Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 322 Resume update, rush to buy!

"Is Akabane here today?"

"Here it comes, the update will resume tomorrow."

In front of the manga shop, someone came early in the morning to inquire about the situation. This kind of thing has been going on for three days, but today, Kurama Yunlang finally replied directly——

Our popular cartoonist has returned!

Hearing that Akabane came back to update, a group of spectators chatted and laughed, some sat in front of the door and ordered a glass of juice, and some picked out an old manga and re-read it.

You don’t need money to watch these old works in stores. Some poor children or those who are idle and bored often take a copy and read it while chatting with others.

In the small teahouse, there is no such tense atmosphere as the front line.

This is also normal.

Although Kawa no Kuni had exchanged fire with Sand Hidden Village, after all, there was no real large-scale battle. It was just mutual assassinations and ambushes between teams, which had little impact on the internal security of the village.

Konoha has been shouting that he can't answer, but the combat power is still the strongest in the five major villages, and the people in Chuanzhiguo are only less than 30% of Konoha's overall combat power.

Inside the lounge.

Akabane has completed two chapters since morning. This is only his personal record, and the fighting power of the avatar is even stronger.

The two responsible for Naruto have completed three episodes each, plus the remaining two episodes before, this time the ten-episode update has been completed.

On the contrary, One Piece's progress is relatively slow.

It's not that the shadow clone is being lazy, but that Judiciary Island has a complex picture, with many battle scenes, and the difficulty is indeed much higher than that of Naruto.

However, there were five chapters of One Piece that were not published before, so even if the speed is slow, the remaining content can be done quickly.


Even if the manga update is done, the four shadow clones still can't be idle.

After the two statues of Senshou Feijian and Uzumaki Naruto, Kosuke submitted two more works, one is the wood carving of Senshouzhujian, and the other is Uzumaki Mito.

This is apparently a pair of woodcarvings.

To be honest, Akabane felt very uncomfortable—whom do you want me to sell this kind of character with too much symbolic meaning?

It is estimated that it will be given in vain.

Forget it, it's for charity anyway, two more or less won't make much difference, anyway, there are still two Moonlight Xinghuo works.

The moonlight luckily sculpts the moonlight blast and Uzuki Xiyan.

Also a pair of woodcarvings.

His knife skills are only a little worse than Gu Jie's, and his skills are equally exquisite, just add coloring.

There are four woodcarved figures, each of which happens to be assigned a shadow avatar.

As for the body...

Well, drawing some covers, posters, etc. is also very hard.

perfect arrangement.

Akabane gave herself a thumbs up in her heart.

The work was very easy, and when he was in a good mood and full of energy, he even drew a few extra posters and signed them for random selection in the comic book.

He hasn't painted this kind of painting by himself for a long time, and most of the time he lets his avatar deal with it casually.

After lunch, things gradually increased.

The first is the third generation.

It’s not a big deal for the third generation, but I heard that there is a sculpture figure of Qianshouzhujian, and I came here to “support charity” as soon as possible, lest this respected statue be taken by others first.

Akabane had expected it.

Like the X-generation Hokage series, you only need to find Konoha’s Hokage Building to sell them, but in the end, the third generation seems to be willing to give money, which is beyond his expectations.

Then there is Orochimaru.

He was reincarnated for the filth—in the past three days, there was another research task under his hands.

Fortunately, Orochimaru's fun lies in researching and exploring the mysteries of ninjutsu, but he also enjoys it and doesn't feel tired.

The filthy reincarnation left by the second Hokage is relatively complete, and there is no need to study anything just to summon the soul to attach to the sacrifice, but Orochimaru is obviously not satisfied with this.

He found that the filthy reincarnated body channeled by the technique of Qianshoubeijian was very weak and did not have the same ability as in the manga. Because the manga version was preconceived, he was suddenly a little disappointed and unbelievable.

Akabane thought that Danzo would also come to him, but it turned out that his teacher is still human, knowing that he just recovered today, he didn't come to disturb his vacation.

Thanks to this, by the afternoon I had finished coloring the wood carvings.

After the paint dried, he asked Kurama Yunlang to send the wood carvings from Senshouzhujian to the Hokage Building, and he himself brought the "Whirlpool Mito" wood carvings to the Senshou Clan.

Nowadays, Akabane does not need to be notified when he enters the Thousand Hands Clan.

Just go straight in, no one will stop you—all Konoha knows that the genius of the Kurama family is having an affair with Tsunade.

As in the past, Uzumaki Mito took eleven Uzumaki clan children and lived a happy life. Although his appearance is old, he is in good condition. Judging by his breath, he can live for at least three or four years.

Madara will wait for her to die of old age, maybe until despair.

Akabane complained a few words in his heart, then turned a corner and stepped into the courtyard.

Whirlpool Qingyue had already come out of the trough of her father's death, and had a great time with the other ten children, when she saw Akabane approaching, she immediately abandoned Dabai and Erbai, and rushed towards him.

Erbai let out a "meow", then glared at the door—seeing Akabane, it immediately lowered its head and pawed the soil with its paws, pretending that it didn't exist, and didn't dare to make any expression at all.

