Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 31 True and False Illusions

"Let me go, let me go..."

Jiraiya, who was tied up like a caterpillar, shouted angrily.

"Find the next one."

With an instant effort, Zixiao hoisted the bundled Jilai onto the tree.

"Jirai may also escape, I want to stay and watch him."

Akabane volunteered and wanted to stay.

"Don't be lazy."

Sakumo knew that Akabane just wanted to be lazy.

"Okay, well, if this is the case, don't waste time, or it will be even more troublesome for them to set a trap later."

Akabane stood up, since he couldn't be lazy, he could only resolve the battle as soon as possible.

"Let's go."

After the words fell, the three disappeared into the forest at the same time.

"Hey, put me down, don't go!"

don't go!

Ji Lai is also desperate, he is not stupid, he just lacks a string in his mind. If it ends like this, it might be possible to send him back to school.

"I want to get out of trouble, I want to get out of trouble, ah... damn Zi Xiao, tied up so tightly!"


In the depths of the death forest, Orochimaru began to constantly lay traps.

"Aren't we going to save Jiraiya?"

Tsunade was a little worried. According to the character of that idiot, he would definitely face the other three alone, and now he might have fallen into a trap.

"There is only one way to save the dead, it is better to survive and wait for the opportunity."

Orochimaru said lightly.

Tsunade was silent for a moment, and started to help set up the trap.

With a change of mentality, they don't expect Zilai to escape, they just hope that Zilai can hold on for a few more seconds to delay them.


"Trap, we're getting close."

Akabane stopped on the branch, Zixiao and Shuo Mao also stood on the tree, not daring to land.

Who knows how many traps there are here, Oshemaru's grades in Ninja School are the first in all subjects, and the ability to set up traps is quite terrifying.

"I go first."

Without hesitation, Shuo Mao jumped over the tree.

"I'm supporting Shuo Mao, you can support according to the situation."

Zi Xiao said calmly.

The three-person team each perform their own duties. Sakumo is flexible, aggressive, and best at reconnaissance. Zixiao is versatile and can handle various things. Although Akabane is not multifaceted, he has the most weird ability, the strongest survivability, and the strongest containment ability. .

"it is good."

Akabane responded with a gulp, secretly happy in his heart.

This job is what he likes the most, as long as he can linger in the dark and sneak attack, there is no need for direct confrontation, it is a must-have job for lazy people.

Sakumo ran among the trees, constantly looking for traces of Orochimaru and Tsunade.

A hundred paces away, he stopped, looked around vigilantly, and said, "Psychic art!"

"Spike, help me find the enemies around me."

Langya is still young, but he is a ninja dog of the Inuzuka clan. He has been specially trained since he was a child, and has great abilities.


Anyway, the dog has not learned to climb the tree.

When it found itself on the tree, it immediately yelled a few times in horror, finally stood still, looked around vigilantly, and finally fixed its eyes on one of the directions.

"This direction? Thank you!"

Shuo Mao sent the terrified Langya back, pressed Baiya's dagger in his hand, and quickly went in that direction.

Akabane yawned, and suddenly his eyes froze slightly, instinctively feeling that the crisis was coming.

"Find me... Orochimaru?"


With a thought in my mind, the instant body technique has already started.

In the next second, the branch he was on before was shattered silently, Dashewan appeared instantly, and wanted to hide again when he landed.

"Earth Dungeon: The art of beheading in the heart."

"not good!"

Orochimaru didn't expect Akabane to have this trick, and instantly formed seals with both hands, and escaped with the substitute technique.

"So fast printing speed!"

Akabane was secretly startled, and he was not discouraged if he failed a blow, because he had already injected chakra into Orochimaru just now.

Originally, this kind of illusion did not need to be injected with chakra, but Orochimaru is not an ordinary person. Akabane specially injected chakra in order to add a layer of insurance, and used it as a coordinate to release the blood succession limit.

At this moment, he appeared in the dark, and finished the last stroke with a swipe of the brush.

