Ye Mu?

Gu Qian frowned, and suddenly thought of Ziyan happily calling out the man's name when he was on Xiaoyao Mountain, the man called Ye Mu.

That night, in the pavilion in the backyard of Prime Minister Gu's mansion, the Gu family sat down early, and the troupe sang on the high stage, and Gu Qiang came early.

Saying that it was to welcome Ye Mu, a guest who came from afar, the Gu family was able to take time to host a banquet during their busy schedule, which shows how important the Ye family is in the eyes of Prime Minister Gu.

Not long after, Prime Minister Gu brought Ye Clan Gu Huaihuai over, and when they saw Gu Qiang, several people turned their eyes in embarrassment.

Even after seeing it for a long time, Gu Zhihua, who was said to be dying, was held by Qing Luo and bowed over.

When Gu Ling met her eyes, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she smiled dismal.

Gu Qiang retracted her gaze, and at that moment she seemed uncomfortable all over.

After the Ye clan sat down, he said to Ye Mu, who was smiling on the side: "Mur's long journey is very hard. If it weren't for the constant natural disasters in Beijing, my aunt would definitely prepare a luxurious reception banquet for you. I hope Muer will not dislike it. ."

Ye Mu is still the dress that he saw in the afternoon. He got up and replaced the wine with tea, with a smile: "Auntie said and laughed. It is also a blessing for Aunt Muer to have the opportunity to meet the world in Beijing."

The two drank the tea in front of them. As soon as the topic dried up, Ye's immediately went on to say: "As far as my aunt remembers, Mu Er hasn't married yet? It just so happens that the age of my **** is very suitable for you, and his wealth and appearance also match. Very, take this opportunity, how about a meeting between the two?"

Ye clan is now unable to protect herself, and she is still thinking about finding a man for Gu Qiang. This kind of "feeling" really moved her.

Gu Ling didn't make any reaction, until Prime Minister Gu leaned forward and coughed softly, then lowered his voice to Ye's ear and asked, "Why are you going to be with this man? You? Are you crazy? How did you discuss this with me before?"

Ye's move is very beautiful after cutting first, but Gu Qiang is not a fool, and the two people get together more like a good combination. She came here this time, but she was just idle in the yard.

If you want to know what Yeh's plan is, the easiest way is to get in touch with this woman more, and even the thoughtful people will show their feet more or less.

Ye clan gave Prime Minister Gu a look. The latter naturally knew that it was inappropriate to say these things in front of Ye Mu. Then, if Gu Qiang and Ye Mu really became a family, it would be beneficial and harmless to Ye Clan. The praise is a little bit more.

Ye Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then he held up the teacup and looked at Gu Ling leisurely. This was a tacit agreement. At this time, Gu Ling only needs to let go, but then it is estimated that this will be done.

Listening to Feng and Chuuxue's nervous face standing behind, although Ye Gongzi looks good and has suitable wealth, the girl doesn't like it.

Gu Qian put down the teacup, staring at a withered flower tree in the distance, as if he was drifting away from the sky, and did not take the matter before him to heart.

"What you said is pretty good, but what does this matter have to do with you?" Gu Qiang turned his head and stared at Ye's and asked.

She is a girl who has not been out of the cabinet, and now the marriage has been arranged by Ye's clearly? Who doesn't know what she is thinking?

"Since Gu Zhihua got married, you have always been thinking about my marriage, Madam. I'm a princess, do you need to worry about the marriage?" Gu Qiang continued, holding her hands together, her face pale, and she glanced at it. The corners of the mouths of Prime Minister Gu and Ye's suddenly rose.

Prime Minister Gu originally thought that Gu Qiang could give herself a little face in front of outsiders, but didn't want her to care about herself at all. Recently, she has become more arrogant, and it seems that she should give her some color.

So Prime Minister Gu said: "Sister, my father thought you were young, even if you did something wrong, you still have a chance to correct it. Since you are so domineering, you can't pretend that you haven't seen it as a father. Think about it and change your bad temper."

Ye's heart was immediately enraged and looked at Gu Qiang proudly.

Gu Qiang listened, and smiled faintly: "Father's meaning, as long as the child is not obedient, he must be punished? No matter if the child's persistence is correct?"

"Since ancient times, the matchmaker's words from the parents' order, when is your turn to be rejected by your parents?" Prime Minister Gu's beard moved and moved. Obviously, it was irritable. It was just that it was difficult to attack in front of outsiders. Hold back the low voice.

If he doesn't change Gu Qiang's temperament, he must be hurt by her.

Gu Qiang continued his previous actions and said lightly: "Daughter’s marriage is a royal marriage, which is more qualified than his father. It is handled by the royal person. He advises his father not to act rashly. Nowadays, diseases in the capital are rampant. How to help the people, to the point where you are so concerned about your daughter's marriage, isn't it a bit of turning the cart before the horse?"

