“Ultraman Tiga” is a violent manga, but it tells a warm story. It’s really strange.

Yuuri Aoki is the top student of Toei University, the most difficult one to get into in Liben.

Now she is drawing comics.

She used to write short girl comics in Margaret. Because the new comics are more fantasy-oriented, the editor recommended them to submit to a youth magazine.

She chose Weekly Shonen Jumk and has been shortlisted for the Golden Future Cup.

For better results, she is learning the style of jumk.

“When fighting against the Kirieloids, a street was destroyed. What a violent comic,” Yuuri Aoki Lizi closed her eyes, her delicate face was struggling.

She hated violent comics. She had obtained a teacher's certificate and thought that such comics would teach children bad things.

Jumk happened to be a boy's comic, which would affect many people.


She was confused after watching the new episode of "Tiga".

"Tiga" was violent, and the battle between giants could bring disaster and destruction to people with just a move.

Golzan just wanted to go to the pyramids and destroy the giant's stone statue.

But walking along the way brought immeasurable losses to mankind.

At that time, she also gritted her teeth and read on.

Learning about spring, summer and autumn The storyboards and frames.

The rhythm in the comics...

The more I read, the more I think that "Ultraman Tiga" is not just about violence.

Especially the latest episode "Goodbye! Earth".

The ideas in it coincide with hers.

Society is becoming more and more indifferent in the process of development, and the beautiful past seems to be just a memory.

That's why she hates violence and thinks that this violence will encourage the growth of human evil.

"Ultraman Tiga" is instilling human emotions and love with violence.

At the end of the comics, the members of the Victory Team watched the three light balls fly into the universe.

They have become life forms of light that transcend humans.

Flying to the vast The vast universe.

This is more of a hymn to love for humanity.

This made her confused. Violence is wrong, but the thought in it is very profound.

Yuriko Aoki took a sip of black tea and put on her glasses.

I want to draw a warm and touching comic, and then I may have more ideas.

Eiji Niizuma cried bitterly.

He was moved by the three human heroes in the comic.

He is such a sentimental person.

"The story of "Ultraman Tiga" is really touching," and the current assistant is someone else. Nakai Takaki is working with Yuriko Aoki, the comic pen name Aoki Hong, to draw "hideout door".

Shinta Fukuda has no time to perfect "KIYOSHI Knight".

So he can only find a new assistant.

The assistant said: "But it's still not as good as Niizuma's "crow". This episode paves the way for the climax of the 5 episodes."

"And Niizuma's drawing is so good, "crow" is fashionable and full of power. The battle storyboards between the pen and ink are irresistible. It's the Dragon Ball of the new era! It can't possibly lose!"

"That's not necessarily true, Assistant-kun." Niizuma Eiji stopped crying and said with a serious expression: "Comics win only when they are interesting."

"But now I think that Chun Xiaqiu's comics are more interesting. "

The assistant showed an expression of disbelief, but secretly complained: What assistant, did you forget my name!


An apartment in a certain location.

Harima Kener touched his bald head with severe hair loss.

That night, he drank a lot of beer. The other party was also heartbroken and was in pain.

Afterwards, thinking of Tsukamoto Tenma, he rejected the beauty's request for sex. They slept separately on the tatami.

When he woke up in the morning, he saw comics and expenses taped together.

In this way, Harima Kener became a gigolo, living in a woman's house, eating her food and spending her money.

But he didn't care anymore.

Every day he was in a daze, walking through the streets, numbly living one day at a time.

On Monday, the other party bought him jumk.

"After all, he is a cartoonist, so he must want to read it. "

After that, she went to work.

Harima Kener was left alone in the empty room. After some hesitation, he opened jumk.

With the last hope, human emotions and courage defeated Ligaderon, who was helpless even against Tiga.

He was stunned.


"Let's go out for a walk."

In the end, he did not get out of the shadow of being dumped, even though the other party did not know about this heavy love.


On the street on Tuesday, Minami Shiki saw a little kid wearing a mask with Tiga painted on it, and followed by adults.

It was not a comic peripheral. jumk was not fast enough to authorize the copyright of Tiga's peripherals. It was just drawn by a crappy person, probably someone around him.

The child laughed happily, jogging all the way, and accidentally fell to the ground.

He got up bravely, just wiped off the dust, raised his head and said to his parents: "I am Tiga, I won't cry."

"Yes, Tiga is strong, he will not retreat even when facing monsters, and has the spirit of facing difficulties bravely. You should learn from Tiga.

"Yeah. "

The child soon became lively and walked away with laughter.

"That's great, but can I charge you for the copyright?" Nan Shiki pondered.

"Ring, ring, ring."

The phone rang. It was Nizuma Eiji.

"Teacher Chun Xia Qiu, the drawing of "Ultraman Tiga" in this episode is so good, I am so unwilling to give up."

He said with a tearful voice.


"But "crow" will not lose to you," Nizuma Eiji said in a strong tone: "Crow will be more interesting, don't stop."

"Teacher Nizuma, my editor may notify me of the quick results in a while, can you please not affect me first?"

"Yes... yes... sorry." After hanging up the phone, Nizuma Eiji pointed at the phone.

"He is bullying me!"

Nan Shiki did not lie, he strongly felt today that this episode of "Ultraman Tiga" must get the first place.

"Goodbye! Earth" is the main theme of the entire comic "Ultraman Tiga".

It is its overall style.

Although there will be darkness and contradictions in human society, it will always stop in the end.

Highlight the value of people and the glory of human nature.

This is exactly where "Ultraman Tiga" shines the most.


After all, with the cover color page blessing, everyone who sees jumk will first see the cover and see Tiga.

This makes this issue of Tiga leave a deeper impression in the readers' minds than "crow".

When writing back to readers, they will inevitably think of "Ultraman Tiga" instead of "crow".

In the case of equally interesting comics, such an advantage will expand to the overall victory.

So: "When will Mr. Yoshida call me?"

At 4 pm, the notice should also come out.

He looked at the studio on the top floor and decided to go back to draw comics first.

At this time, Yoshida Koji called.

He got straight to the point: "Congratulations, Mr. Chun Xiaqiu, you are the first place. The first place in the quick report. I am really sorry because I was delayed by reading a manuscript of "Sea Otter No. 11."

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