Come to The Peak

Chapter 736: : Kill, Truth (Large

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"Brother Yu, this is the place. Chu Jingtian has been here for fun recently."

On the street below Zuichun Tower, Luo Zhu fingered the eight-story high-rise building.

"Well, hard work, do you know his room?"

Luo Yu glanced at this drunk Chunlou and nodded.

"Um ... we really don't know, because he always has a fixed room, so we can't check it."

Luozhu said a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it's okay, as long as you know he's here"

Luo Yu smiled indifferently.

"Brother Yu, shall we go in now?"

"Wait here, Luo and I will be fine, Chu Jingtian is very strong, you can't kill him if you go"

Luo Yu waved his hand and took Luo Yan to enter the Zuichun Tower, and at the same time his consciousness shrouded the entire Zuichun Tower.

God's consciousness opened up and probed into each room. A pair of men and women in the room appeared in Luo Yu's mind. Luo Yu saw this scene as a black line.

The last thing he wanted was to explore this kind of place with divine knowledge, so he asked Luo Zhu their room number of Chu Jingtian.

"Oh, good-looking two boys, please ask inside"

As soon as they entered the Zuichun Tower, two women with noisy faces greeted them, and a scent of rouge came forth.

After Luo Yu and Luo Yan entered the Zuichun Tower, they found another empty table on the first floor and sat down. They ordered some wine and waited.

And Luo Yu's consciousness was still sweeping through every room quickly.

Suddenly, Luo Yu knew for a moment, and a pair of blue eyes appeared a little shock and murderous.

A picture also appeared in his mind.

What appears in the picture is a picture of a mermaid begonia being beaten with a whip and splashing pepper water.

"Begonia, how could it be begonia, how could she be arrested, abominably, these beasts even tortured him like this!"

Luo Yu's consciousness swept through this scene, and an anger ignited in her heart.

"Brother, what's wrong? I found Chu shocking?"

Luo Yan felt Luo Yu's murderous look, and was surprised.

"No, no, I found the mermaid's begonia. She was arrested and being tortured." Luo Yu gritted her teeth and shook her head.

"Mermaid Begonia!"

Luo Yan's heart was stunned, and then he sent out a sense of inquiry to find out, and found that scene.

"Why is Begonia here?"

"Obviously they were caught and sold here in the sea."

"What shall we do then, to save her now?" Luo Yan asked again.

"No, save her now to fight grass and snake, wait for Chu Jingtian to kill him and save Begonia, now she can only make her suffer a bit"

Luo Yu shook her head and sighed.

Then Luo Yu resisted the anger, and the consciousness continued to explore. He also found that there were many other secret rooms, and there were pictures of women being tortured and adjusted, which made Luo Yu's anger even worse.

Most of the women in the blue house are hard-working women who are forced to live and betray themselves. These women are obviously tortured by being forced to sell themselves.

In the code of the Great Qin Empire, it is also not allowed to force goodness. Although the code of the Wei Kingdom is not clear, there should be almost such a law.

Otherwise, if a country does not even have these laws, how can its people live.

This mansion dare to persecute so many women so blatantly as prostitutes. It is estimated that the forces behind them are not simple, at least on the official side.

With such a sweep of Luo Yu's consciousness, no less than dozens of women have been tortured. At this time, when scanning the eighth floor and the top floor, Luo Yu finally found Chu Jingtian's figure.

At this time, Chu Jingtian was attacking on a woman, and his consciousness swept over the other party without feeling a little.

A cruel smile evoked in the corner of Luo Yu's mouth, and he looked at Luo Yan, apparently Luo Chu also found Chu Jingtian.

Luo Yu and Luo Yan were not drinking, they got up and walked towards the eighth floor.

In Chu Jingtian's room on the eighth floor, Chu Jingtian's majesty woman cried out, lost her helmet and removed her armor, and Chu Jingtian also got up from the woman and got up and wore a robe.

The two women were already lying naked on the bed with contented faces.

Chu Jingtian fixed his robes and walked outside the door to open the door.

But this opening was startled, Luo Yu and Luo Yan stood at the door.

"Hehe, Chu Chu is really good at it. Second Lien Chan, how about you try my eight tiger Ben Leiquan?"

"Hoo roar ...!"

Luo Yu's fist had blasted out, and eight tiger howls rang out throughout the drunk Chunlou.

The eight-headed purple tiger fisted into Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian's complexion changed dramatically, and his body quickly backed away, but how fast did he get past the speed of boxing.

Uh ...!

The eight-headed tiger fist all exploded on Chu Jingtian. Chu Jingtian Zhenyuan's body was dim, his voice broke, and then he vomited blood and crashed the wall and blasted out.

The attacking air waves were completely blocked by Luo Yan with the demon Yuan's body, and did not collapse the room. Otherwise, the attacking explosion air waves could destroy the half-floor and eight-floor buildings of the Zuichun Tower and killed a lot. Innocent people.

The two women were stunned and staring at the bed. There was a large hole in the wall behind them leading out.


Luo Yu and Luo Yan turned into two purple and red rays and shot out.

