“Okay, Lashala, you don’t have to worry about this matter.”

“I will definitely go to the church, after all, I have to give the Pope some face.”

“Not to mention Lytia, he also worried about me.”

“I have to go there for both moral and logical reasons.”

Su Chen said with a smile, patting Lashala’s head.

And before Lashala could pout and say anything else,

Su Chen choked her back with a word.

“What’s more, based on my strength, do you think I would be afraid of the church?”

“What’s mine is mine, no one can take it away unless I don’t want it.”

“All right…Since you said so, it’s up to you.”

There’s no way. Su Chen has said this. What else can Laxala say?

Besides, Laxala has to admit it.

Su Chen’s words were really domineering.

The confidence revealed in his words made her want to believe him involuntarily.

Just like that, after handing over the affairs of the country to Laxala.

Su Chen went to the church alone.

He drove the Holy Machine!

When the church found out that Su Chen actually drove the Holy Machine here, they panicked. They even dispatched the Holy Machine and activated the defense system.

Who knows why Su Chen suddenly appeared in the Holy Machine?

If he was unhappy and went to the church to kill people, no one would be able to stop him!

“What? Is this the church’s way of hospitality?”

When Su Chen saw the reaction of the church, he immediately laughed.

Are these guys guilty or what?

Didn’t he just come here in a holy machine? Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?

Seeing that Su Chen had no intention of attacking, the people in the church felt relieved.

And then, an order came from the Pope, inviting His Majesty Su Chen to come for a talk.

Finally, everyone put their hearts in their stomachs.

Su Chen has been powerful recently, and many people in the church are dissatisfied with him.

It has long been an open secret.

Although ordinary people think that it is not a wise choice to be an enemy of Su Chen.

But after all, it is a decision from above, and even if the people below want to oppose it, it is impossible.

But now, the Pope’s attitude seems to be good.

And Su Chen is also very face-saving, this should be the rhythm of no fighting!

11 Facing Su Chen, the first feeling of many people is deep fear.

This young man with a legendary experience.

In a short period of time, he started from scratch and became a king who dominated one side.

It is indeed worthy of awe

“You are so brave that you came here by yourself.”

I met the Pope again, and it was a private meeting between the two of them just like last time.

But this time, the Pope seemed very casual when facing Su Chen.

It was as if he completely regarded him as a younger generation of his own family.

This attitude clearly meant that no matter what, you are my future grandson-in-law, and I will always support you!

“Of course, this is the church. With the Pope protecting me, who would I be afraid of?”

After seeing the Pope’s attitude, Su Chen naturally no longer had any worries.

As long as the Pope stood on the same front with him, there was no need to worry about those jumping clowns.

The worst case scenario was nothing more than using the Sharingan!

“Haha, you see clearly.”

Su Chen’s reaction made the Pope very happy. They are all smart people.

Some things don’t need to be said openly. An attitude can solve the problem.

“But you also have to know that although I am the Pope, I am not the only one in the church.”

“Now there are several bishops in the church who are very dissatisfied with your attitude”

“I think you will bring no less disaster to the church than Babalon in the future. What do you think about this?”

Although the attitudes of the two people are very clear.

But there are some things that the Pope has to make clear to Su Chen.

After all, even if he is the Pope, he can’t completely control the church.

How to solve this problem is also the main reason why he asked Su Chen to come.

“Grandpa Pope, I have only one goal!”

“That is to restore peace to this world, that’s all!”

“As for the fact that I will bring disaster to the church, do they think it is their personal disaster?”

“Or is it a disaster for the entire church?”

Faced with the Pope’s question, Su Chen did not answer directly.

Instead, he threw another question back to the Pope.

This question made the Pope stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

“You are right! Absolutely right!”

“After so many years, the church has begun to decay”

“It seems that sometimes I have to be ruthless.”

After laughing, the Pope’s expression gradually became serious.

It seems that he has known some of the ills in the church for a long time, but he has never made up his mind.

And now.

With Su Chen’s words, the Pope is also ready to make a bold move and abandon the corrupt people in the church.

Only in this way can the church continue to develop.

“If the Pope needs any help, I will never refuse.”

Since the Pope has made up his mind,

Su Chen will naturally support him.

