"This is no match for humans!"

There was a sudden disturbance in the airflow behind him. Eclipse turned around instantly and fired two dazzling beams of light from his hands. Broly deflected the two beams of light with a casual wave, and then punched Eclipse in the abdomen.


Eclipse felt as if someone had hit him hard with an iron rod. His vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Broly counted the number of gunmen. There were forty-two, enough to clear the land, sow vegetables and tend the cattle. He drove a truck that had been prepared long ago, threw everyone into the bed of the big truck, and then called a somersault cloud.

Lifting the truck, Broly jumped onto the somersault cloud.

The entire truck weighed six tons, plus the weight of forty-two people, so the somersault cloud sank violently before it levitated back to its original height. Broly controlled the somersault cloud and flew back to Laxitas Town at an altitude of about fifty meters.

Trucks are huge in air defense radars. If they fly to high altitudes, it will be difficult to escape the monitoring of NORAD. Fortunately, it was already midnight, so few people noticed the truck flying in the sky as it was flying low.

Cade Eagle stood in the open space, and Broly told him that he would bring a group of free laborers back at this point. Kakarot rode on Gollum's back, feeling sleepy.

It wasn't long before they saw the truck flying in the air.

"This is too exaggerated."

Broly jumped off the somersault cloud with the truck in hand and placed the truck on the ground.

"These are the laborers I captured from Mexico. Take the fire hose and give it to them."

Cade had already prepared the fire hose, and he was a little worried.

"Boss, where did you get these people? Will there be any problems?"

He was afraid that Broly had randomly captured some people. Although slave labor still existed in Southeast Asia and a few chaotic areas, in the United States, the disappearance of so many people at once would easily attract the attention of the police and FBI.

Due to high global demand for seafood, Thailand has a shortage of approximately 50,000 seafarers every year. Some fishing companies in poor neighboring countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos use deception or even kidnapping to bring young local laborers on board and enslave them to fish.

Sick fishermen would be thrown directly into the sea, those who resisted would be shot or beheaded, and those who disobeyed would be imprisoned in dark cabins below the deck, locked together with rancid fish and shrimp all day long.

The fish they catch will be transported to canning companies and shipped to the United States as pet feed. The United States is the largest customer of Thai fish products, and pet food is one of Thailand's fastest-growing export commodities, more than doubling in six years.

This is, in a sense, a cat-eating-human movement. The fish that people in poor countries buy with their blood are just food for pets in rich countries.

"They are all gunmen from Mexican gangs. They kill people like crazy and die without mercy. You can use them like livestock."

Broly said as he picked up the hose and used high-pressure water jets to wake everyone up. Without these people, I believe Mexicans would be happier.

Under the impact of the water flow, all the gunmen woke up quickly. Some of them choked on the water and coughed violently.

"Where is this?"

Their consciousness was still stuck at the moment they were knocked unconscious.

"You are already in the United States, prepare to work until death in this black farm!" Broly turned off the water valve and pointed at Kakarot who was watching: "Everyone who tries to be lazy will be fed Cougar.”

The cattle in the pasture have been taken away by the original farmer, so the cowshed has been vacated. Cade has cleaned it and there is no problem in using it for people.

Under Broly's intimidation, all the gunners acted obediently and changed into the jeans they had prepared long ago to sleep in the bullpen.

Cade was a little worried.

"Boss, I can't manage so many thugs by myself. This is like asking a mouse to supervise the work of a group of cats. I will be killed!"

He was just an ordinary Texas farmer.

"Don't worry, you just need to teach them how to do farm work well, and leave the other things to Kakarot. Kakarot will definitely make them honest."

In a vast corn field, dozens of people were scattered among them, picking the ripe corn and shoveling the corn stalks on the ground.

Because of their status, they naturally formed two groups. One batch centers on the Mutant Eclipse, and the other centers on the killer Poison, one of Sicilian Faracon's men.


Poison boasted about how many people he had killed, and he specifically dealt with some enemies who threatened the business for Sicilian Faracon.

"Are there really sixty-five?"

"Definitely, everyone I kill will remember it. Last night alone, I killed six of Balomata's dogs."

While using a shovel to dig out the roots of the corn, Poison gave the gunmen of the Mata Group a middle finger at the other end.

Both sides immediately began to exchange obscene words, but no one dared to take action. They were huddled in the bullpen last night, and it didn't take long for a brutal fight to break out, which was quickly suppressed by Broly.

Broly would not be merciful to these drug dealers, and tried the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm on the first few. This is a move that was learned after reaching lv7 in Kamesen-ryu martial arts.

This move was so powerful that Kame Sennin had to use it when other moves failed to work. If Wukong hadn't seen the full moon and transformed into a giant ape, he would have been defeated by the Ten Thousand Kingdoms Shocking Palm.

The high-intensity Qi will bind the enemy like an electric current and stimulate the enemy's body, causing severe pain.

Even the most die-hard killer didn't last a second before being sprayed with electricity's shit and piss. This was because Broly only used up a very small amount of energy because he didn't want to kill his precious labor force.

If he used his full strength, ordinary people would be killed in an instant.

After punishing five people, all the remaining killers were as honest as quails, after all, it looked really painful.

"Just twelve years ago, when I just entered the industry, I saw that woman in Plaza Juárez. She was 1.7 meters tall, very beautiful, wearing a red dress, with dark hair, like the best Ebony, as if it could absorb the sun, she held her son's hand and bought balloons in the square."

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