Gu Qiang approached, she didn't understand medicine at all, but from Gu Huaian's face, he was not joking.

"What do you mean?" Gu Qiang asked seriously.

Before Gu Huaian said anything, he saw Jin Ye walk in, first turned his eyes on Gu Huai'an, then looked at Gu Huai'an again, then lowered his head, as if he was worried, and said to Gu Qiang: " Girl, you don’t seem to be in danger, you don’t even know how hard it is for my master to find you."

She was very happy, but none of these people on Xiaoyao Mountain was not for her even life.

Jin Ye then turned to look at Shen Qianshan lying on the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

If you knew that Gu Qiang was unscathed, why bother with that kind of care? Now he almost took his own life.

Gu Qian bit his lip, his eyes flashed, and there was a slight sadness in it.

She didn't know anything about the past few days, so she still didn't know what the result of Miss Su was.

"Then why can your master become like this?" Gu Qiang asked cautiously. She was afraid that Jin Ye would anger herself, but she was also afraid that Jin Ye would forgive herself.

Jin Ye sighed heavily, recalling what happened after the royal family captured the Su family.

On the top of Xiaoyao Mountain, Su Shuangning stabbed him with a sword because of Shen Qianshan's betrayal. She thought that he would be able to avoid such a simple attack anyway, but she didn't want him to pass this sword abruptly.

When the sword stabbed him, everyone present was shocked.

With this sword, Su Shuangning almost exhausted his strength, and he fell back heavily, and a little bit of blood leaked from his clothes, staining his white clothes red.

All the people suddenly became a mess, and not long after he was sent to the palace in a hurry, all the doctors who had a good face in the capital came.

As for what the result of Miss Su was, Jin Ye thought about it carefully, and said to Gu Qiang: "There is no result yet. Anyway, this time the crime is too serious. The good days of coming to Miss Su are over, but the royal family still There is no time to deal with these things. After my master gets better, the royal family will give the result."

Gu Qian knew that things weren't that simple at all, but he had to think in a good direction. The most important thing in front of him at this time was to wait for Shen Qianshan to wake up and let him tell him everything.

She eagerly wanted to know what the situation was like at that time, and also wanted to know how much she owed Shen Qianshan unknowingly.

"You will find people you trust to take care of the Nine Princes day and night, and you must not leave every step. The doctor who treats the Nine Princes must also be the best. The person you trust most must not be easily trusted by others."

After Gu Qiang finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and carefully examined the prescription Gu Huai'an had prescribed. Naturally, there were some medicinal materials that she didn't understand, but she still raised her eyes and said to Gu Huai'an, "I'll buy the medicine. , We will give it to him after checking again and again."

Gu Huaian pushed Gu Qiang into the corner next to him, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Yi'er, do you know that the body of the nine kings has been poured into the body, if not I found out in time that he would die of heart failure five days later."

That night, Jin Ye brought Su Ge over. Although Su Ge knew that her master's situation was not good, but he was not fatal, so she yawned and came over.

The light in the room flickered, and Gu Qiang leaned on the chair and fell asleep. If someone tried to get close to Shen Qianshan, she would wake up immediately.

Finally in the middle of the night, when the yard was bustling with hustle and bustle, Gu Huaian pushed Gu Qiang who had already fallen asleep and motioned her to go out quickly.

When I arrived at the main hall, I saw that the courtyard, which was not too large, was full of people. I knew that it was royal people coming.

Empress Dowager Empress Empress and the emperor sat down in the main hall, Shen Zhongbai and others from this generation all went to Shen Qianshan's room together.

Seeing Shen Zhongbai coming in, Gu Qiang became nervous at once, for fear that this man would act on Shen Qianshan in the public. Even if this man did not have the courage, it was not a good thing.

After Ziyan and Changning came in, they first saw Gu Qiang sitting next to him. Ziyan didn't say anything, and went up with Shen Zhongbai to look at Shen Qianshan carefully. Seeing that the man was still angry, he immediately felt relieved.

When Changning sat next to Gu Qiang, he asked in a very soft voice: "This time, my brother became like this because of your business. Luo Ping, you know that my brother has never been right. What kind of woman is so affectionate, if you two love each other, you don’t have to torture each other all the time. There are not many opportunities in your life. Once you have a chance, you must seize it."

When talking about this, Chang looked out the window quietly, there was pitch black over there, there was nothing, but she seemed to be caught in infinite memories.

Gu Qiang smiled faintly, and now it is indeed a strong heart to laugh out. She knew that the entire royal family was willing to help her speak, only Princess Changning.

Gu Huaian stood by and listened quietly, his eyes drifting away from the princess who was in a high position.

He doesn't actually have much attitude towards women, so he hasn't tried how it feels to like a woman.

