The shadow clone squatted down and looked in through the gap.

The petrel was not killed, but kept in the house.

From the outside, it seemed to be a female bird. She had been staring at the crack of the door vigilantly, and there was a fence around it that was sealed.


Dang Ying cloned his lower body, his eyes looked in through the gap.

It was suddenly terrified.

The noisy body suddenly became afraid to move.

Find the captain and open the cabin.

At this time, the petrel was even more frightened.

The illusion changed its memory, but the animal instinct remembered the pair, maybe even she didn't know why she was so scared.

Akabane squatted down and stared at the little one.

From the perspective of a ninja, its strength is not strong. If the hit rate is high enough, even a ninja can kill it.


With wisdom, it is even easier to use than Ninja in Hidden Sand Village, and it is absolutely good at transmitting information.

"Don't be afraid, the changes in your body are due to eating the fruit of human beings, and you have a human form and quite high intelligence, so you must understand what I said?"

Akabane stared at it.

Haiyan felt the killing intent.

She said fearfully: "I... I can understand, but I can't speak well."

"Very good, we can communicate. We are Konoha's ninjas. I know Haiyan yearns for freedom and doesn't want to be restrained, but..."

"No, I want to live."

Before Akabane could finish speaking, she spoke first.

The voice was nice, but she was also flustered. In just a few days, she learned a lot of human words through a series of methods such as eavesdropping and guessing.

Freedom is one of them.

Everyone on board was surprised, including Jiraiya, who unconsciously put down the manga in his hands.

This petrel didn't cooperate when it was locked up, but when Akabane came...

Surrender depends on the person?

"In this case, you are now a member of Konoha, and you have to help us do things, is it okay?"


Haiyan nodded frantically, for fear that she would be sliced ​​later.

Akabane fell silent.

This answer was beyond his expectations. Don't all Haiyan advocate freedom and fight against fate unyieldingly?

for example--

Let the storm come harder!


Art is always mixed with the author's personal ideas, which cannot be imposed on the parties.

The communication with Haiyan ended briefly.

"Okay, done."

The shadow clone cut five times and two times, lifted the seal on the fence, and released the bird.

After she appeared, she didn't turn into a human form, but kept the appearance of Haiyan, but used her ability to make herself bigger. Akabane understood it very well, because she was not used to this kind of power.

Many people hope that Akabane can take it away.

As a ninja, everyone understands how important a ninja with wisdom is. With a little training, it is the best messenger.

But this is just a shadow clone, it can't be done at all.

After chatting for a while, the shadow clone ran out of chakra and disappeared automatically.

Konoha here.

Akabane received feedback from the shadow clone, and roughly understood the follow-up situation of the fruit of everyone.

Jilai didn't kill the killer, but it's not a big problem.

Birds have bird benefits.

Anyway, for ninjas, this fruit is not very useful, and there are advantages to being weak. For example, Haiyan did not dare to resist after eating the fruit, and finally had to cooperate obediently.

Because it understands that only cooperation can survive.

Early the next morning.

Izuhiro Yamano sent the comics to Konoha, and this batch of comics has already appeared in the works of many other authors, such as Yuhi Mako, Uzumaki Mito and others.

But the best-selling manga is Akabane's own comics.

Naruto happened to go to Kakashi to lead the tenth class to revenge, and faced the undead duo, while One Piece spent the boring Long Nagashima plot, and the key character "Aokiji" appeared.

Although many ninjas went out to do missions, after the manga was updated, the newly renovated small teahouse in front of the door was still full of guests.

But there are exceptions...

For example, the moonlight lucky fire.

Since Akabane saved Ye Wu, he also joined the ranks of reading manga, and because he has retired, he has a lot of time to read manga.

So early in the morning, he sat in front of the door and watched.

Like Ye Wu, he also likes the manga One Piece very much. He is very excited by the many imaginary sword skills in it, and he can't wait to try it with a knife—unfortunately, he can't do it anymore.

"Frozen fruit is so strong...Devil fruit is really something that breaks the balance."

Moonlight Xinghuo can't help being envious.

Although their clan also has a blood inheritance limit called Tou Dun, but most of their abilities can only be used for assassination, and because of Tou Dun, their physique has always been relatively weak.

Devil Fruits are different.

Its side effect, at most, is fear of "sea water".

If only I had a devil fruit, we would recognize even animals!

Moonlight Xinghuo fantasized in his mind.

If he had an animal-type devil fruit, he wouldn't have been injured due to exhaustion, and he wouldn't have faced the problem of retiring now that he was only in his thirties.

