But the moment after her skin was in contact with the fire, she almost instinctively called out loudly.

Her fair skin was directly burned by the fire. She rushed out like crazy. Gu Suliang had been ready outside for a long time. He pulled her over, and then rolled down the mountain with a ball motion. went.

After Gu Qiang left the fire, the tight strings of the whole person finally collapsed. She closed her eyes and rolled to the bottom of the mountain. Fortunately, at least Gu Suliang was awake. They were stopped by dry branches. It was very close to the bottom of the mountain. She raised her eyes and saw that the fire on the mountain was spreading at a very fast speed. She had to take Gu Qiang away immediately. There was a river not far from the mountain. This river was in winter. It was frozen, and there was not much water left, but this was their only chance.

Gu Suliang dragged Gu Qiang to the river, exhausted all her strength, she was already at the end, and there was a person with him. After leading her to the river, he turned to look at her. .

Her condition is very bad. The whole clothes are broken. If she hadn't worn a lot of clothes in winter, she would probably be undressed this time.

Gu Su Liang collapsed on the ground tired, but couldn't help turning his head, and probed the nose of Visiting Gu with his weak hand, feeling that although she was light, but still breathing evenly, she was finally relieved .

She didn't dare to think that if Gu Qian died here today, she would have any face to live in this world. She thought that if she probed Gu Qian's breath and found out that she was dead, she would immediately kill herself on the spot.

After resting for a long time, she finally slowed down, and the wildfire spread more and more, and it had already burned down the mountain, because the fire house caused by the leaves turned out to be even the tree burned.

What kind of fire is this, it is simply surprising and scary. She tidyed up Gu Qiang’s clothes, took out all the things in her arms, and placed them on the ground. The medicine was prepared by Gu Huaian. I searched for it, and then after applying medicine to all the injured areas of Gu Qiang, and then fed her some medicine, it was finally relieved.

Her body was more serious than expected, especially the calf area, which looked completely burned and blistered.

Gu Huaian would certainly not know the situation here. How did he know that Gu Qiang could burn this mountain with a fire? Naturally, there is no medicine for scalding, but compared to the scars of this scald, it is the hardest thing for Gu Qiang to be in a coma now.

She also found some food and water in her backpack. Although she was escaping and exercising so violently, the backpack did not fall off.

After eating two bites of dry food, this food is really good. After eating, the body will immediately have strength.

After tidying up all the things and repacking them in the backpack, she looked at the Hexanthera Gu Qiang in her arms. These medicines were obtained by Gu Qiang desperately, so she must take them back.

She put the grass in her arms again, carried Gu Qiang on her back, and walked downstream along the river.

After walking for about half a day, I finally arrived at Hongzhou. If you follow the road, you can walk directly to the capital, but their horses are still in Hongzhou, and they are closer to Hongzhou.

A lot of people have gathered at the foot of the mountain. They looked at the mountain fire, shaking their heads and sighing. Some old people cried directly, pointing to the fire on the mountain and saying, "God, this is punishing us. We did something wrong. Everyone should move out quickly."

Gu Suliang walked past these people with Gu Qiang on his back. Everyone was silent. They felt that Gu Suliang and Gu Qiang were like demons. If they were right, these two women were Did you come down from the mountain?

Of course, no one thought that one of these two women was the culprit who caused the wildfire.

I just think that these two girls are really lucky and fateful, so nothing will happen. Of course, it can be seen that these two girls are almost dead, and being able to get out there is half their lives.

They both looked at these two people, but Gu Suliang walked past them without expression.

At night, I finally arrived at the poison doctor’s courtyard. Gu Suliang was not relying on her body at that time, but on her own consciousness. She just mechanized forward, and at the door of the poison hospital, she finally fainted. Past.

When the poison doctor's waiter went out, they saw Gu Suliang and Gu Qiang who had passed out at the door, and hurriedly asked people to carry them in.

When Gu Qiang woke up, it was during the day. She was bandaged in many places, and the burned areas were coated with herbs. The pain was bouts of pain. It was not a painful pain, but it was a kind of pain that people cannot ignore. Vaguely hurt.

She gritted her teeth and sat up, and a waiter came over immediately. After looking at her carefully, she asked with concern: "Girl, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

Gu Yan shook his head and turned to look at it. It happened to be the waiter who took her up the mountain to meet Xiao Hanlong before. This waiter was in his twenties and was quite proper, and he knew that he was an honest person.