"Qingyue, take them out to play."

Akabane stroked her hair, Xiao Qingyue nodded.

She is the daughter of the former patriarch, and with the best talent, she seems to be the leader of this group of children. Basically, few dare not listen to her words.

In a few seconds, a group of children ran away holding comics and toys.

Er Bai acted as if he had received an amnesty, and quickly followed his master's footsteps.

In some respects, ninja beasts are sharper than humans.

"I'm glad to see you getting stronger again."

Uzumaki Mito smiled brightly.

"It's not getting stronger, it's just a slight improvement."

Akabane is very humble.

Excluding the Eternal Kaleidoscope and the Eye of Reincarnation, he is really just a small improvement, but the improvement brought by these two is too strong.

Then, he took out the wooden sculpture from his arms.

"This is……"

Uzumaki Mito sat upright, seeing a shrunken version of himself, he couldn't help laughing and crying, "Why do you give it to me, you should sell it."

"It's okay, just treat it as a bribe for you."

Akabane put it aside.

Afterwards, he hesitated for a few seconds, and finally asked in a low voice, "Did the third generation tell you about what happened a few days ago?"

"It's mentioned."

Uzumaki Mito nodded slightly.

"Then you should know that the third generation of adults has completed a deal with the rest of the Ninja Village, and will no longer hunt and kill the Uzumaki Clan in the future. I think... Should I bring these eleven children to meet the rest of the Uzumaki Clan."

Akabane spoke his mind.

As one of the dream maintainers, he knows everything that happened in the dream, so he knows the inside story.

Shall we meet?

Uzumaki Mito thought for a few seconds and said, "Wait a while later for the Uzumaki Clan's sacrificial day, let's go then."

"Sacrifice? Well, that's fine."

Akabane didn't object.

If you go on the sacrificial day, you should still be able to see the mask that is related to the "Reaper".

Another one is.

If the bat fruit can be obtained before the day of the sacrifice, Uzumaki Mito may be able to enjoy Konoha.

He thought about it, and he had a plan in his heart—to get out the bat fruit recently.

Ji Lai also went to sea for more than a month, and it was time for him to come back.

Throwing the fruit directly to Akabane is afraid that he may not find it by himself, so to be safe, he still has to arrange it in advance.

Akabane left, and he placed the wood carving in the yard. Uzumaki Mito wanted him to take it away, but he forgot about it when he interrupted.

She didn't remember it until now.

However, after a few glances, Uzumaki Mito felt that this wood carving was also quite beautiful, with exquisite workmanship, perfect manners and colors, and he might not be able to find a second such wood carving anywhere in the world.

So, she didn't insist on returning it.

On this day, Akabane was relatively quiet, since the third generation and Orochimaru, not many people came to bother her.

The next day, the manga was finally updated.

When the posters and advertisements were posted, those who hadn’t seen them for three or four days were so happy that they went to the store early in the morning to wait.

If the manga hadn't been sent to the factory earlier, they might have had to wait.

The comics delivered early in the morning cheered up the spirits of all the waiting spectators, and they rushed over to buy them before unloading. In just one hour, half of the comics were sold, and the small teahouse was already full of people.

Those who snatched a seat happily sat and watched.

In this volume of comics, the battle is coming to an end.

Since Naruto saw Nagato, what everyone saw more was the talk and ideological confrontation between Nagato and Naruto.

Everyone looks very slowly.

Perhaps the battle scenes are very exciting, but in these dialogues, the author's private goods are hidden-thinking about the country, war and peace, etc.

This era has just experienced wars not long ago, and wars, large and small, have never stopped.

Even ordinary people in Konoha still know the horror of war.


Everyone understands that what Nagato said is actually not wrong.

The endless cycle of war, death, hatred, revenge, like the first Ninja World War, stopped not because everyone knew the value of peace, but because too many people died in every village.

He didn't want to die anymore, so he naturally stopped.

A large country has a large population and abundant resources, and the post-war recovery is quick. Even if some children lost their parents in the war, they still have the village to take care of them.

Small countries are different.

The things that Nagato said are real facts that happened in the ninja world-taking the most recent one, did the Bird Country, which was annexed by the Wind Country, participate in the war?


Because it doesn't even have its own ninja village, and it's so small that even wandering ninjas can dominate the country of birds.

How could such a country provoke the Kingdom of Wind, but it has green mountains and green waters, but it has no power to protect its homeland, so it was annexed.


It is impossible for everyone to truly empathize. In the relatively peaceful village of Konoha, everyone can only sympathize at most, and will not really feel the helplessness of the small country and village.

Even ordinary people in Konoha are the same.


Then, everyone saw Naruto taking out a book.

Fortitude and endurance.

This book appeared before, and there was a scene where Naruto was moved to tears.

At this time, he took out the book again.

to be honest.

Just reading the manga, Jiraiya and this biography of perseverance are very inconsistent. After all, the real Jiraiya is just a kid who loves art manga, and he can't see the slightest potential for greatness.


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