Come to The Peak

Chapter 762: : Introduction to New Disciples (Large

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Uh ...!

Three long and loud bells rang throughout Bafeng, and the disciples of Bafeng gathered in the central square of Zixia Peak.

More than 100,000 people gathered at Zixia Peak and divided into eight large areas. Although Zixia Tianzong recruits disciples every few years, some people are also eliminated or distributed every year. He served in the Imperial Army and the Imperial Court.

Therefore, the number of Zixia Tianzong's disciples is probably around 180,000.

Four thousand new disciples of Sijing gathered at the forefront, and nine of them were at the forefront of all Zongmen disciples, and all of them were one of the ten core disciples.

The top ten core disciples stood in front of all the disciples in Bafeng, and the elder Wu King of Shenhuojing also gathered in the front left.

But this time it was missing Luo Yu.

People were waiting, and after a moment, four streams of light flew over the four suspended halls.

The four silhouettes walked in the void, the big palm of Hefa Tongyan respected the emperor, the big palm with a burly face, and the red palm with a thick face, a handsome man with a face like a crown, and a delicate purple dress Beautiful woman is wise.

The four palms are supreme!

"Meet the four palm lords!"

More than 100,000 people bowed and salute together, with a thunderous sound.

"Hehe, the elders of the disciples are free from courtesy."

Dao Xuan ’s big palm smirk made everyone rude, and then the four palm lords condensed four thrones with heaven and earth on the high platform below, and the four sat on the throne.

This means of controlling the heaven and earth qi condensed the new disciples who have not seen the world for a while.

"Big palm, new disciples arrive, will the initiation ceremony begin?"

At this time, an elder with a blue robe and purple pattern robe and an elder sapphire waistline of Shenhuo came forward and asked.

"Well, are all the old disciples here?"

Dao Xu palm nodded his head.

"Uh ... except that the disciples who performed the mission did not return, the disciples who practiced in the two major secret areas had been notified in advance, but Luo Yu seemed to be closed in the Dajutian Juyuan Tower and notified, but not yet.

Said the elder, bowing.

"Hehe, this little guy is hard-working enough, so wait a minute, Luo Yu is the top ten core disciple of Bafeng. If you do n’t go out, you ca n’t be absent."

Dao Xu palm smiled with respect.


The elder bowed and stepped back.

So more than 100,000 people waited on the court.

"Hey, I said, the four palm lords are all here. Why didn't you start the introductory ceremony?"

A Tu Lingfeng disciple asked in surprise.

"Stupid, haven't you seen Brother Luo Yu of the top 10 core chief disciples yet? Are you waiting?"

The person next to him said.

"Oh, that's the case, but only Brother Luo Yu can keep the 180,000 disciples waiting. How can other people have this face?"

"That is…"


"Sister, isn't the patriarch the chief disciple of Zongmen, why can't he see anyone?"

Among the new disciples, Luo Feng whispered to the girl in white.

"This ... Maybe there's nothing going on with the patriarch," the woman in white frowned.


Just after 180,000 people waited for a while, a thunderous tiger thunder remembered from the side of the teleportation hall, and a white streamer came flying.

With a snow-white body, a tiger-headed lion's mane had a single horn on his forehead, and a beast with a purple thunder pattern in his eyebrows shot.

A young man sat on his back.

$ ☆ L +: first release

The young disciple is a white robe with purple pattern sleeves, long hair and tail tied, his cheeks are sharply carved with sharp edges, his eyebrows and blue eyes are full of energy, and his representative purple sword is also carried on his back.

The ferocious beast swept across the countless disciples and caused a burst of exclamation.

"Brother Luo is here!"

"That fierce beast has such a powerful breath that it makes me feel guilty of consummate cultivation in Ningyuan Realm."

"Brother Luo is getting more handsome ..."

Countless men and women disciples came from exclaimed.

"The chief, the chief is here!"

"Master Luo Yu, I finally met Master Luo Yu"

"Is that Lord Luo Yu, so powerful?"

The new disciple whispered in exaggeration, and the swordsmen of the Feather Sword all showed fanatical colors.

"This guy, Xiuwei has improved again"

Tuobahong and others looked at Luo Yu's arrival, all showing a slight color.

After Luo Yu arrived, he quickly turned over Bai Ze, and saluted the four palms above.

"Meet the Four Palms, disciple Luo Yu is late for retreat, and please palms to forgive sin"

"Well, yes, five metazoons have already formed in the body, and it will be late in the spiritual state."

Dao Xu's big palm looked at Luo Yu and nodded his head.

"It's not too late, anyway, now the introductory ceremony begins"

Dao Xu palm smiled slightly, and did not mean to blame.

Luo Yu quickly thanked him to retreat, and then stood in the forefront of the ten core disciples.

Almost so the new disciples' eyes turned to Luo Yu.

Purple sword Shura, this is the legend of the younger generation of their Great Qin Empire. Many young girls are even flushed. Looking at Baixue Xuexue as a javelin, they have a dominant Luo Luoyu who obviously dominates the spring. .

The disciples of the new Luo family are even more struggling, and they have raised their chests involuntarily among the new disciples.

The salute sound of the entrance sounded, followed by the purple dew and Ganlin refining, some of which were carried out according to normal conditions.