Of course, these are just thoughts.

If there is a devil fruit, he will probably give it to Ye Wu first, after all, children are the future of the family.


He came here not only to read manga, but also to wait for Akabane's arrival.

Comics are just incidental.

After watching One Piece, he picked up Naruto and continued watching.

Naruto also saw the part of Moonlight Hayate's death. To be honest, as the patriarch of the Moonlight Clan, he was quite critical of this part.

It is a fact that the Moonlight Clan is physically weak, but it doesn't mean "lose the sword and lose five successes", wouldn't it be over if the sword was stuck and thrown away?

For such an important task, it would fit the plot for Haifeng to be the only one following him, but Konoha cannot be left unattended. As long as he procrastinates and escapes, he will be able to rendezvous with his teammates sooner or later.

Unreasonable, really unreasonable!

Moonlight Xinghuo felt more and more sad when he saw the back.

This sick young man turned out to be the only character in the Moonlight family...

After seeing the back, he gradually forgot about Moonlight Gale.

It is a fact that the Yueguang family is weak, no wonder others hate them, but it is true that the plot is good, just seeing Jiaodu here...

He couldn't help but pause for a few seconds.

When the first generation was still around, Yueguang Xinghuo was still very young, and he vaguely remembered such a thing, but wasn't it the wooden clone who fought against Jiaodu?

Thinking of this, Yueguang Xinghuo suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who discovered this. In the distant country of Sichuan, the other two also discovered this problem.

Jiaodu and Madara.

The country of Sichuan and the country of fire are relatively similar, so the speed of getting manga updates is relatively fast, and you can basically get the updated content of the previous day by the next day.


When both Madara and Kokaku got the update at the same time, and after watching all the plots, Madara fell into deep thought, and then examined Kodo with a suspicious expression.

The corners are seen as stressful.

The matter of "fighting against the first generation" was initially an excuse he gave to the villagers for the sake of business, but later it became a mantra for him to set off his strength.

He seemed to have mentioned this when he fought with that kid Akabane.

But now sitting in front of him is Uchiha Madara.

So he was embarrassed.

"You actually fought against Zhujian? You can't see it at all, but it should be a wooden avatar. If it is the real deity, even if you have a thousand hearts, it is not half as good as Zhujian."

Madara glanced at it, then said nonchalantly.

corners are silent.

How can I answer what you said?

Madara sneered, and said disdainfully: "Don't be unconvinced. Although the wooden avatar has a considerable part of the power of the main body, it cannot use fairy magic and some powerful ninjutsu. If that guy really does it... one blow can make a thousand hearts shattered at the same time."

As the number one Chubuki in the ninja world, he has the deepest understanding of Senjujuma.

That guy was so merciful.

Only when you are angry and serious, will you reveal your true strength. With Kakuzu's strength, Senju Hashimama probably just has a playful attitude.

"Mr. Madara, I didn't say that, it's all from the comics!"

corners are uncomfortable.

Sure enough, he was still not quite used to being someone else's subordinate.

He didn't have a choice before, but now Jiaodu wants to be a businessman more, but it's a pity that trouble always comes to him.

Kakuzu admits that he misses the times when he worked with Akabane.

You don't have to look at people's faces, you don't have to be forced to do things, you don't have to be disciplined like your son...

Madara didn't continue to mock.

After reading the manga, he put it away, sat for a while, got up and said, "It's been hard for you recently, and I'm going to leave the country of Sichuan for a while, so you don't have to be so cautious anymore."


Angle is a little surprised.

Madara is leaving?

This was unexpected, but when you think about it carefully, Madara's arrival in the country of Kawa brought a lot of trouble, and the country of Kawa, which had been relatively stable, was in chaos again, and Madara was indeed not suitable for staying any longer.

But, where will he go next?

Kakuto was deep in thought, but nodded slightly on his face and asked: "If Mr. Madara leaves the country of Sichuan, what will you tell me?"

"Order? Heh, kids don't play adult games. You can't help me with what I have to do... But if you want to talk about the task, please pay attention to whether there are any suspicious Uzumaki people for me."

Madara stood up, and the next second the person had disappeared in place.

Suspicious Uzumaki people?

Jiaodu frowned slightly, thinking of the person on the other side who entrusted him to find.

After Madara left, he took out the drawing paper.

The appearance of a Uzumaki clansman was drawn on the paper, the red hair is very eye-catching, and the bottom is specially marked-there is likely to be a strange life form with the ability to manipulate others beside the target.

"It seems that Madara and Akabane are looking for the same person."

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