Comics Start With Dominating Marvel

3 What's The Matter, Boy?

Under the scorching sun in the desert, I jumped nearly ten kilometers in one breath. Although I had enough physical strength, my body was about to reach its limit. But the prompts that popped up from the system made him grit his teeth and persevere.

In this strange world, he has a very strong sense of insecurity, and only stronger strength can give him a sense of security.

Drops of sweat fell on the scorching desert, instantly evaporating into heat. Every muscle was trembling, his throat was as dry as if it was about to smoke, Kakarot's light body on his back was as heavy as a thousand pounds at the moment, and the heat from the scorching sun in the sky seemed to dry out the earth. Such a harsh environment only aroused the anger originating from Broly in Broly's body.

His already muscular body suddenly grew taller again. New strength surged out of his body and he jumped the remaining fifteen kilometers in one breath.

【Ding! Well done! They are indeed the proud Saiyan people! Please accept ten revival points and a newbie gift package. The system store has also been unlocked simultaneously. 】

King Vegeta's encouraging voice sounded in his mind.

Broly forcibly shook off the sense of disobedience in his mind, suppressed his fatigue, rubbed his hands, and opened the novice gift package.

[Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill Satan Fighting Skill! 】

Satan's fighting skills seemed to be very strong. Did they belong to the Death God's fighting skills? Broly was a little surprised, but before he was happy for a long time, his face froze.

etc! This Satan shouldn't be that Satan.

Broly desperately flipped through the stream of information pouring into his mind. He guessed right. Satan was indeed the most powerful Mr. Satan on Earth. The strongest combat power he showed was to smash fourteen tiles with his bare hands in front of Cell.

Forget it, it's better than nothing. I hope that after learning Satan's fighting skills, my hairline won't recede like his. He is still very satisfied with this long black and thick hair.

He casually threw a few punches and kicks with his Satan style fighting skills, and Broly easily made an explosion in the air. With his strong strength, he finally no longer has to throw arrogant punches.

It took him a moment to realize why he was suddenly so quiet. He grabbed his head and grabbed Kakarot who was riding on his neck. Her face was red, she was sweating a lot, and her skin was a little burning.

Although she was a Saiyan, she was still just a child with a weak constitution. She suffered from heat stroke after being exposed to the blazing desert sun continuously without any shade.

In such a hot desert, her mild heat stroke can easily develop into heat stroke, and then acute kidney failure and liver failure, which are very dangerous. Broly directly dug a large sand pit in the leeward area with his hands. The sand under the ground was still very cool, with a temperature of only twenty-five or six degrees.

Putting Kakarot into the cool sand pit, Broly took off the elastic combat sleeves on his upper body, wearing only a combat vest. The technology of Frieza's army is very advanced, and the slim combat sleeves are very elastic and breathable. Even if they transform into a giant ape, they will not burst. Broly fixed the battle sleeves with wooden stakes and stretched them into a large piece, covering the sand pit and preventing the sun from directly shining on Kakarot below.

If she was exposed to the sun again, she would probably become the first Saiyan to die.

"Baby, I'm going to find someone to rescue you right now. Don't let me die."

He said, took steps and ran towards the southwest. When running at full strength, his speed is similar to that of a galloping horse, and he can cover three to four meters in one step.

Sweat flowed freely on the strong muscles, and in an instant it was dried by the scorching sun, forming layers of salt flowers.

After running for more than thirty minutes, he finally ran out of the desert and saw a patch of green. It was a farm, planted with patches of corn, a large green area. After crossing hundreds of acres of cornfields, he discovered a wooden country house. There are two activity sources inside, one with combat power two and one with combat power one.

Broly rang the doorbell, and the two's combat powers instantly changed. One was raised to five, the other was raised to four, and they took the guns in their hands.

"What's the matter, boy!"

A middle-aged white man held a double-barreled shotgun in his hand and looked wary. His daughter was standing behind him with a similar shotgun in her hand. The man was a little surprised to see that the person knocking on the door was an Asian. First, there were very few Asians here, and second, it was hard to believe that there were such muscular people among Asians.

Moreover, this Asian was also dressed very strangely. He was wearing a strange single-sided glasses, a strange vest, a furry belt, and tight pants with a serious bulge, which was really eye-catching.

This is Texas. A few dozen kilometers further south is the U.S.-Mexico border. Mexican smugglers dig holes on the border like prairie dogs. Mexican gangs use mules to transport drugs for the gangs. This vast, sparsely populated land is no longer under police control.

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