Prime Minister Gu suddenly got started and knocked on the table fiercely. The tea cups on the table shook, and the tea inside was spilled all over the floor. Everyone around looked at Prime Minister Gu, as if waiting for the man to get angry and give him a lesson. This lawless girl.

Ye Mu picked up the teacup. There was good tea inside. When he was in Jiangnan, his family had a big business and was very researching about tea, but he didn't want the people in Beijing to be very particular about it. He pecked, raised his eyes and smiled. , His eyes swept over Gu Qian's face.

This movement was captured by her without revealing it.

His gaze on her made her feel very uncomfortable. Why can a man look straight at a woman without shy? Don't you know the difference between men and women?

"Since I'm not satisfied with this marriage, it doesn't matter. It's still a long time. It's okay for the two of us to get to know each other." Ye Mu got round, but Gu did not feel good in her heart. She was at Gu's family and didn't need anyone to help herself. , Let alone Ye Mu an outsider?

Gu Qiang got up, the stage not far away was still humming, not knowing what was singing, she left the banquet with Feng Chuuxue without even seeing it.

Prime Minister Gu jumped angrily, but after all, Ye Mu was in front of him, so he laughed with him: "The little girl is ignorant, making Mu'er laugh, but if Mu'er is in love with my little girl, the two will make a good thing. No."

Ye Mu smiled indifferently, and in a blink of an eye she saw that the curvy girl had disappeared in the sea of ​​flowers, as if she had never appeared before, but she was clearly repelling him.

Gu Zhihua shivered first, and then pressed the quilt tightly and said, "Cousin, if you don't like my sister, you don't have to force it. You always have to live for yourself, not for others."

How could she not know what qualifications she still has to be a life mentor for others in the current situation of her own life?

Prime Minister Gu really didn't say angrily: "You look like you are now, quickly find someone to take it back and send it to the third prince's house, so that he can find someone to treat the illness. My father has no time to deal with your affairs recently."

After speaking, Prime Minister Gu got up, seemed to glance at Ye's, and followed him.

Gu Zhihua lay on the table alone, crying, Ye's eyes were disdainful, and he gave a cold snort, and said angrily: "What do you have to cry? Just follow your father's words, hurry back. In the Prince's Mansion, otherwise you will never go back."

She turned around and immediately put on a smiling face to Ye Mu. Although she was nearly forty years old, because of the good maintenance, this smile also had a motherly look, which was very gentle.

Ye Muzhen kept watching the house quietly while holding tea.

"Mu'er, don't see outsiders, just treat them as your own family members at the house. If you have anything to say to your subordinates, as for you and Xi'er, you should talk to her more when you are okay." Ye clan also got up. Pulling Gu Zhihua away.

Ye Mu was left alone and sat there in a daze. As a guest of Gu's family, he was left alone, making people feel that Gu's family seemed very uncultured.

That night, Gu Qiang took out all his belongings and counted them. He didn't expect that there would be so many.

Tingfeng and Chuuxue both stood in front of the table, looking at the pile of treasures on the table, and didn't want the owner of the Qingshui Institute who looked so shabby to hold so much money.

Some of them were sent by Gu Huai'an. His Tong'an Pharmacy has been very profitable over the years. After only a few years in business, it has already had a strong reputation in Beijing.

"Keep these money in a safe place, find a yard in a remote part of the capital, and buy it." After speaking, she pushed the money to Tingfeng.

After listening to the wind to take the money, Gu Suliang came up and said, "My master hopes that the girl can meet in Meilin."

Merlin? She seemed to think of something with the familiar name, but she didn't catch it.

Recently, there have been more and more situations in which she can always think of something but still can't do anything. She feels that her mind has probably changed a little.

"get ready."

Gu Suliang smiled comfortably and took her to Meilin's direction.

At this time it was a shallow night, the moon was in the sky, and the surrounding area was white, looking dazzling.

There were no more people on the official road in the capital, and Gu Qiang's carriage passed by without anyone else.

When I arrived at Meilin, there was the sound of water all around, and it was a fresh feeling in her ears. She stepped off the sedan chair and looked around, and saw a light on in a pavilion in Meilin not far away.

Meilin is the most famous mountain in the entire capital. Because of the mountain's plum tree, everyone must come to watch it in winter. There is no pleasant scenery at this time.

Gu Qiang looked around and saw Shen Qianshan sitting in the pavilion with a tea cup in his hand. The stubborn illness on his body should have been cured.

Seeing Gu Qiang walking slowly, Shen Qianshan raised a smile and pulled her over. Her hands were cold. Although it was not the first time, Gu Qianshan was still very shy.

"Is there something important that I must meet?" Gu Qian tried to break free of his hand, but in the end he didn't do that.



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