Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 290 Xiao = Hidden Rain Village? big pot

"The corner has been caught by Madara, but...he doesn't seem to be willing to cooperate with Madara, I hope we can find a way."

Orochimaru said in a low voice.

Nora possesses the ability of the psychic snake, through which he can communicate remotely.

He was hunting the experimental subjects of the Heretic God Sect before, and he had no time to solve these matters at all. It was only now that everyone gathered together to have the opportunity to communicate with Akabane.

Kokaku doesn't want to cooperate with Madara?

Akabane was surprised for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

It seems that Madara's conditions are not very good, and it is not in Kakutsu's own interests, but could it be Madara's trap?

worth considering.

He didn't answer right away, but made a "know" gesture.

Then, Hinata Shinsuke said: "Most of the ones cleaned up today are relatively weak ones, and the experimental subjects encountered at night have obviously become stronger, and I guess, the hidden sand village in the west may also have actions..."

"Once the Hidden Sand Village moves, the Cult of the Evil God may retreat temporarily. At that time, most people can retreat temporarily and go to the country of Chuan for support. The remaining group of people monitor the situation on the border."

Orochimaru's voice was low.

It stands to reason that he is just a Chunin, and has no right to speak here, but on the one hand, he is a disciple of three generations, and on the other hand, he is the person in charge of the research institute, so the combined status is not too low.

So Hinata Shinsuke thought for a while after hearing this, and then said, "If you were to take care of this place, what would you do?"

"In a day's battle, we have basically understood the methods of the Cult of the Evil God. The battle will not be as dangerous as it is today. With only half of the people, I am confident that the Cult of the Evil God will be kept out of the country of fire."

Orochimaru's eyes were piercing.

Normally, he would not take the initiative to take on this job, but the people of the Heretic God Sect are all the best experimental subjects, with strong recovery ability and weird physique.

The most important thing is - this group of people have done so many evils, even if they are locked up, they will die a hundred times without being too much, and they don't have to care about certain aspects at all.

Therefore, he wants to take command.

Everyone fell silent, including Akabane.

Orochimaru is only thirteen years old now, and may be fourteen years old in a few days. How can such a child directly control a war?

It's too messy.

Gu Jie thought for a moment and said: "Master Hinata, I have some combat experience, why don't I stay and assist Orochimaru and provide some help with experience."

"Senior Gu Jie is willing, that would be great."

Hinata Mayu was ecstatic.

Although some things happened that year, Gu Jie's strength and experience are trustworthy, and there is absolutely no problem with his strength. As for the ability on the battlefield...

Don't look at this as a ninja, the actual ability is even higher than him, it is only polite to call yourself an adult.

If you really want to talk about seniority and strength, this one is at the uncle level.

But from the beginning to the end, there seems to be nothing wrong with Akabane.


After everyone understands the methods of the Cult of the Evil God, it is relatively easy to deal with, and there is no need to ask Akabane to help.

After seeing Akabane's strength, everyone has a good understanding of Akabane's strength. Dealing with these evil gods is simply reckless.


For the Heretic God Cult, the news here is not good.

In just one day, 80% of the believers who entered the Fire Nation died, and only 20% remained lurking and waiting for the opportunity.


In front of Bai Yan, it is not so easy to hide yourself.

The next day, when the cultists got the news again, more than half of the disciples were captured and killed. This is the power of Baiyan in reconnaissance.


At this moment, Akabane has returned to Konoha.

The front line doesn't need him, isn't it a fool to stay any longer?

Although Gu Jie's wild food hodgepodge is delicious, but he can lie down and eat well at home, why bother to eat these...

The first thing I did when I returned to Konoha was to send the five episodes drawn by the front line.

Izumi Yamano and the others got used to the update of 20 or 30 episodes a day, but suddenly it was reduced to only ten episodes in total, and they were not suitable at all. These five episodes were sent to fill the vacancy.

So to the next day.

All updates have been sent, Gu Jie is on fire.


This "fire" refers to the younger generation, the new generation has never heard of Kosuke's name, let alone know that there is such a hidden master in Konoha.

So when someone exposed, he became popular.

With one eye blind and one leg lame, it can be said that a person can maintain such fighting power in old age, which is very powerful.

"I also took wood carvings from him, but I didn't expect him to be such a master."

Uchiha Ling was shocked.

When he saw Gu Jie, he only thought that the other party was a ninja with good sword skills, but he never thought that the other party was so powerful.

"Not everyone can carve that kind of woodcarving. Only those who have been immersed in knife skills for more than ten years can achieve such accomplishments."

Uchiha Yan glanced at his son.

this son...

If he can't become a talent, he has already opened the second jade jade, and he might be able to open the third jade jade at any time.

In terms of character and strength, there is always a little difference.

He thought for a long time, and asked, "Son, if Senior Gu Jie is promoted to Jonin, would you like to go under him?"

Hearing the stringed songs, he knows the elegant meaning.

To ordinary people, this manga is just a manga, but they know very well that Kosuke's strength has already reached the level of jounin.