"Where are the people with me?" Gu Suliang immediately thought of Gu Suliang. She didn't know how long she was in a coma or how Gu Suliang rescued herself. She was really worried about Gu Suliang.

The waiter said: "Girls should worry about yourself. The situation of the girl is much better than you, but she's too tired. She was fine after sleeping for two days, and the scars on your body include burns and scratches. There was a lot of blood."

Anyway, at least she survived.


Then she thought of one of the most important things. What about the blood-returning grass she brought back at the risk of her life?

She abruptly got up, feeling her dizziness groggy with this movement.

The waiter was taken aback, went up to hold her and said, "Girl, you got hit on the head, you can't do this."

After supporting her on the bed again, someone walked in from the outside with the medicine in his hand. He opened the door and said: "Miss Gu, the medicine you have this time is all my painstaking effort. These are all money. , You have to work out these accounts with me."

The visitor was the poison doctor. With a smile on his face, the poison doctor brought the medicine to the table, then sat on the chair, tilted his legs and looked at Gu Qiang proudly.

Gu Yi nodded. She has money, but she wants to thank others for saving her life, right?

"I have brought back the blood-staining grass, can you help me improve the prescription?" Gu Qiang asked expectantly.

The poison doctor who was sitting there stood up at once, and then looked at Gu Qiang in disbelief.

"The mountain has caught fire, and the fire on the mountain is very big. Why didn't you ask Xiao Hanlong for it? She brought back a lot last time. She came to me to inquire about you. At that time, she brought a lot of it with her." Just said.

As soon as Gu Qiang's mind turned, he smiled awkwardly and said, "Xiao Hanlong said she didn't have one, and gave us a piece of paper, so we can find it accordingly."

The poison doctor snorted, bowed his head and thought about it carefully, but still couldn't understand why Xiao Hanlong should treat Gu Qian like this.

According to the memory of the poison doctor, the two people did not overlap, and Xiao Hanlong was not the kind of very selfish person. As long as he could save it, he would try it.

Sometimes, she is still a woman who likes money, and she will do something for money.

This is to live, no one will look down on her, and even think she is very character.

Even a cynical man like Poison Doctor respects Xiao Hanlong and has no selfishness. It is not because she is a woman to please her, but she just appreciates her style of doing things.

He couldn't figure it out, so he turned his head and looked at Gu Qiang, and then asked, "You have offended Xiao Hanlong? Otherwise, she won't embarrass you."

Gu Qiang walked down slowly, struggling to move, but he persisted.

"I only found one plant. The mountain has been destroyed. It is impossible to find it. You can help me settle the cost of the medicine. I'm going back." After speaking, he stood up on the wall.

The poison doctor didn’t understand why Gu Qiang was leaving for a while, but he nodded. The waiter went out to settle the settlement. After closing the door, the poison doctor said, “Miss Gu, I really don’t have blood back here, but you take this prescription. Going back, if Xiao Hanlong is willing to give you some blood-recovering grass, that is the best, but if she is not willing to give you, there is no way, the things she decides will not change."

Gu Yan sneered in her heart. She had completely lost the good impression of Xiao Hanlong in her heart. If Xiao Hanlong hadn't saved her life, she would have no good impression of her at all.

But Gu Qiang is also very generous. If others don't help him, there is nothing to complain about. Helping others is their duty and not helping them. What qualifications do you have to complain about others?

But she also wanted to know why Xiao Hanlong did this to herself?

Did she do anything wrong? Not to mention that it was the first time I met Xiao Hanlong. Could it be that because I was the princess, after she saved her life, she didn't thank her?

If you save the princess, the royal family should have expressed some expressions, but the situation in the royal family is not optimistic. She is the princess in name but is actually just the daughter of the Gu family. It is a dream to save her. .

Gu Suliang walked in from the outside, took out a pack of silver from the baggage, put it on the table, and said to the poison doctor: "I have this money with me this time. If I don't have enough, there are two jewels that can be pressed. Or a few silver tickets. Which one do you want?"

The poison doctor looked down at the bag of silver on the table. It was roughly estimated to be more than a hundred taels. It was just a joke to ask Gu Qiang to pay for the medical expenses, and he didn't expect Gu Qiang to take it seriously.

He reluctantly pulled out a smile, did not reach out to pick up the money, but turned to look at Gu Qiang.



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