Before being with Shen Meng, it was not a relationship between men and women. It was just a confidant, who was regarded as a friend.

He didn't even know what kind of woman he liked. But now he seems to finally know that he can at least like a woman with experience, that kind of woman seems to have an intellectual taste all over her body, not like an ordinary woman, only knows to use her beauty to seduce men.

Of course, Ning's position does not really need to use beauty to seduce men, although her beauty can indeed make many men fall.

If Shen Qianshan can wake up this time-of course he must wake up. What kind of face will Gu Qiang use to deal with him? If it is a lover, it seems that it has not yet reached this point.

After seeing Shen Qianshan's injury, Shen Zhongbai walked to Gu Qiang's side and whispered: "Xianer, it looks like you are going out with this king."

Gu Qiang raised her eyes and shook her head strangely. Although she didn't remember anything, even though the man in front of him tried his best to suppress the dangerous aura on her body, she still clearly felt it.

Never put yourself in a dangerous position, regardless of whether you are facing people or the environment.

Shen Zhongbai's face was a little unsustainable, and he still patiently said: "I see some differences in your younger brother's body. If you have been taking care of your younger brother, it is better to tell you this, otherwise it will delay your younger brother, and we don't want to of."

Gu Yi got up and walked outside with Shen Zhongbai.

As the moon rose higher and higher, Gu Qiang tightened his clothes, and saw that in the center of the pavilion where Shen Zhongbai was, there was already a person waiting. It was a woman who looked the same and looked like her, she was bored. Leaning on the edge of the railing, looking at the lotus by the moonlight.

There are very few lotuses in this season. After two days, all the lotuses will quickly decay and then fall.

Gu Qiang also turned his head to look at the flowers in the pool. Although the entire Xiaoyao Mountain was brightly lit, in fact, the details like the flowers were not clear at all.

Seeing Shen Zhongbai and Gu Qiang coming, the woman stood up and respectfully saluted the two people.

Gu Yi recognized who this woman was. She was the woman Shen Zhongbai brought back from the brothel, in order to embarrass the Gu family.

"Three princes, what did you bring this woman here for? Obviously you know that everyone now has no energy to manage your private life, don't you have any in your heart?" Gu Qiang had no mood to go. Tangled those details with Shen Zhongbai.

Shen Zhongbai obviously thought that Gu Qi was just jealous, so he smiled and said, "Yi'er, what are you talking about? She is my woman. As a man, she naturally wants to protect the women around her."

After speaking, he climbed onto the woman's neck and embraced her with his hands.

Shen Qiangwei's heart moved, as if she felt that her face was very bright, and spring flowers bloomed immediately.

Gu Qiang didn't argue with these two people, and said impatiently: "What on earth do you want to say? If you dare to frame me with Shen Qianshan's fate, I will definitely not let you go."

Shen Zhongbai's face became cold, and he asked, "This is your attitude when talking to the king? Do you know who the man in front of you is?"

He was obviously angry, not only because of Gu Qian's disrespect for him, but also because of her anger at him because of that man.

"Of course I know who the man in front of me is, but I hope you also know who the man lying on the bed is, that is my man, so if you know any important news, tell me clearly. If you don’t If you know, just leave, don't delay us here." Gu Qiang raised his eyes and looked at Shen Zhongbai.

Her man? Now she has not shy away from her relationship with Shen Qianshan at all? Even if it is amnesia, she still likes him?

She is just a princess, and she really doesn't have any qualifications to talk to Shen Zhongbai like this, but she said, is it possible that Shen Zhongbai could kill herself directly? She didn't believe it.

Shen Zhongbai didn't raise his old anger, and almost died of anger.

His eyes were dim, he just felt that everything he did did not seem to make any sense. Since Gu Qian didn't like herself from the beginning, no matter what she did afterwards, she would still not like herself.

So he turned his head, reached out to hold Shen Qiangwei's hand, and took her away.

Gu Qiang's face was dazed, this man called himself out just to give himself a chance to anger him? Really benevolent and righteous.

Shen Zhongbai went out a long way, and Shen Qiangwei, who was staggering behind him, finally said: "His Royal Highness, why have you been so indulgent to Gu Ling? If it weren't for you to indulge her too much, now she wouldn't be as arrogant as you. ."

Shen Zhongbai stopped and looked at Shen Qiangwei steadily, as if these words shouldn't come out of her mouth at all.

"Sure enough, I have been too indulgent to you recently. Now even you say this to me. It seems that you don't know who you are?" Shen Zhongbai gave Shen Qiangwei a viciously white look, and then the conversation turned around and said: "What happened to the doctor who arranged? Tell him that this matter must only succeed but not fail!"

Shen Qiangwei smiled, and Shen Zhongbai was taken aback by that action.



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