Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 275 Root Leader? Not a wage earner

After Tuan Zang's energy subsided a bit, Chi Yu asked, "So now... Uncle Menyan went to integrate Gen?"

"Integrate fart, his strength and vision have degraded too much, and he has long since lost the ability to fight on the battlefield."

Danzo was somewhat disappointed.

Power corrupts people so quickly. After only two or three years, he felt that Mitomonyan had lost the ability to analyze and judge as a high-ranking ninja.

Danzo feels that as a superior, he can be cold, ruthless, and disregard the lives of his subordinates for the sake of his goals, but the premise is that he has a comprehensive plan that allows his subordinates to sacrifice their lives to complete the task effectively.

In the previous battlefield of Uzumaki Country, the root team was asked to do the most dangerous mission, and all members sacrificed their lives in the end is the best example.

But who is Madara?

That is a ninja legend that is as famous as the first generation, and even the second generation of Hokage is hard to match. In real battles, the role of Anbu ninja...

Probably in the comics, like the other ninjas in Hidden Sand Village when I fought Gaara against Didara, they watched from below, amazed and shocked from time to time, and cheered for their strong ones along the way.

"If he wants to get the root, let him do it. I want to see how much he can make those families bet."

Danzo sat down and calmed down his restless mood.

Not everyone can do it.

Don't look at Danzo's stupid appearance in the future, he still has a brain now, and he is the patriarch of the Shimura clan, and he is the most famous person not counting Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Who is Mitomon Yan?

He has neither fame nor family background, only the status of a consultant elder, it's no wonder that those families would ignore him.

Akabane remained silent.

He didn't know how to answer, and what he was more concerned about was-Danzo asked him to come here just to listen to complaints?


"Don't get in the way of Mitomon Yan, we don't need to be in charge of this matter, someone will take care of him, understand?"

Danzo finally exhorted.

"I look stupid?"

Akabane was so stupid that he went to make a trip.

Training ninjas to die is something that the three generations hate the most. Mitomonyan dares to do it secretly, and guarantees that he will go from the position of elder to the end.

"Hmph, you're not stupid, but you're very narrow-minded."

Danzo sneered, and said it quite directly, without saving Akabane any face.

He sat down and searched, then took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

This is a piece of letter paper brought back by Ninja.

Anbu's cipher is used on it, and someone who is proficient in Anbu's cipher can only be unlocked. Agent Akabane learned it when he was in charge of Anbu's mission before, so it didn't take long to decipher it.

"The missing child of the Uzumaki family was found in Caoyin Village and has been transferred."

The distance between Hidden Grass Village and Country of Vortex is quite far. With the ability of a child, it is impossible to run from Country of Vortex to the vicinity of Hidden Grass Village.

There is no doubt that this is the child that Hei Jue abducted.

"I know you have some manpower outside, but there are not enough people in the Anbu now, let your men pay attention to the children of the Uzumaki clan, especially the red-haired boy who lives outside alone, and keep an eye on the reporting position."

Danzo said lightly.


Akabane nodded.

If the child can be found, according to the child's whereabouts and other information, some information can be roughly judged.

Although the people in the Kingdom of Sichuan are not very strong, due to the wide range of smuggling, they basically have their manpower in the west of the Kingdom of Fire, and the red hair of the Uzumaki clan is so eye-catching, as long as they see it, they will not forget it.

Of course, the premise is that it is never on the sidelines.

After explaining this, Akabane considered the mission complete and could leave directly.

Back at the comic shop, he changed the manuscript.

The few pages where Danzo appeared on the screen were all changed by him to the image of Mitomonyan, but to be honest, he is far behind Danzo in terms of ability and courage.

in addition……

Obviously it was drawn according to his image, but with the arm of Sharingan and the other eye covered with gauze, no matter how you look at it, it is another Danzo. You have to look closely at the extra pair of glasses to see that it is Mitomon inflammation.

After repeated attempts, he gave up.

Because apart from this pair of glasses, Mitomonyan's appearance is really nothing special. Will he use the sharingan arm and other gods for him?

So useless, so unconvincing!

It's not as good as Danzo.

It seems that I still have to bear the blame. As for the identity...

What is it in the comics or what, the position of Wannian's second child is as stable as Mount Tai.

That's it, no problem.

After sorting out the manuscripts, he compiled all the cartoons into volumes and sent them to the factory.

This time Naruto has only five episodes, and One Piece has twenty episodes as usual.

At this point in the painting, the abilities of knowledge color and thunder fruit have already appeared. As long as the update is released tomorrow, both abilities should be able to be listed on the redemption list.

In the past three or four days, he has accumulated nearly 30,000 points.

As long as the exchanged items come out, they can be exchanged directly, and there should even be a part of the balance.

After having the knowledge color and the thunder fruit, it is basically not very afraid of jueheban.

Even if the current Madara awakens the eyes of reincarnation, he should not be able to activate the super-powerful invincible sealing technique of Liudao·Earth Explosion Star, and he can escape in advance at that time.

