Comics Start With Dominating Marvel

55 Phil Phil Coulson Said

Phil Coulson said that compared to Bruce Wayne, who has a somewhat acceptable identity, the threat of the giant ape is more urgent.

He had just returned to the United States not long ago, and successfully brought back a large amount of information about the riot from the Mexican military, including unit numbers, orders and reports during the battle, recordings of survivors dictating the details of the battle, and the battle process. Communication recording in .

Just as he was transporting the information back to Sanfei Shijima headquarters, he suddenly received a request for help. A giant ape of huge amounts attacked the town of Laxitas.

Fortunately, in order to cope with possible battles, they brought huge amounts of powerful weapons and were able to drive the giant ape away from the center of the town.

The escaped giant ape is very likely to attack surrounding cities and cause a large number of casualties, so Nick Fury ordered him to stay in Laxitas Town to find the whereabouts of the giant ape.

"I wrote down his driver's license number, chassis number and license plate number. Once I solve the giant ape, I will have plenty of time to track it down."

Following the tracking of the combat power detection glasses, Broly found Kakarot's location without any setbacks. She was huddled up in a ball, hiding under a huge rock and sleeping soundly. Transforming into a giant ape consumed a lot of energy.

Broly looked at Kakarot's tail that was still shaking, hesitated for a moment, then cut it off with luck, and then completely destroyed it with Qigong waves.

There are many black technologies in the Marvel world, and he is very cautious to prevent anyone from obtaining Saiyan cells and creating monsters like Cell in this universe.

In the giant ape form, Kakarot lost all his sanity and became a Beast who only knew how to destroy. His flaws far outweighed his advantages. Now that he has an understanding of the approximate combat power level on Earth, he is sure that he has the strength to protect her safety in most situations without having to rely on the giant ape form, so he might as well just remove the tail.

Seeing Kakarot who was no different from an ordinary human child, Broly took off his coat, wrapped her up and held her in his arms.

His movement awakened Kakarot, who immediately burst into tears upon seeing Broly.

"Oooh, Broly, I'm so hungry!"

She didn't even notice that the tail was gone, and even the memory of transforming into a giant ape and wreaking havoc last night was gone.

Broly put her in the passenger seat and drove back to Sharpe Farm. Halfway through, he abandoned the car in the desert and chose to walk back to Sharp Farm with Kakarot in his arms.

"I have thrown away your car. If anyone comes to investigate, just say that the car was stolen last night."

Broly said, opening his backpack, taking out a roll of US dollars, totaling five thousand, and threw it to Colin Sharpe. The seven-hand pickup truck was worth at most three thousand dollars, and the rest was used as hush money.

He knew that S.H.I.E.L.D would definitely check that car and trace the clues to Cade Eagle.

Cade took the dollar bill with a smile. What he liked most was Broly's generosity. He spent the money without blinking.

"Tessa, prepare food for Mr. Broly!"

Broly sat comfortably on a rescued sofa, and Kakarot huddled in his arms, nodding his head, looking like a sleepy man.

Kylena picked up Kakarot and realized that she was only wearing a coat.

She trembled violently and looked at Broly, biting her lower lip, trying to say something. There is a church in the town of Lacitas, and three years ago there was a case of abuse by a priest. Under the protection of the church, the priest was only fined four weeks of community labor.

Could it be that Kakarot was imprisoned by that priest?

"She fell into a mud puddle, and her clothes were all torn, so I just threw them away."

Broly explained casually.

Tessa smelled Kakarot's hair and found that there was no bad smell, but she was very smart and did not ask any more questions. Instead, she carried Kakarot to the bathroom that was not completely destroyed. Prepare to give her a bath first and then change into new clothes.

While soaking in the bathtub, Kakarot rolled around excitedly, splashing hot water everywhere. Tessa took a lot of effort to calm her down, squeezed out the shower gel, and applied it to her body.

"Wait, Kakarot, is it your tail?"

Only then did she realize that Kakarot's tail was gone.

"Hey, where's my tail?"

Kakarot yelled in panic, stood up, and looked in the mirror for his tail.

The missing tail, the missing clothes, and suddenly a flash of lightning flashed through Tessa's mind. She covered her mouth, struggling to digest her conjecture.

Broly was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, closing his eyes and concentrating, when he suddenly felt a gaze falling on him.

"What's wrong? It's weird."

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