Comics Start With Dominating Marvel

58 But It’S Different In The Marvel Universe

But it's different in the Marvel universe. In this universe, it's as difficult for ordinary people to practice and release their Qi as it is to reach the sky. Warriors spend a lot of energy on creating martial arts, and each school inherits various exquisite martial arts. What determines victory or defeat is not relying solely on Qi. Various powerful martial arts make it possible to challenge levels.

If he could combine the advantages of the two worlds, extremely powerful Qi and extremely sophisticated martial arts, Broly felt that he might be able to find a new path.

When it came to teaching Kakarot, Broly decided to do the same as Kame Sennin first, mainly to hone her physique. Having stronger Qi never suffers.

"Now, put this stone on your back and let's jump around the farm ten times."

Broly said, choosing a rock weighing about thirty kilograms for Kakarot to carry, while he himself chose a huge rock weighing more than two tons.

Now, except for the group of S.H.I.E.L.D agents and the Eagles, there are almost no humans left in Laxitas Town. Wearing combat power detection glasses, Broly is not afraid of being witnessed by others in such a shocking training method.

"One, two! One, two!"

Kakarot was like a little Toad, following Broly's pace with difficulty. Because she is too young, her strength is only slightly stronger than that of an adult, so it is very difficult to carry a heavy stone of 30 kilograms. After only two leaps, he was already overwhelmed. His pink tongue was sticking out like a puppy, and he was covered in sweat.

"I can't take it anymore Broly"

She didn't lose her Saiyan wildness just because she fell on her head. Now she had really reached her physical limit.

"Then let's take a rest first."

Broly put down the boulder on his back and sat cross-legged on the ground. Kamesen-ryu pursues reasonable exercise and reasonable rest. When you reach the limit, you should rest to let your body recover.

He took out the kettle and poured a cup for Kakarot. Kakarot picked up the glass of water and drank a lot, lying on the ground without even wanting to move his fingers.

"I'm going to find something to eat. You stay here and don't run around."

He stood up, stepped out more than twenty meters, and disappeared in an instant. Not long after, he came back with a puma on his shoulders.

"Aww, Broly, you're so good!"

Kakarot was moved to tears.

Broly looked at the snot that was dripping from her mouth in disgust, skinned the puma, and strung it on a bonfire with branches. His barbecue skills were still terrible, and the fishy barbecue was comparable to dark cuisine, but the two of them still ate a puma cleanly, leaving only a pile of bones.

Kakarot held a leg bone and chewed it loudly, trying to get the last bit of meat into his stomach. Broly wiped his greasy mouth, blasted a hole with his breath, and prepared to bury the bones in it.


Tessa stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the broth in her hand spilled all over the floor. As expected, they began to attack humans secretly, chewing away only the bones. Now that she had broken through the scene of the corpses and traces, what should I do? Will they be killed and silenced?

"I didn't see anything!"

She quickly covered her eyes.

"What the hell, are cougars protected animals?"

Broly said confused.

Tessa first quietly opened a crack to observe, then put down her hands in embarrassment. She had already seen the puma's skull. Mountain lions are one of the biggest enemies of ranchers, killing cattle and sheep on farms every year and even attacking humans. Although the law protects cougars, some ranchers often poison and shoot cougars privately.

"Well, dad has already negotiated a deal on a farm. He asked me to call you back to sign."

Kakarot looked at the broth poured on the ground with pity, trying to scoop out the remaining portion of the iron bucket with a spoon and eat it. Broly picked her up expressionlessly and then transformed into Clark Kent.

"It seems that your father is quite efficient. Let's go."

"Cade, you're going to hell!"

A somewhat down-and-out farmer gritted his teeth and signed his name on the contract. He was already at the end of his rope. Even if he insisted on not selling the farm, the farm would be taken away by the bank and auctioned at a low price because he could not repay the loan. That’s when despair really comes.

Now that the farm is sold, although it will be a loss, there will still be a lot left after paying off the loan, so that it will not go bankrupt and become a homeless person.

"I'm helping you, aren't I, Harold?"

Cade raised his eyebrows, unable to suppress his excitement. He would have made four thousand dollars from this transaction alone. My daughter’s tuition fees will soon be earned.

In the next few days, farmers who had escaped returned to Laxitas Town, hurriedly sold their farms, and then left. They received news that the giant ape had not yet been found, and Clark Kent, who had spent cash to acquire the farm, was taken as the scapegoat.

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