Alejandro didn't give him a chance to speak.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The hail of bullets turned Diaz's fat body into a ball of rotten flesh.

He looked at the footprints on the hood of the car, pulled the latch of a grenade, lifted the hood, and threw it in.

Alejandro took out his dagger, cut off the right ears of all the corpses present, put them in his pockets and took them away. This was a fixed method used by the Mata group to demonstrate to the enemy.

A siren sounded not far away on Reforma Avenue, one of the busiest streets in Mexico City, next to Chapultepec Park. It is one of the priorities of the Mexican police to maintain order.

"We should go."

Alejandro put his hood back on, sat in the driver's seat, and threw the bag containing the ears onto the passenger seat. Broly leaned out, grabbed the window frame of the van with one hand, clamped the assault rifle with the other hand, and fired at the approaching police car.

The recoil of the rifle was almost non-existent to him.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

A cloud of sparks erupted from the engine compartment of the police car, and the engine was pierced by a bullet. The police car tilted sharply and hit the road. The police officers inside quickly stopped the car, abandoned the car and fled.

Broly put away his rifle, sat back down, closed the car door, and said with a sullen face.

"You just stole four of my heads."

He just fought hard and got no experience.

Alejandro was familiar with the route through Mexico City. After a few turns, the sound of sirens was almost gone. There was something strange about him being so obsessed with killing Broly.

"Don't worry, there are still opportunities ahead."

Broly turned the safety on his rifle, took out the magazine and started loading bullets into it.

The next target is the Reyes Group's drug factory, located in a hidden car repair shop. It can produce about twenty tons of methamphetamine a year and is the largest of the Reyes Group's fifty factories. The methamphetamine, along with high-purity drugs from Colombia, Bolivia and Peru, was transported through border tunnels to Texas and then transported to various states via mules.

This is a line flowing with gold, bringing abundant cash flow to Reyes Group. Therefore, this important car repair shop is very hidden, with more than 80 heavily armed soldiers on duty to guard it, and there are sentinels on the periphery.

"How did you find it there?"

Broly asked curiously.

"As a car repair shop, its power consumption is too high, and its water consumption and sewage discharge exceed standards. The Reyes Group thinks it is very covert, but in fact the CIA has discovered this place long ago."

Alejandro said.

The car repair shop is in a town on the outskirts of Mexico City. Mexico's infrastructure is very imperfect. There are only more than ten kilometers of roads after leaving the city, and the rest are dirt roads.

Dust was rising into the sky along the way, and outside the car window there was only an endless wilderness with clumps of Haloxylon ammodendron trees growing there.

"Be vigilant, our cars are too conspicuous now."

Alejandro squinted his eyes and observed the movements on both sides.

A settlement appeared in front of the skyline, with dilapidated buildings and barricades on the road. Several Hispanic men with fierce looks on their faces stood beside the barricades.

They are all members of the Reyes Group and guard the only route to the garage.

"What are you going to do?"

they said in Spanish.

“I was the tour guide, and there was a Yankee in the back seat who wanted to take some starry sky photography in the desert of Mexico.”

Broly didn't understand Spanish, so when he saw Alejandro talking about himself, he hurriedly raised the SLR camera in his hand to signal.

The Hispanic man looked at Broly and stared at the camera in his eyes. He licked his plump lips. The camera looked very valuable.

He said with some ferocity.

"Give me that camera and go back."

Broly didn't understand what he said and looked at Alejandro.

Alejandro shook his head and whistled.

The Hispanic man wanted to say something else, but a hand stretched out from the car and grabbed his neck. His eyes popped out, and he only had time to make a slight "ho ho" sound before he was crushed to death.

Several people on the side were shot down before they could clearly see the situation of their companions.

"Do it! Don't let them notify the people at the garage!"

Alejandro opened the door, got out of the driver's seat, used the van as a cover, and shot at everyone in the settlement.

Broly was afraid that he would steal all the heads, so he pulled out his rifle from under the seat, raised his hand and shot. He turned on the fully automatic mode, and his hands were like a vise, holding the rifle firmly in place. The rifle did not rise at all due to the recoil.

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