It is true that Shen Zhongbai doesn't like Gu Zhihua, but materially makes her smooth sailing. She always thinks about being jealous when she is full and has nothing to do. This time, Gu Zhihua is sent to Lenggong to reflect on her.

"As a mother, the slave only hopes that His Royal Highness can cherish Zhihua. It is not easy for her. His Royal Highness seems to have never tried to deal with Zhihua. For a girl like her, if His Royal Highness takes care of her, she would like to take her life. "Ye's said.

She really meant something motherly at this time, but Shen Zhongbai was already too lazy to look.

"I know, I will release the painting concubine tomorrow, spoil her, and see how she can do for me." Shen Zhongbai said kindly, and then said: "If the mother-in-law is okay, please withdraw. I really want to rest."

When Ye's walked out of the door of the Imperial Study Room, the sky was already dark. She rubbed her dry eyes and smiled knowingly, "Zhihua, my mother can finally help you."

The Yushufang was very quiet, and Shen Zhongbai heard his heart beating in his chest, his brain swelling, and he felt that he should go out for a stroll.

The **** put on a robe for him and asked softly: "Does the emperor have to go to Weiyang Palace again today? At this time, the empress is probably asleep. If you go again, it seems..."

During this month, Shen Zhongbai went to see the door of Weiyang Palace almost every night. Sometimes the light was on in the queen’s bedroom, and he stood there and watched quietly until the light went out. Then he could rest assured. 'S gone and fell asleep together at the same time.

Sometimes the light did not go out all night. I don't know what happened to the queen, so Shen Zhongbai also stood late at night, unable to sleep for a long time.

Shen Zhongbai took a breath and nodded: "Go and see if she is asleep."

The lake outside Weiyang Palace was as calm as a piece of beautiful jade, emitting a faint light in the moonlight.

Shen Zhongbai was sitting in a pavilion by the lake. On the table were a glass of light wine and two fruits. He drank to the moonlight until the wine reached the bottom, and the willow on the moon, there was already a trace of blur between his eyebrows and eyes, which seemed to be a wine bump. With courage, he walked to the door of Weiyang Palace and knocked heavily on the door twice.

With the sound of kicking and stomping, Gu Suliang put on his clothes and pulled the door open, coldly looking at Shen Zhongbai: "What are you doing?"

Gu Suliang was from Shen Qianshan and had fought against Shen Zhongbai. Although Shen Zhongbai really didn't like this maid, he couldn't start, and was very upset.

Because of the previous series of things, this woman didn't respect herself. He was very concerned before, but now she is very indifferent.

"Where's the girl?" Shen Zhongbai asked, shaking his body.

Gu Suliang was speechless, cut and said: "At this time, the girl, as a lonely person, has already fallen asleep."

Shen Zhongbai lowered his head and chuckled, and said nonchalantly, "My queen, before I went to bed, she went to bed first. Is this fair? Call her up and serve me to rest."

Gu Suliang gritted his teeth, thinking that this was the result of the man in front of him, right? However, the corner of his eyes has been swept to the outside of the wall of Weiyang Palace, there is a group of people who have merged with the darkness. They are the new guards like Shen Zhongbaipei.

Since the last time Bai Su led people into the deepest part of the palace, Shen Zhongbai came to his senses and felt that his awareness of prevention was simply too low. So he intensified training a lot of people for self-defense, and the palace was also on guard. It is several times stricter than before.

Seeing this situation, Gu Suliang finally gave up the idea of ​​rushing to kill Shen Zhongbai.

"You'd better go back. The girl's sleep quality is not very good recently. If you provoke her, you will lose your temper when you wake up." After Gu Suliang finished speaking, he planned to close the door, and Shen Zhongbai quickly grasped the doorknob. Got in.

Gu Suliang felt cold. The moment he got in, he closed the door with his feet, and then the short knife in his hand turned over and pressed heavily against Shen Zhongbai’s neck. Her eyes were sharp, as if she was about to eat him. He said, "I told you to get out!"

The coldness on Xu Shi's short knife made Shen Zhongbai's wine wake up in an instant. He twisted his neck and wanted to break free from Gu Suliang's uniform, but didn't want this time, another knife was also placed on his neck. .

It was Ling'er's knife. It was obvious that Ling'er had just got up from the bed, her hair scattered on her shoulders, her eyes were cold, but she didn't say a word.

Shen Zhongbai was helpless, he was subdued by two women, so he threw the wine bottle in his hand on the ground, raised his hands above his head, and said helplessly: "I know I was wrong, how about letting me go?"

Gu Suliang didn't actually intend to kill Shen Zhongbai, everyone is better alive than everyone is doing their best.

So she gave Ling'er a look, the latter put the knife away, and Gu Suliang slowly put the knife down, seeming to say in a warning tone: "Don't forget, I once had a chance to kill about you."