This extra volume is likely to be a signal for Wannian Xiaren Gusuke to advance.


Uchiha Rei was dumbfounded after hearing this, and hesitated to follow.

Kosuke is really strong.

But judging from the comics, this person has many flaws, if you are his subordinate, if you are not careful...

"Konoha-ryu swordsmanship is a school of ninja swordsmanship created by the second generation of masters. Willow is the most suitable swordsmanship for us Uchiha. If you really don't want it, forget it."

Uchiha Yan sighed softly.

Why did Uchiha make friends with Kosuke?

I just hope that if Kosuke becomes a Jonin in the future, Uchiha will allow the younger generation to come under his hands and learn his strongest sword technique "Willow".

Uchiha has family fencing and phantom, but he doesn't have his own phantom fencing—Mirror mastered a trick, but he died, and this trick was not passed down.

"No, I... I am willing!"

Uchiha Ling gritted his teeth and agreed.

Although it is dangerous, if you can learn this trick of "Willow", everything is worth it!

At the same time, many families also began to find connections to plan for their own children, among which the Yueguang clan and the Zhicun clan were the most.

However, according to the new rules of the four-person team, only one of the three ninjas can come from the family, one must be selected from civilians, and the third one must be selected from ninjas who have mastered medical ninjutsu.

That is to say, among so many families who are keen on Gu Jie's first-generation disciples, only one person can join Gu Jie's team.

In fact, not only them, but even Kurama Wuhe was a little moved, but Akabane persuaded him to leave.

A group of sick people, go to the Gujie team.


For the third generation, although this extra volume is important, what attracted him more attention was the regular plot.


In this book, Asma officially exits, but at the same time, Akatsuki's "purpose" is also expressed through Payne's mouth-to control the war and control the world.

In addition, from this volume, we can also see where the suitable soil for "Xiao" to take root is.

Small country.

Only small countries need Xiao, the power to break existing rules.

When everything is reshuffled, the small country regains the right to speak, because everyone is equally weak except Xiao Xiao.

Judging from the plot, the third generation can conclude that the leader of Akatsuki must be from Xiaocun.

Little Ninja Village...

The third generation glanced at the map.

Yuyin Village, Long Ninja Village.

These two villages are almost the only places capable of cultivating powerful ninjas.


In fact, there is no need to guess at all. Judging from the background of the comic "Chief Xiao", it is Yuyin Village over there.

Yuyin Village is isolated from the outside world, but the rest of the villages know what it looks like inside.

At this time in Yuyin Village, Hanzo was sitting in his office with a bunch of manga in hand.

This is the Naruto manga he just seized from his subordinates.

One volume, one volume.

From the beginning to the end, Hanzo's heart was full of anger.

In his eyes, this is undoubtedly a cartoon that advocates Konoha and great powers, and like them in Yuyin Village, the only people who appear on the scene are those few characters who were instantly killed by Gaara.


Of course, what angered him the most was—how could Xiao’s leader be from Yuyin Village?

Leader Akatsuki's words are not unreasonable. As the leader of Yuyin Village, Hanzo agrees in some aspects, but the current strength of Yuyin Village is not enough to compete with other big countries, so it can only choose to stay dormant.

Yuyin Village was originally not involved in the Uzumaki War, but Yuyin Village got involved and lost the territory of Bird Country.

To be honest, Hanzo sent troops to the country of the whirlwind, really just to make money.

But the problem now is that Konoha poured a bucket of dirty water on them. Akatsuki's first stage is to make money, the second stage is to control "weapons", and the third stage is to control the world.

Participating in the War of the Vortex Country is the first stage, and at the same time collecting sealing techniques.

If the leader of Yuyin Village was not Hanzo, no one would be so suspicious, but Hanzo...

He is called a "half-god".

In today's world, the first and second generation of kages have passed away one after another, Hanzo's strength can be called the pinnacle of the current ninja world, except that he has no eyes of reincarnation, he is fully capable of doing the things of "Akatsuki" in the comics.

Once the comics come out, who wouldn't doubt it?

Not to mention the others, Hanzo himself almost believed it, which was also the reason for his gloomy expression.

"Leader, should we send a letter to Sand Hidden Village to explain?"

"Explanation? Hidden Sand Village doesn't listen to explanations now, and the more we explain, the more troublesome it becomes. We can only wait for the response from Hidden Sand Village to see what they plan to do."

Hanzo had a headache.

Now Shayin Village is a mad dog, who will bite whoever it catches, and this mad dog knows very well that the disappearance of Samana has nothing to do with most of the opponents.

This is an excuse to start a war and seek benefits.

Originally, no one would have thought of Yuyin Village, but once the manga came out, it didn't matter and it became a matter.

Although comics are comics and reality is reality, Hanzo, who has the title of "half god", can completely take out the half-disabled Samana, and there are considerable reasons for doing it.

The most disgusting thing is that Hanzo still can't explain it.

After all, Shayin Village didn't say anything about your Yuyin Village. If you jumped out on your own initiative, are you guilty of being a thief?

What a big pot!

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