Comic cheating, dream-eating life

Chapter 172 Kuuga Serialization

After eating the tonkotsu cup noodles with satisfaction, Minami Shiki saw Jiu's results.

The drawing is pretty good, worthy of someone who has won a comic award.

He was very satisfied with these two assistants and seemed to have forgotten about his previous assistants.


Readers who have received the news about new works in spring, summer and autumn can’t wait at this time.

"What kind of story is it?"

"Will it still be Ultraman? Dyna is good-looking, but it doesn't have the flavor of "Ultraman Tega"."

“I’m looking forward to it!”

Many people find that their colleagues and friends have become distracted.

"What a shame." Someone joked, knowing it was a comic.

Japanese news websites even reported a piece of news.

Raijo Dotate, a player on the Setouchi Abeats baseball team, accidentally burned his finger because he was looking forward to the manga series and needed to recuperate for half a month. Therefore, he missed the professional league.

A star player with an annual salary of 400 million was unable to appear because of comics. These two difficult things to do together caused an uproar in public opinion.

Amid the noisy rhythm, "Kamen Rider Kuuga", which is becoming more and more popular, is finally revealed to people.

Takagi Akito bought the comic, and what surprised him was——

The cover shows the birth form of "Kamen Rider Kuuga". Kuuga is wearing pure white armor and giving a thumbs up.

In the corner of the front page, there will be a small icon of the color page inside the volume.

It's "Ultraman Dyna".

"What a privilege." He gritted his teeth jealously.

"After all, it's spring, summer, and autumn, the invincible spring, summer, and autumn." Zhen Cheng was so tall that he understood it very well.

"Let's read the comics first."

The comic begins in a suspenseful ancient tomb.

There were stag beetle-like people wearing armor fighting against the monsters.

He switched between different forms and took out different weapons.

The first form is introduced by the narrator as the all-powerful form. The breastplate part of the armor is the thorax of the stag beetle. There are six pieces in total, big on the top and small on the bottom. It’s a bare-knuckle fight;

The second form is the blue dragon form. The breastplate is like petals, with four pieces spread out. It is not as bulging as the almighty form. holding a green dragon stick in hand;

The third form is the Pegasus form. The breastplate is even more complex. There are long rib-like grooves. The weapon is a crossbow, named Tianma Crossbow.

There is also a fourth form, which is the Titan form. It is also the most powerful form. The breastplate is divided in the middle, making it more concise and powerful. The weapon is a sword, the Titan Sword.

After Kuuga destroys all the monsters, there is a close-up of the helmet's eyes filled with compound eyes.

As if falling into an abyss, Kuuga wore his almighty form and fell into a deep sleep in a sarcophagus.

The scene turned, and in the ancient tomb, a hand touched the words on the sarcophagus. ♦♦  ♦♦

Takagi said: "The newborn form didn't appear."

Zhencheng asked: "How can you tell?"

Takagi raised his two index fingers and said, "You can see that the tentacles of the birth form are smaller and cuter."

"Oh! Sure enough!"

There is a difference. Although the armor is similar, there is still a difference.

"And the words on the sarcophagus..." Takagi Akito touched his chin and thought: "It's very similar to the oracle bone inscriptions! But it looks more dull in comparison. I guess Teacher Chun Xia Qiu is the reference to the oracle bone inscriptions."

The writing on the sarcophagus is hieroglyphic like the oracle bone inscriptions. But they are all straight lines, horizontal and vertical, with few curves.

"How do you know?" The biggest difference in Zhencheng is that everyone has given up their studies for comics, how do you know so much.

"Collecting materials." Takagi Akito scratched his hair and looked very distressed: "In order to come up with the plot, I don't know how many brain cells I spent and how many books I read."

Zhencheng clapped his hands: "Thank you for your hard work."

In the comic, a group of people who look like an archaeological team collected the text.

There are many measuring instruments and they are very professional.

The video recorder was recording on the side.

After they were fully prepared, they turned off the lights. Watch with night vision goggles.

"Maybe they are afraid that the light will damage valuable cultural relics."

The sarcophagus was opened to reveal the crumpled human remains inside.

He was still wearing complete clothes, with a very conspicuous belt around his waist, inlaid with huge crystal stones.

While they were marveling at the miracle, the fingertips of the remains moved.

On the other side, the protagonist finally appears, his name is Godai Yusuke.

He appeared at the New Tokyo International Airport and said abruptly: "It may be sudden, but I think a man who can still smile when he is in pain is really handsome!"

The comic unfolds when he was in danger when he was 8 years old, and he cried out of fear. A local Nepali guide of the same age smiled and comforted him. This shocked him greatly.

Now, there is a child crying next to him, and he imitates his peers back then. Comforting a crying child after being lost.

Godai took out the catch-and-throw ball from his pocket and started playing. The cool action finally made the child stop crying.

He smiled and gave the child a thumbs up.

At this time, the child's parents came and bowed to him repeatedly to thank him.

Did a good thing.

The fifth generation ignited the car, stepped on the starter lever, rode the motorcycle, and left in style.

The scene changed and Sakurako Sawatari was studying the ancient characters in the tomb just now.

While she was on the phone, someone was climbing along the vines outside the school building.

When Sakurako Sawatari finished the call and looked up information, the other party was already behind her, revealing a terrifying stone ghost mask.

"Ah~ah, you still like to use some horror colors."

Mashiro just felt bored. When he was drawing Tiga, there was an inexplicable tense atmosphere.

Takagi analyzed: "This is Teacher Chun Xiaqiu. I'm afraid he has the bad taste of wanting to scare children."

Sure enough, under the stone ghost mask is the protagonist Gosuke Yusuke. He and the beauty in front of him are old acquaintances.

The stone ghost mask is also just a local specialty of Indonesia to ward off evil spirits. Gosuke always likes to bring this kind of thing back, and the wall is full of strange masks.

At this time, some text was analyzed in the computer.

"It's more efficient than tpc."

The text means "death, warning."

Sawatari Sakurako immediately called the investigation team. At this time, a terrorist attack occurred in the Jiuyuelang ruins, and all the excavators were killed.

It was raining heavily, and Gosuke rode a motorcycle to confirm the news. While waiting for the green light on the road, he found that a beam of energy hit the sky from the ground, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

While he was wondering, a police car drove by. The comic gave a close-up of a police officer, a pretentious character wearing sunglasses in the rainy night.

On the other side, the last ramen-headed monster that Kuuga defeated at the beginning appeared in the wilderness in ragged clothes.

Wherever he walked, there were explosions.

The monster resurrected a bunch of monsters and crawled out from the ground.

At dawn, the police officers at the ruins found nothing.

Wudai also arrived, and he seemed to have a sense.

When he wanted to sneak into the ruins, he was caught by the police officer with sunglasses.

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