No matter any training, the foundation of the body is the most important thing, and there are many ways to strengthen the body, but the best way to improve it is running.

Running can coordinate the muscles of the whole body, as long as it is supplemented by nutrition, it can also quickly enhance physical fitness, pulling down the physical strength of most people to a level, although there is a lot of wear and tear on the knees.

However, this wear and tear is completely acceptable for young people in the growing period, and any exercise will cause damage to the body, but some are repairable injuries to the body, and some are irreparable injuries.

Muscles and bones become tougher by circulating in destruction and repair, and there are no other supernatural powers in this world other than the power of giants, so this method is the only way to enhance physical fitness.

At the beginning, in order to consider the physical burden of these young people, it was just an ordinary five-kilometer run, and from this stage, you can see the level of everyone’s physical fitness.

Although the training ground is not particularly large, it is also one kilometer in one circle, and the top four 400-meter playgrounds are in terms of area.

The first run was quite unsatisfactory, and by the time the last runner finished, the time was an hour away.

Most of the people who finished running also fell to the ground panting, not wanting to get up again.

It is not surprising that Keith has such results, and people who have not experienced special training will not perform much better if they perform this kind of long distance trek for the first time.

But this time is also the time when the gap between people can be best reflected, and the gap in physical talent is the easiest to see at this time.

There are not many people in the first echelon, basically running in about half an hour.

Campbell, Yumir, Mikasa Ackerman, Pulisla Williams, Arnie Leonard, Rainer Brun, Betthold Hoover, Sasha Brauss, Sasha Brauss…..

These people were physically much stronger than other trainers, and to Keith’s surprise, Khlista’s blonde girl was also one of the members of the first echelon.

It’s not that Keith discriminated against Herrista, Khlista’s performance at the beginning of running was really not good, and it didn’t take long for her breathing to become disturbed.

Most trainers fail to notice the importance of breathing rhythm in this long-distance run.

This point seems to be Campbell’s reminder of Herlista’s appearance, although the physical quality is not outstanding, but Herosta’s willpower is worthy of praise, long-distance running is more about human willpower.

This degree of distance is far more harmful to the body, just depends on whether people can use their own willpower to overwhelm the tiredness of the body, once stopped, it will be more difficult to run.

Although Herlista’s physical fitness was not good, she maintained a fairly good rhythm and slowly slowed down some of the people who were originally in front of them.

If Herista is quite commendable for willpower, then Campbell and the fair-skinned Pressila who is almost like a purdah lady are completely crushed.

Even the members of the first echelon would take a few breaths after running, but these two people were not panting, and Keith didn’t even see sweat on their bodies.

As if these five kilometers of distance were not enough to even warm them up.

There was no trace of disorder in the breath of speech, and for their grade, no, even among those adults, it could be called a monster-level physical fitness.

And Keith seriously suspects that the reason why these two people are the first echelon is very simple, just waiting for Hellista, whether it is Campbell and Pressila when running, they are completely at ease.

If not for waiting for someone, Keith’s intuition told him that these two little monsters could have the surplus to throw the first echelon out of the circle.

In fact, Keith thought too much, Campbell and Herlista were not what he thought, able to pull these first echelons down or something.

The two of them just removed a zero from the grade, and thirty minutes became three minutes or something.

I think that Campbell was a person who could run hundreds of kilometers in a few hours without recovering his skills in a day, and the distance of five kilometers was a small meaning for Campbell.

Although he only inherited a part of Campbell’s power, the distance of five kilometers is also nothing for Pressra.

Gathering all the people, Keith forced these exhausted training soldiers to do several sets of stretching exercises, if these trainers were left alone like this, when they got up tomorrow, their whole bodies would definitely ache, and it would affect the next training.

After doing the stretching exercise, Keith announced that today’s training was over, and under the extreme fatigue of these trainers, there would be no benefit in continuing training, if the spring was too tight, it would break, and the same was true for the human body.

The trainees who ate together in the cafeteria were used to the food Campbell brought out, and they didn’t know where the black-haired guy got so many delicious things.

The boiled diced meat, mixed with many nutrient-rich vegetable minced, the mixed porridge made by Campbell naturally tastes unspeakable.

Just after a lot of exercise, the most suitable thing is to eat some of these easily absorbed liquid foods to facilitate rapid recovery of physical strength.

“Your wife must be very happy in the future” Yumir said with a sigh after drinking the extremely delicious broth, all the things he has eaten in his life are not as good as the food in these days.

Sasha also nodded approvingly on the side, looking at her expression, Campbell felt that he could only lure Sasha home with his promise to cook and eat for her every day in the future.

Campbell laughed twice as an answer, in this place without the Internet, there are not many ways to make people happy, and Campbell can only improve his living standards.

“Do you want to run a hot bath?” Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Campbell suggested again.

Although there are places for people to take a bath in the training corps, all of them are cold water, and boiling enough hot water for hundreds of people to bathe is a huge consumption of fuel alone.

This kind of thing is enjoyable, and Wang Zheng naturally saves money on the budget. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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