After all, this is also a good thing for him.

“”Okay. If necessary, I will never be polite to you.”

Su Chen’s words satisfied the Pope. However, even if the cancer in the church was to be eradicated,

Su Chen did not need to do it. With the Pope’s background, what could he not do?

All he needed was Su Chen’s attitude.

Now that it had been expressed, he naturally felt relieved.

After meeting with the Pope,

Su Chen had to attend the peace talks with those princes and nobles in distress.

He had to attend this meeting.

The so-called peace talks were obviously the wishful thinking of some bishops in the church and those princes and nobles.

According to their thinking, with the prestige of the church, it should be no problem to force Su Chen.

If Su Chen refuses, he will be the enemy of the church!

And just like Babalon, he will be the enemy of the world!

Although they are afraid that Su Chen will really be the enemy of the church, those funny bishops naively think that

Su Chen is just a lucky guy who happened to be in a good situation.

If the same identity is replaced by someone else, anyone can do this.

There is no way. Although these bishops are in high positions, they have been in the church for too long, and their thinking has been fixed. In their eyes,

Su Chen They dared not to resist the church at all.

Unfortunately, they were all wrong.

Su Chen came, but that was just to give the Pope face.

He participated in the peace talks, but he came to slap the Pope in the face!

When the peace talks began, Su Chen was not allowed to speak.

The princes and nobles who were in trouble were the first to cry and complain, and they were in tears.

The performance was so realistic that even Su Chen wanted to cheer for them.

Then, several bishops from the church also spoke.

They said that since Su Chen responded to the call of the church, he was acting out of justice.

The territories of those princes and nobles should be returned, so as not to lose the dignity of a king.

In a word, several bishops and those princes and nobles joined forces to force Su Chen to hand over the territory.

If he handed it over, everyone would still be good friends.

But if he refused, then you have to consider the anger of the church.

Then you will lose your people, your land, and your heart.

Looking at the quarrels of these jumping clowns, Su Chen found it quite interesting.

He looked up at the Pope.

He found that he was also looking at this scene with a playful look.

I believe that the two of them have the same idea in their minds at this moment.

“Ahem, can I say a few words?”

After a full hour, the other party’s farce finally came to an end. After a light cough, Su Chen finally seized the opportunity to speak.

As soon as Su Chen opened his mouth, all eyes in the audience were focused on him.

What choice would he make? Everyone was quietly waiting.

“To be honest, I’m not very interested in territories!”

“If you want me to return it, it is not impossible.”

When Su Chen said this, the bishops and princes and nobles exclaimed.

They originally thought that Su Chen would have to resist for a while. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At least it would not be so easy to ask for the territory to be handed over.

But now it seems that things are not as troublesome as imagined!


“I sent out troops and exerted great efforts, but also suffered a lot of losses during the conquest of Babalon!”

“If you want to take back the territory, you should at least compensate me for my losses first, right?”[]

Just when everyone thought the situation was settled

, Su Chen suddenly turned the situation around.

Make up for the loss?

That’s no problem, if you can redeem the territory by spending money.

Then these���The nobles won’t care.

“I think everyone has no objection to my suggestion?”

“I have a war damage statistics sheet here, I can show it to you now”

“If you can afford the price of my loss, I will return your territory to you immediately.”

Just when everyone was discussing,

Su Chen handed out some information to the princes and nobles at the right time.

After seeing the numbers on the information, everyone was stunned.

A huge sum of money! A huge sum of money!

Not to mention that these princes and nobles are already in trouble.

Even if they were in power, it would be difficult for them to raise this money.

There is no way, the numbers on it are too exaggerated, so exaggerated that people can’t believe it!

“This is impossible! How could your war losses be so great! I don’t believe it!”

Since the figures were too outrageous, naturally someone soon expressed dissatisfaction.

It was a nobleman who was about thirty years old.

Su Chen remembered that he seemed to be the duke of a small principality.

When he was performing with tears just now, he was the one who worked the hardest.

“How many wars have you experienced?”

“How do you know the losses from the war weren’t that great?”

“I remember that when Babalon attacked, you seemed to run away before you could even put up a fight, right?”

