Come to The Peak

: 981th: The City Wills

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"One, you surrender in Kaesong, your soldiers are protected from charcoal.

Second, my army siege, you and you people will die! "

Yang Hong stared coldly at Luo Yu, said coldly.

"Haha ~"

Luo Yu laughed at the words, and looked at Yang Hong like a fool, and then she spoke.

"People and I are going to die? Yang Hong, are you too confident in you, what do you think these two million people can do to me Luo Yu?"


With Luo Yu's remarks finished, everyone at the 400-question summit gave off his momentum, which contained more than 70 spirits.

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The six hundred iron blood sword guards also released their momentum, and they were all innate.

Luo Yu slowly flew up into the air, and at the same time, there were more than ten shadow figures around him.

There are Qinger, Luo Yan, Duan Yu, Xiaolin, Zhang Huan, Yi Qin'er, Luo Qing, Fu Xuanxuan, Wang Tao, Xiaoqiao, Qi Feng, Bai Yutong, and Luo Yan, who has just broken through, and Followed by Luo Yu in the beast's secret realm, she also practiced the dragon beast Xiaoli, who was in the realm of **** fire, and the earth's spiritual roots.

A total of sixteen people slowly flew up into the air, then the momentum was released.


All kinds of surging real powers raged in mid-air, and the sixteen strong momentums crushed the millions of troops.

"This ... this is all ..."

"Snoring, all are King of War!"

The million Ziyun Army below were taken a few steps back by these sixteen terrifying forceful forces, and one million people were forced back by sixteen!

And Yang Hong's eyes were even more incredible.

"How! How is it possible, so many warlords!"

Yang Hong was a little sluggish. In this little Red Flame City Red Flame Army, can there be so many strong kings?

Among the people he brought this time, the King Wu and he were just four. Compared with Luo Yu, the sixteen kings of the Red Flame Army, it was indeed shabby.

The Red Flame Army looked at the Sixteen Kings, looking flushed and excited, not counting hundreds of spirits and hundreds of Ningyuan, these sixteen kings could resist a million troops.

And if you add them, these two million troops will never want to break the city.

The 16th King of Fighters, that city has such powerful strength.

The cultivation of this group of people is generally not high among the kings of the king, mostly in the first and second robberies, but as long as the king of the king, there is a qualitative gap with the spiritual state.

As long as it is the King of War, it is a strong man who can fight against one another.

And in this Red Flame City, there are actually 16 warrior kings, which is really terrifying.

And the soldiers in the Ziyun Army could not help looking at each other.

Can the city of such a mighty King of War camp succeed?

"Now do you dare to say that siege?"

Luo Yu looked down at Yang Hong with a sloppy gesture, pointing at Yang Hong faintly.

Yang Hong was ugly and horrified. Who would have thought, and who would have thought, there are so many powerful kings of war in this Red Flame City.

I don't know it is Yang Hong. There is a man in Red Flame City. This man is wearing a white robe holding a black scabbard sword. His face is ordinary, but the one-on-one eyebrows are almost connected. At this time, he looks at the sixteen figures in the air She was also shocked.

This person's name is Tingfeng, and his real identity is Qin Huang's commander in charge of the front sword and guard, a nine-fire calamity powerhouse, sent by Qin Huang to protect Luo Yu at a critical time.

After all, Luo Yu had a great influence in Zixia Tianzong. The Emperor Qin could not really let Yang Hong kill Luo Yu. He specially sent Ting Feng Yirong to protect Luo Yu in secret, but now it seems unnecessary. .

"This Luo Yu really has a lot of luck, and he can gather so many strong kings of war around him."

Ting Feng looked at the figure muttering to himself.

Yang Hong's face was ugly. Now he is in a dilemma. If he really sieges, the deterrent power of the 16th Wuwang is too great.

If he retires, then Yang Hong must have lost his face.

"Yang Hong!"

Luo Yu suddenly spoke at this time.

Everyone set their sights on the overlord again.

"Your son has killed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Daqin. My Luo Yu is just a matter of obeying the public and removing this scum for the country.

As a Marshal of the Army, you should enforce the law impartially, but you want to come to me for personal revenge, and ask, where do you put the country, and what measures do you have to be the first of these ten million soldiers? "

Luo Yu hit Yang Hong mercilessly, and then his finger pointed at the two million Ziyun Army.

"The frontline soldiers are fighting in the blood, throwing their heads and spitting blood, to protect your wives and children from homes and irons, but you are coming to attack my Red Flame City and weaken my Qin troops. What is your face? Face those soldiers who are fighting on the front line.

Do you really feel at ease in the rear? It ’s hard to practice to prevent Chu Jun, but come to me, the Red Flame King, do you really deserve the thousands of dead brothers? "

Luo Yu's expression was a little excited, and it also contained real fire, anger drinking this million Ziyun Army.

"Overlord, we ..."


The two million Ziyun Army could not be lifted by Luo Yu.

Because Luo Yu is right, the soldiers in front are indeed fighting for the blood of the country, and they can have comfort in the rear. They are all in exchange for the blood of the soldiers in front.

"Huh, look at the armor on your body, do you feel comfortable wearing it? The general without a new city, Yang handle, was beheaded by me, while the million generals without a new city said something to me.

They said, please be assured that the Overlord, my soldier of the Qin Dynasty, would rather die one step forward than fall back halfway! Did they die in this step for the inner coax?

What are the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, and you really deserve these four characters? "

Luo Yu's words were as sharp as a knife, and these Ziyun Army were embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Mother, the overlord is right, we have this peace, my parents are still at home, all rely on the brothers in front to block Chu Guotie riding, what are we to coax here, today I will not do it!"

In the army, a big man lost his war gun and took off his helmet in shame.

"If we hit Red Flame City, then we would be **** human, and I wouldn't do it again."

Someone took the lead, and more people lost their helmets and armor immediately.

"Don't do it, don't do it, never coax!"

Wow ...!

Then the sound of throwing the weapons into a sound, a large number of soldiers dropped the weapons in their hands, but a moment, most of the soldiers quit.

A small number of people are hesitating. They are all Yang Hong's cronies.

While Yang Hong looked at the scene with a complex complexion, Luo Yu Liao Liao defeated the heart of his one million troops, but now he is in trouble.

"Well, I am a king of justice and love for the country, and all the soldiers of the Red Flame Army obey. If anyone wants to move the king a little hair, then wait for me to step over."

Zhang Huan then said.

"Drink! Lord Oath!"

Hundreds of thousands of Red Flame Army chanted in unison.

"Also with us, our Chiyan Qinwu Alliance also vowed to protect the Lord, drink!"

Hundreds of thousands of Chiyan Qinwu Alliance also roared in unison.

The movement here has long caused the onlookers of millions of people in the city.

"The overlord Renyi loves the army and loves the people, and I, the millions of people in Red Flame City, have sworn to protect the Lord, drink!

What makes everybody return to heart, this is it!

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