Suddenly, the court girl waiting outside came in immediately.

"Help me move this wardrobe out of the ambassador's house"

Chu Xingan ordered the wardrobe.


Although the two court ladies wondered why they wanted to move this wardrobe out, they didn't dare to say much. They carried the wardrobe and went out.

Chu Xinsi followed behind and walked outside the hall.


"Princess, where are you going?"

Walking to the gate of the Sihedian Hall, Lord Sun came over to ask, and looked at the closet in the hands of the two court ladies at the same time.

"Oh, Lord Sun, I'm in a bad mood and want to go out and relax"

Chu Xinli casually compiled a reason.

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"Don't worry? But the princess, it's dangerous outside now. Someone broke into the mansion just now. I'm afraid that someone wants to be bad for the princess."

Lord Sun frowned.

"Anyway, I am also a warrior. My sons and daughters of Chu State have no fear of the enemy," Chu Xinli said.


Mr. Sun still hesitated.

"Don't, but I'll just walk around, nothing will happen."

Chu Xinli interrupted him.

"Shall we send someone there?"

"No, I'll go back when I go, and come back with no thoughts"

After Chu Xinli said directly, she walked in lotus steps and walked outside the mansion, followed by the two maids.

"Strange, what happened to the princess tonight ..."

Master Sun looked at Chu's pitying back, and whispered strangely.

Chu Xinli and the two maids carrying the wardrobe slowly walked out of the mansion.


After leaving the mansion, Chu Xinli sent the two court ladies away according to Luo Yu's voice.

At the corner of the side, Luo Yu opened the wardrobe and walked out of it.

Click! Click!

There was another crackling sound in the body, and Luo Yu's bones shrank and shrunk again and again, the body climbed up and down, and restored to the size of a normal person.

"Brother ..."

At this moment a purple bird flew over and stopped on Luo Yu's shoulder.

"Well, brother, you brought this princess Chu country out. How did you do that?"

Long Huangque saw Chu's pity, and she was curious about Luo Yu.

"Say this later"

Luo Yu didn't rush to answer first, and smiled at Chu heart, "Follow me."


Chu Xin nodded pitifully.

Luo Yu opened her arms again.

"What are you doing?"

"I take you to fly"

"You guy, still addicted"

Chu Xin gave Luo Yu a pity, and a hint of crimson appeared on Qiao's face, but she took two steps forward.

My heart is different, girl.

Luo Yu smiled slightly and walked behind Chu's pity. She held her slender willow waist with both hands, and a pair of purple wings lay on her back.

Whew ...!

Luo Yu's wings fluttered, setting off a gust of wind, and her body rose into the air.


The body turned directly into a purple streamer and darted into the distance.

It is the love of the previous life, or the fate of this life, the calamity, the fate, who can tell clearly ...

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