Shen Zhongbai nodded carelessly and said: "Remember."

After speaking, he pushed open the door of Weiyang Palace and walked away staggeringly.

Moonlight stretched his back for a long time. He walked forward lonely. Ling'er looked at him with a probe. Suddenly, she turned her head and asked: "Sister Liang, he is actually quite poor, right? "

Gu Suliang had already closed the door and went back to sleep. Hearing Linger's question, he stopped and looked at Shen Zhongbai.

He is the master of this country and has supreme rights, but in those days, he experienced the double blow of the tragic deaths of his mother and child, as if he had changed.

"It's really pitiful, but people who live under this high wall are not pitiful?" Gu Suliang sighed.

Shen Qiangwei, Gu Zhihua, and even the empress, these people can't do what they want, who can't be pitiful?

And the person who caused all this is Shen Zhongbai, he deserves to be pitiful!

Linger seemed to understand, closed the door and went to sleep.

The queen lay quietly on the bed, turned her body inside, and couldn't sleep well. She was looking forward to a new world when she woke up. She was full of curiosity about that world, but she was also afraid. After waking up, The situation will be even more bleak.

Falling asleep with such a timid mood is extremely uncomfortable.

After receiving the Queen's instructions, Gu Qiang closed the diary book and rubbed his temples, because she wanted too much news from the Queen and made her nervous.

What does it mean to be just a queen? Why not let her marry Shen Zhongbai? Or this question should be asked another way, how could I marry Shen Zhongbai?

She didn't think about it, so she didn't think much about it, and fell asleep.

In the early morning of the second day, as soon as it was dark, I heard the sound of people walking around in the room. She woke up leisurely and saw Gu Huaian pacing. Although she tried to keep her voice down, she still couldn't hide his anxiety. .

Seeing Gu Qiu woke up, he immediately stepped forward and sat on the side of her bed, and asked with concern: "Diuer, did I wake you up?"

She shook her head and asked, "Brother, you came here so early, did something happen again?"

She just felt that a feeling of weakness came, but she did not take it seriously.

"Good thing, brother heard that there is a poison doctor in Yuzhou outside the capital that can cure your amnesia. If you are ready to retrieve your memory, your brother will take you to see it."

When Gu Huaian said this, his eyes lighted up.

He is very interested in medicine. Fortunately, this time the patient is his sister, and he will go along with him.

"No, brother, have you forgotten? How did you stop you from going out of Beijing before? Everything is OK, but you can't go out of Beijing! And you just escaped from the palace, Shen Zhongbai didn't say anything on the face, you can say Maybe someone has been sent to arrest you in private." Gu Qiang thought about it, and always felt that this was wrong.

Shen Zhongbai had been here yesterday, and he was persuading Gu Zhizhang to cancel the marriage contract between Gu Qianshan and Shen Qianshan, which meant that Shen Qianshan and Gu Qianshan could not get married.

Gu Qiang was not too sad. She didn't like Shen Qianshan, but it was too early for her to get married.

It's just that unlike Shen Qianshan, she must be with Shen Zhongbai. She remembered the Queen's reminder that even if she died, she could not marry Shen Zhongbai.

"But 嫱er, what my brother most wants to do right now is to help you restore your memory, even if there is a glimmer of hope, my brother will do it." Gu Huaian said.

"Since my brother insists, then discuss with the Nine Princes and my younger sister will go out with you." After Gu Qiang said, Gu Suliang had already come in and packed everything away.

Gu Huai'an opened his mouth, obviously thinking about how to stop it, but he also knew Gu Qiang's temperament. When did the things she decided changed?

In the morning, a small sedan chair left Gu's house in a low-key manner, sitting in the main hall drinking tea and stroking the purple jade bracelet on his wrist, listening to the report from Fuzhong’s eyeliner, he sneered: "Mixed with Gu Huaian, What good can there be? Gu Huai'an dreams that Gu Qiang will restore his memory, but the memory can be restored if he wants to restore it?"

She knows how many medicines she took that time. In order to make Gu Qiang amnesia, she paid a lot of money, put on her dowry when she married, and found the most famous drug medicine in Yuzhou. Antidote to amnesia.

"There is only one method in the world that can restore memory, but that method will not be used by anyone, the old man will not tell, no one will know." When asking for medicine, the poison doctor said that, Ye's brain is not stupid. Her understanding of this sentence is that the only cure is there, but it is estimated that it will kill her life, so no one will do it, so the memory cannot be restored.

I keep saying that there are more people who love Gu Qiang, but there are probably no people who really want to give their lives.

"Let her go." Ye clan said.

Then the maid said: "The third prince came to the mansion yesterday and asked the master to marry Gu Qiang."



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