After the village meeting, Mito Menyan found some families with whom he had a good relationship, hoping to get the support of these families.


He went to the door, and finally got rejected without exception.

Rebuild root squad?

The other side of the village disagreed, and he wanted to persuade these families by himself, which is really a bit of a dream.

After going to bed, Xiaochun wanted to remind him, but when she saw that her companion looked like a madman, and a new patient was sent to the hospital, she could only leave aside and deal with the injured for the time being.

Mitomon is very annoyed.

Because the manga was delivered to the village the next day, his son bought a copy right away, but when he accidentally saw the above plot...

Root leader, Mitomon Yan?

What the hell!

Mito Menyan snatched the manga.

The child was stunned. His father had never been so rough before, but during this period of time, his personality seemed to be getting more and more extreme, which gave him a very strange feeling.

He looked up at Mitomonyan, and he stood there in a daze, not daring to speak.

Mitomonyan turned the pages.

At first he was a little confused and angry, but after watching the plot, Mito Menyan realized that this person named Sai was from the "root" organization.

There are roots in the manga, so is it possible that this kid thinks that Konoha should really have roots?

He couldn't help being slightly delighted.

At this time, Mitomenyan's son asked timidly, "Father, are you really going to rebuild your roots?"

"Konoha needs the existence of roots. In the past, Danzo advocated the establishment of roots. I have been secretly contributing to the flames. I didn't expect Danzo to give up halfway, so this big responsibility can only be taken by me!"

Mitomonyan doesn't think he is wrong, and even thinks that the rest of the people are too kind now, and his path is correct.

"No, I heard that Gen is very cruel, look at this brother named Sai, he even has to learn how to laugh, it can be seen..."

"Presumptuous, it's an important matter in the village, is there room for a child like you to speak?"

Mito Monyan scolded sharply.

Again against...

Even a child dares to oppose my policies, am I so useless?

No, I don't believe it!

Mito Kadoyan took a deep breath, then strode out the door.

He wants to visit the major families again, especially the pommel horse family.

Akabane did not expect that after the release of this volume, instead of being angry, Mito Menyan would come to Kurama Gowa to discuss matters full of joy.

He seems to have misunderstood it, but thought that his mention of "root" was a supportive attitude...

For a drowning victim, every straw is worth pulling.

Akabane was filled with emotion in his heart.

Kurama Wuhe is not very smart, but he has the basic ability to be the patriarch. He is decisive like the rest of the clan, and he never let Mitomonyan enter the clan clan at all.

On this day, three generations of telescope techniques have not stopped.

He has been monitoring Mitomonyan's every move, hoping that this partner who has come down from the battlefield will wake up. Because of this, he didn't say anything about these plots in Akabane's manga.

However, Mitomon Yan didn't realize that he was wrong at all.


Danzo turned dark after flipping through the manga in hand.

Although Gen's leader has become Mitomen Yan, his image does not seem to be very good.

After being the Minister of Anbu for so many years, he was not him in the fourth generation, and he was not him in the fifth generation. Not to mention one eye is blind, in the comics, one hand is even lame.

The old man threw his head and blood for Konoha, went blind, and broke his hand. Is it too much to ask for a Hokage position?

Not only that, but Danzo could tell at a glance that it was impossible for Mitomon Yan to take over the root, and his ability, prestige and status were not enough to convince many families.

Besides, what is the root prefix?

Anbu [root].

It's not Danzo's influence to say a thousand words and ten thousand. To put it bluntly, Mitomon Yan is his wage earner.

"My lord, is there any problem with comics today?"

Younv Yigen was puzzled.

He hasn't watched it yet, but he heard that today's content is very exciting, and it has completely blackmailed the current elders.

"No, nothing."

Danzo put away the manga, and then asked about Mitomonyan's movements.

In fact, he understands why Mitomonyan is persistent. Among the disciples of the second generation, except for Kagami Shimizu and Akimichi Takafu who inherited the family business, the rest are the third generation, Danzo and Zhuanju Xiaochun.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has the best relationship with Mito Menyan, and he has been serving as an elder advisor before, so he doesn't need to do much, just give advice on some usual decision-making.

However, since the establishment of the medical class, Koharu has become a senior executive of the medical department, studying medical techniques and ninjutsu with Tsunade every day.

In comparison, Mitomenyan seems to be doing nothing and making no achievements. If things go on like this, he will be eliminated by the management.

But this is no reason to be stupid.

Danzo shook his head slightly, and then didn't bother to care about it.

All the meetings that should be said have been analyzed, and it is useless to dissuade him. It is good to let this guy run into a wall.

Afterwards, Oil Girl Otogen reported on the work of the country of the vortex——

Although he knew that Madara was likely to be in the country of water, Danzo didn't dare to send people there at all. In order to prevent surprises, he even transferred all the people from the country of water back to deploy on the coast.

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