“If you think that running away means there will be no losses and that is called fighting, I am afraid you are really naive!”

Su Chen had expected that someone would resist, so he was naturally prepared.

Whatever you say, I will stick to this number.

Let’s see what you can do!


Su Chen’s words directly hit the Duke’s weak spot.

After all, this was true.

He had indeed fled before the war began. He didn’t even care about his own subordinates, as long as he didn’t suffer any losses.

A war without resistance is not even a battle.

This shows how cowardly this guy is.

If he dared to question Su Chen by relying on the reputation of the church at the beginning, then now, Su Chen’s cold snort has made him dare not even say a word.

“”What? Am I wrong?”

Su Chen snorted again.

This time, the weak duke didn’t even dare to say a word. He just shrank back and sat in his seat.

There was no other way, who made Su Chen so strong?

“You can’t say that. His Majesty Su Chen’s expedition against Babaron is in accordance with justice!”

“If you just pursue your own interests, I’m afraid it will damage your majesty’s reputation.”

The Duke of Soft Eggs has nothing to say, but as the backers of a group of princes and nobles, the bishops can’t sit still.

Since those soft eggs don’t dare to be tyrannical with Su Chen, they can only let them come forward to solve this matter.

“Fame? The Bishop said this when I conquered Babalon.”

“Do you know how much support money is for soldiers who died in battle?”

“Every time I conquer a place, do you know how much I spend to appease the people?”

“Did you know that I almost lost everything I had in order to raise an army to fight Babalon?”

“You want me to stay out of this with just a reputation and a righteousness?”

After hearing the bishop’s words, Su Chen immediately asked like a string of cannonballs. He left the bishop speechless with every word he asked.

Yes, he didn’t know how much Su Chen had actually spent.

He had no idea how much the counterattack on Babalon would cost.

Now that all the words had been said, he couldn’t find any words to refute Su Chen.

“Also, Mr. Bishop, do you think I am a fool?”

Just when the bishop didn’t know what to say,

Su Chen pointed at his nose and asked him again.

“How could His Majesty Su Chen be a fool?”

This question is easy to answer, and the bishop spoke subconsciously.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Su Chen nodded directly, indicating that he agreed very much.

“Yes, I don’t think I’m stupid.”

“Then why do you, Bishop, foolishly think that I would return those territories for free?”


A beautiful slap hit the bishop’s face directly.

It was impossible for him to refute.

Yes, everyone present was not a fool.

Now they could see it.

Su Chen had no intention of returning the territory he occupied.

If he did, he would be a real fool.

“What? Your Excellency the Bishop thinks I am wrong?”

“In fact, it is very simple. The territory I occupy was bought with the blood and flesh of my soldiers!”

“If you feel that you have lost your territory,”

“Well, you can just go and ask for the territory back from whoever lost it to you!”

“But if you find me, I won’t accompany you!”

When Su Chen said this, it was equivalent to an ultimatum. He fully expressed his attitude.

Don’t you want the territory?

Go and take it back as you lost it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me!

Such an obvious meaning, everyone naturally understood.

But it is because they understood it that people feel powerless.

How did they lose their territory?

It was naturally occupied by Babalon!

Now Su Chen said that every grievance has its perpetrator, but do they dare to cause trouble for Babalon?

Stop it!

If they dared, they would not be sitting here today!

Instead, they should have defended their homes in their own territory.

A bunch of trash!

When everyone kept silent, Su Chen snorted in his heart.

He knew that these guys were bullies. They rushed forward when they felt there was benefit, and they were the first to retreat when there was danger. There was simply no merit.

Living wastes air, and dying wastes land. It’s worse than garbage!

So, he didn’t have to give these guys any good face at all.

“Ahem, since His Majesty Su Chen has already made his attitude clear”

“Then our church has no right to interfere!”

“If you have any questions, you can go to His Majesty Su Chen to communicate.”

“”Let’s solve the problem privately and end this meeting here!”

At the end, the Pope coughed softly.

He issued a final summary of the meeting.

It can be regarded as a complete elimination of the thoughts of those princes and nobles.

What does the Pope mean by this?

It is obvious that the church will no longer help you!

Go to Su Chen for what you want!

And go to Su Chen to force it?

Who dares?!

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