Only the two horrified women were left, and the movement of Luo Yu's punch just shocked the entire Drunk Spring House, and destroyed the good things of countless people.


Chu Jingtian was spitting blood from the eighth floor to the street downstairs dozens of meters away, and one person was unfortunately killed by Chu Jingtian on the street.

"Chu Jingtian, suffer!"

Luo Yu shot down from upstairs again, punched Chu Chutian with a punch.

The eight-headed purple tiger once again blasted to Chu Jingtian.

People on the street were frightened and fled into the distance when Chu Jingtian fell.

Roar ...!

Eight heads of purple tigers exploded, Chu Jingtian quickly flew away to avoid.

Uh ...!

Eight heads of fierce tiger fist blasted on the street, and a pothole several meters large was suddenly blasted, and gravel spattered.

"Luo Yu, you want to kill me, forget it!"

Chu Jingtian merged his sword and sword into a black sword and fled.

"Hum, you want to escape, you must die tonight, second brother, stop him!"

The wings of the Phoenix were spread behind Luo Yu, and a cold hum, chased and killed the past.

Luo Yan's speed is faster, and directly forms a ten-meter-long dragon and phoenix body, and the wings are vibrated into a red flash.

The speed is much faster than Luo Yu's use of the Phoenix Wing, quickly catching up with Chu Jingtian.

Three streamers flew away, leaving only a stunned crowd across the street.

Chu Jingtian walked in the direction of the residence of the envoy of Chu State, and entered there, Luo Yu could not kill him upright and bright.

It is a pity that Drunk Spring House is hundreds of miles away from the residence of the envoys of the State of Chu. Fei also has to fly for a while.

However, Chu Jingtian was blown by Luo Yu's fist in front of his sternum, and the internal organs and internal organs were also injured. The speed of flight was not as good as his heyday.

Luo Yan changed shape to chase, but seven or eight breaths had caught up with Chu Jingtian and blocked in front.

"Abominable, whoever blocks me!"

Chu Jingtian saw a roar, and a huge black sword light slashed to Luo Yan.

"Huh, you died today!"

Luo Yan's heart was fierce, and you should know that Dongfang Yueyao was injured under his protection.

Luo Yan flashed his wings, and the dense red demon blade whistled toward Jian Guang, who was cut.

Dangdangdang ...!

A sound of Dangdang collision sounded, and the black sword light was chopped up by countless red demon blades.

"Dance of Fire Python!"

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Another spit of purple dragon and phoenix purple inflammation came out of Luo Yan, and turned into a huge purple fire python with a length of tens of meters, which was burned to Chu Jingtian, and the air was suddenly crackled.

"Six swords!"

As soon as Chu Jingtian shook hands with the black long sword, Zhenyuan rushed into it, and suddenly a black sword turned into six rays and shot at the burning purple fire python.

Puff puff…!

After a burst of blasting sounds, the six black rays turned into a sword-net light film, crushing the fire python.

"Six swords meaning, Ba Jian return to heart, cut!"

At this time, there was another rage from behind him. Luo Yu was flying with a purple sword, and a huge purple sword mang whistled and chopped at Chu.

"Do not!"

Chu Jingtian's complexion changed greatly, and his body shook open, but the sword fell too quickly, and he chopped off half of his shoulder, and one arm was chopped off.


Chu Jingtian made a terrible cry, Zhenyuan disconnected and fell into the sky, and a smashing smashed into a bluestone empty space on the ground and cracked a trace of cracks.


Luo Yu and Luo Yan also flew down and landed next to Chu Jingtian.

Chu Jingtian was stained with blood, spitting blood in his mouth, but he did not die.

Luo Yu came to Chu Jingtian, and stuck a sword.


Ziyu stuck in Chu Jingtian's other shoulder, and Chu Jingtian was so miserable that she uttered a pain, but this Luo Yu did not use Ziyu to **** his blood, because he still had something to ask Chu Jingtian.

"Chu Jingtian, I ask you, who directed you to assassinate Princess Yueyao?"

Luo Yu asked coldly.

"Cough ... who instructed?"

Chu Jingtian coughed up two blood and sneered: "Who wants to be instructed is who else needs to instruct me to kill Dongfang Yueyao myself"

"What, your own idea? Not your princess' idea?" Luo Yu was shocked in her heart, and then asked quickly.

"Huh, it's not about the princess. The princess originally wanted to kill Dongfang Yueyao, but later I don't know why the plan was cancelled, so I had to take the initiative to kill myself, Luo Yu, you can kill if you want, we Chu People are not afraid of death, why are you talking so much nonsense? "

"What, it's your own idea, don't lie to me, what do your men say is your pitying idea?"

Luo Yu heard a pain in her heart, and then pulled out the purple pupa, grabbed Chu Jingtian's neck and asked angrily.

"Oh, I didn't say it, the princess wanted to kill Dongfang Yueyao, but it was cancelled in the end. I only said the princess' order in order for my teachers and brothers to trust me. Today I ca n’t escape it, I still need to Lie to you, just ask me to be happy

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