Comics Start With Dominating Marvel

46 She Got Up From Her Seat

Isabella, who was sitting next to her father, turned pale when she heard it, and covered her mouth to prevent herself from spitting out. She got up from her seat and rushed to the toilet, almost vomiting out her bile.

Although she had heard that her father was very cruel, this was the first time she knew the specific evil deeds of the Reyes Group. Those uncles used to be very kind and friendly in front of her, but now they showed their original appearance, which frightened her to the core.

Are these really things that humans can do?

Holding a handful of water, Isabella washed her face carefully. Isabella was a little confused. She didn't know where to go. A hand reached out from behind quietly and covered her mouth with lightning speed, then picked her up and dragged her to a utility room.

"Don't cry, don't shout, or I'll break your neck."

A voice said close to the ear.

Isabella immediately nodded obediently. After being kidnapped once, she had gained experience and did not panic like last time.

The hand slowly loosened.


Isabella turned and looked at Alejandro. It was Alejandro who cared for Isabella during her kidnapping. Perhaps because of Stockholm Syndrome, Isabella believed in Alejandro very much.

"It seems that this little girl likes you."

Wade standing aside said, he was only halfway through his slutty words when he had to stop because Alejandro pulled out a pistol and put it on his butt.

"Where are the three people who were with you now?"

Matt sighed and decided to ask it himself.

"They are in the underground wine cellar, guarded by five people, but I don't recommend you to rescue him, there is a monster there."

Isabella glanced at Alejandro, lowered her head and said.

"Monster, please describe his appearance."

Matt said.

"Well, he's bald and has a tattoo of a target on his forehead."

Wade burst out laughing.

"With a target tattooed on his forehead, is he begging for someone to blow his head off?"

Matt isn't as optimistic as Wade.

"Now the situation is a bit troublesome. The person standing behind the Reyes Group and the Mata Group is indeed Kingpin. This person's name is Bullseye, and he is a killer under Kingpin. He is very powerful. No wonder the Reyes Group and the Mata Group The Special Group is so difficult to deal with, and their backer behind the scenes is actually Kingpin. Damn Fake, are there any criminal organizations that have nothing to do with Kingpin?"

Kingpin apparently also had a hidden hand in the plan.

Bullseye has the innate ability to throw, able to hit the target with incredible accuracy with any object in his hand. The CIA had a conflict with him, and Bullseye killed more than thirty well-trained agents with just a box of toothpicks.

When Broly was fighting Daimon Goro, there was such a Marksman lying in wait, which was very deadly.

"Your friend has a loose mouth."

Matt asked.

"Uh, he should have revealed everything he knows."

Wade said awkwardly. Jack Hammer is very timid, which is why he is nicknamed a weasel. As long as he is slightly frightened, his mouth will shake out everything he knows like a funnel.

"Then it's a miracle that he has been able to work as a mercenary for so long without dying under the gunfire of his companions."

Matt made a sarcastic remark and pondered for a moment.

"Kingpin is a very cautious person and must have analyzed Broly's strength in advance, but he still sent such a combination. In his judgment, this duo is obviously enough to deal with Broly, and There may be other means lurking. Based on Kingpin's previous successes, I think if we do nothing, Broly is likely to be killed."

Wade was a little shocked. He couldn't imagine how to kill someone as powerful as Broly.

"Then let's do something."

Alejandro said in a somewhat deep voice.

"Obviously, what we can do is ambush Bullseye. We already know where he is now, and we also know that he needs to snipe Broly. The route of action is very determined." Matt said playfully, looking around : "It's just that Bullseye is very tricky. Don't expect to be able to kill him. We just need to delay enough time for Broly to defeat Daimon Goro first. Then the mission is completed."

"If I can't do such a simple task, I will perform a handstand and eat shit."

Wade said carelessly.

"I have been a Deadman a long time ago. If I can't stand it, I can take the back seat."

Alejandro said, his words causing Isabella's body to tremble violently.

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