Illusion·Five Senses Manipulation!

Orochimaru fell into the illusion in an instant, but he had the experience of breaking free from the illusion once, forcing himself to be unconscious to break away from the illusion, and there was a clone waiting beside him, dragging him unconscious to a safe position first.

Shadow clone!

Before making the move, he had already thought of a surefire way to retreat.

"It's really a difficult opponent. If you use it against him once, you will know how to crack it."

Akabane rubbed his temples, he really didn't want to hit it anymore...

However, since Orochimaru found him, and it seemed that he was vain in hiding, Akabane used the instant body technique to kill in the direction where Orochimaru escaped.

"Don't chase, let's deal with Tsunade first."

Zixiao had been away dozens of steps away, but when he saw Akabane defeating Orochimaru, he wanted Akabane to follow along to deal with Tsunade, only to find out that Akabane had gone after Orochimaru.

"This... well, if you hold Orochimaru, we can win if we solve Tsunade two-on-one."

Zi Xiao didn't worry too much, and continued to kill where Tsunade was.

The instant body technique chased after him, but for a moment, he saw Orochimaru and his shadow clone who had just awakened.

"You can learn shadow clone in a few days, you are indeed a terrifying person."

Akabane said with a little emotion.

"Akabane-kun, I should say this, right?"

Orochimaru smiled wryly. He thought that although Akabane was good at illusion and three body jutsu, he would be flawed in taijutsu and other ninjutsu, but unexpectedly he was deflated in Tudun.

If it wasn't for the extra scheming, this trick of Tudun almost made him hate it.


There was a loud noise, and a tree in the distance trembled three times and almost fell down.

"Tsunade is also in trouble."

Orochimaru licked his lips, full of fighting spirit, "It seems that we can only deal with Akabane-kun first."

"Fighting with you is tiring, I'm lazy and don't want to be so troublesome."

Akabane sighed softly, and then said, "But I will go to Tsunade, and you will rescue Ziraiya."

It is true that Zilai is lacking in roots, but he is not really a crane tail. His physical skills and earth escape are both remarkable. If he really releases it, it will be a lot of trouble.


Orochimaru and his avatar were dispatched instantly, holding Kunai to kill Akabane.

He wants to fight!

Akabane is not so brainless, in fact, the one who stayed in the same place has long been just a clone—not even a shadow clone.

"Huh? Disguise!"

With only a dozen or so steps, Orochimaru sensed something was wrong, and immediately stopped and evacuated, the direction was exactly the direction where the trap was set.


At this moment, two figures burst out from the side.

"Why is Zixiao here? No, Naraku's technique of seeing!"

Orochimaru dispelled the illusion in an instant, he has always been excellent in this respect, but after dispelling the illusion, he found that he was still in this environment, and the two figures in front of him did not stop, and continued to kill him.


The instinctive reaction under the crisis made Orochimaru avoid the attack, but in the next second he saw the two of them passing by the shadow part who was still in the illusion.


But at this time, a ray of suffering came from behind.

"Is it still a clone?"

Orochimaru thought to himself, but when he saw it, he found it was not.

This is real!

Instant body technique, smoke bomb, substitute technique!

Using ninjutsu and smoke bombs together, Orochimaru panted and escaped from the original position, and fled to a safe hiding place arranged by himself.

"True or false, it's too scary!"

Orochimaru hid in the hiding place with cold sweat on his face.

He was already smart, and from just two fights, he understood that Akabane had more changes—the first time was a clone, the second time was a shadow clone, and the third and fourth times, he might not be a real person.

The essence of illusion is to disturb Chakra to produce hallucinations, while the pommel horses add mind control and the influence of the five senses to turn illusion into reality.

Facing Akabane, it is too difficult to tell the real from the fake, but trapped here, what should the teammates do?

Orochimaru couldn't help feeling worried.

"Huh? The movement stopped, and Tsunade was arrested?"

"No, illusion!"

He immediately realized that it was still controlled by five senses!

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