"You have n’t entered the sect for four years, and you have already broken through the spiritual realm to produce five zombies. My sister, your original vision is not that bad."

Dao Chong laughed at Da Hui.

"Well, brother, how long do you remember when it's been so long, my sister did not see it, my only disciple has given it to this boy, and it can be regarded as compensating the contempt for him at first"

Dao Hui gave a white glance.

"Hahaha ... you two, this little guy has reached this point after four years in the sect. I really look forward to whether he can break through to the realm of fire in ten years."

Dao looked at Luo Yu's figure with a smile.

"In ten years, brother, your expectations for him are too high," both of them showed surprise.

"But I think this is possible, and I think that not only Luo Yu alone can be within ten years of enrollment, but also Qing'er, hasn't she also produced four yuan possessions, and the one who swallowed the blood king fruit Yang Ye, he is also possible, Ye Ye ’s cultivation may break through in a few years. ”

Dao Yi said, looking at a few of the top ten core disciples.

"Haha, isn't that saying that my sect will add four more kings in ten years?"

Da Chong heard a laugh and heard a laugh.

"Well, it is true that these people said by Dao Yi, the sooner the breakthrough, the better for us."

Daoxu nodded in agreement.

The new disciple's introductory ceremony also began after the elders had selected disciples.

This time is different from the last one. This time will be the last time to recruit disciples before the troubled world, and the recruited disciples will each receive 500 disciples in each peak.

Luo Yu had some relationship in advance, and the disciples in Qingyang Jing Luo ethnicity were basically assigned to Huolingfeng.

"Young patriarch!"

The 100 new students from the Luo ethnic group approached Luo Yu after the ceremony, and other disciples at the summit also gathered in the past.

"Meet the patriarch!"

One hundred new disciples all bowed to Luo Yu on one knee and gave a fist. All eyes were full of fanaticism.

"Everyone, please don't have to do this in Zongmen in the future."

Luo Yu laughed at everyone.

Everyone also got up with a smile, Luo Yu looked at each of these vigorous faces, all smiling.

"Very good, Luo Feng, Luo Meier ... you are all here"

Luo Yu looked at the people and called out their names. Luo Feng and Luo Meier were the geniuses of this young generation of Luo people.

"Hey, patriarch, do you remember me?" Luo Feng smiled with a heavy epee.

"Sister Mingzhu ..."

Luo Meier exclaimed, and flung to Luo Mingzhu.

"Haha, Luo Qi, I didn't expect your kid to be here."

At the summit, the disciples of the Luo ethnic group greeted everyone they knew.

Luo Yu also saw a woman in this group. The woman was older than the other girls. Around 19 or 20, she was wearing a light blue dress, she was also slim and pretty, but Lips are slightly thinner.

The woman stood somewhat isolated in the crowd. She didn't step forward to say hello to the crowd, her figure was thin and it was a little distressing.

When Luo Yu saw this woman, she immediately remembered the scene that made him unforgettable in this life.

"Brother Yu, you protect me with dignity, then I use life to protect your dignity, brother Yu, protect the pearl for me ..."

Luo Yu felt a pain in her heart, and finally smiled, and walked towards the girl.

The girl stood in the crowd and looked at the scene where the same family members and their friends and relatives met, and the light in their eyes was a little dim.

"Hee hee, I don't care, anyway, I have to be pretty one day with my brother, my brother is the world of Gillian"

When did he spoil him as a princess and shield her from the wind and rain, but now the tree that shields her from the wind and rain has broken.

"Jiao ..."

At this moment, a familiar title suddenly sounded in her ear, and the girl hurriedly looked back at Luo Yu with a soft smile on her face.

"Ah ... the patriarch ... see the patriarch!"

Luo Jiao looked at Luo Yu with some confusion, she still remembered her conflict with Luo Yu.

But now the identity of the two people has been so different that he is the sun in the sky and is shining, and she is just a grass that has lost the wind of a big tree.

Seeing Luo Jiao's expression, Luo Yu knew what she was thinking, and a sorrow in her eyes made Luo Yu feel uncomfortable.

Luo Yu smiled, walked over, Luo Jiao stood awkwardly in a bit awkward, what happened later shocked her even more.

Luo Yu walked over and took her gently in her arms.

Luo Jiao trembled and stiffened.

"Matriarch, you ..."

"Jiao, Ah Zheng is my brother, good brother. He uses his life to defend me. You are his sister, and that is also my sister of Luo Yu. Other people are your relatives. Here you have a home Called Wen Ding "

Luo Yu hugged Luo Jiao softly and said, Luo Jiao heard that her heart was sour, and she cried in Luo Yu's arms.

Others also watched this scene. People who asked the summit also remembered Luo Zheng, Luo Mingzhu walked slowly, Luo Yu also let go of Luo Jiao and wiped her tears.

"Jiao ..." Luo Mingzhu came softly.

"Ming ... Mingzhu ..." Luo Jiao looked a little embarrassed at Luo Mingzhu.

Luo Mingzhu smiled slightly and took the initiative to hug Luo Jiao.

"Good sister ... Ah Zheng is not here, you are suffering ... you will treat me as my sister in the future."

"Mister Pearl ..."

The two girls embraced and wept for tears ...

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