Coming Kingly Son-in-Law: Don’t Provoke the First Daughter

Chapter 489: Has the prediction come true?

Lou Ziqi really started to panic this time.

Seeing Lou Ziqi hurriedly preparing to leave, Shen Qianshan also noticed something wrong, but he didn't expect that his prediction would come true. Shen Zhongbai started to attack Lou Mingyue so soon.

"Nine princes, someone from Lou is going to Kyoto now. It may take some time to go back and forth. Please forgive me if I didn’t take care of it well, but if this time I come back, the news I bring back is really as you said. That way, someone in that building won't hesitate anymore, so I asked the prince to wait here for a while, and I will go back."

Shen Qianshan was not as happy as he expected. After all, Lou Ziqi's current expression shows that something may have really happened in Kyoto. Of course he hopes Lou Ziqi can stand on his side, but the same is true. I don't want anyone around me to do anything.

"His Royal Highness, be careful on the road."

Shen Qianshan has no way to say anything other than this sentence. I just hope that Shen Zhongbai hasn't started so early now, and everyone should not have any accidents, just...

Shen Qianshan turned his head and looked at Huang Hao behind him. Huang Hao was really lucky. If he didn't happen to pass by at that time, how could he be saved?

Huang Hao has been a good person all his life. He has never done anything bad. Lou Ziqi and Lou Mingyue are also the same. They are kind and upright. Maybe God won't let people like them encounter any bad things...

Lou Ziqi quickly packed his luggage and rushed to the capital, hoping that things would not be what he imagined. Mingyue would only be fun for a while. Just forget to restore his letters, don’t It's the way I think, if the thing is like this, I am afraid it will be too late to regret it.

Although Shen Qianshan feels that something may have really happened to the accident, but at this time, when he is not fully confident that he can fight Shen Zhongbai, it is even more impossible to return to Kyoto with any of his identity, but Lou Mingyue has had such a big incident. Even if she is not worried about Lou Mingyue, she will inevitably worry about Gu Qiang. After all, Shen Zhongbai started to work on Lou Mingyue. It is very likely that Gu Linjiang’s matter has been completely resolved. Will the next goal be Gu Qiang?

Huang Hao saw that Shen Qianshan was so worried, he was also a little strange, "He began to suspect Shen Zhongbai, which is actually a good thing for us, why are you so frowning?" Huang Hao didn't even know Gu Suran in the capital. In fact, it was the nine princesses who were supposed to be exposed to death in the palace at that time, so of course I don’t know why Shen Qianshan is so frowning now. After all, this matter, in his opinion, seems to be moving towards a very Development in a good direction, why is Shen Qianshan unhappy?

"It's okay, it's just a sudden reminder of some related things. Since His Royal Highness has already gone to Kyoto, I believe that this matter should have a result soon, and we don't need to be too impatient and honest. Just wait for the news here. It just happens that you haven't completely recovered from the body. Take advantage of this time, you can also take a good rest."

Actually, I don't want to let more people know about Gu's affairs. If there is any accident, it is very likely that Liu'er's identity will be put in danger. In order to ensure that there is nothing wrong, I dare not act rashly.

"Well, I don’t have a big deal anyway. I’m just waiting here. I, Huang Hao, is a rough man, I don’t have much brains, I can do very few things, and I can’t help you, but as long as you speak, I What Huang Hao can do, there will be no half-line excuses."

Now that they have already decided on this matter, they can’t just stand by. They must take some practical actions. According to the maps that Gu Suliang provided to them before, a few people can almost explore the palace and the surrounding terrain. It's almost the same, but what's the specific situation, I might still need a few of them to go there again, after all, it has been a while since the last time Gu Su Liang night entered the palace.

Unexpectedly, they were still planning on Lou Mingyue, and Shen Zhongbai gave them another surprise.

According to common sense, Gu Suran is no longer a quasi-husband without the gift of marriage, and there is no reason to be called by the emperor frequently, but Gu Suran is different, not long after the marriage contract was cancelled, Gu Suran was summoned twice by the emperor.

Gu Qiang knew early in his heart. After all, Shen Zhongbai had already started to attack Lou Mingyue, which means that he had dealt with the problems left by Gu Linjiang as quickly as possible, so he was pushed to the forefront of the storm. That's what happened one day or two days.

After Gu Suliang heard the news, he was obviously still a little worried, but looking back at Gu Qiang beside him, he seemed to be a okay person. He still felt a little worried, so he still asked, "You really can Go there by yourself? Do you want me to accompany you?"

After all, the person to face this time is Shen Zhongbai, and he already knows the true identity of Gu Qiang. This time he wants to summon Gu Qiang. In all likelihood, he has found a new handle and wants to treat Gu Qiang. Take it into the harem. Gu Qiang shook his head, "It's okay, I will take care of it, there will be no big surprises."

Gu Qiang sighed helplessly, returned to his room, prepared to change a dress, and then entered the palace with the little **** who came to deliver the decree.

Between Shen Zhongbai and Gu Qiang, there always seems to be a cautious attitude. Shen Zhongbai, who is invincible, has never had such an attitude towards anyone, except when facing Gu Qiang.

In the past, Shen Zhongbai still felt that Gu Qiang had always had a soft spot for herself, so he didn't care about Gu Qiang too much at all. Until she discovered that she abused her, Gu Qiang seemed to have changed a lot. She started to talk to Shen Qianshan. When he came together and slowly began to be jealous, he realized that he had always had a guilty in his heart.

Some time ago, he had not dared to see Gu Qiang, because he was afraid. After all, he had just dealt with her father. Although the relationship between the two of them has not been very good, but that is after all her birth. Father, it is impossible for her to be indifferent to this matter, so he wanted to calm everyone down and let her come out faster.

Gu Qiang knew what Shen Zhongbai meant, but he reached out and rejected Shen Zhongbai's hand that he wanted to approach. "The emperor, you have announced that the people have entered the palace today. Is there anything important to say?"

Gu Ling didn't want Shen Zhongbai to feel that some of her actions were giving him a hint, telling him that she might accept his love. If she really experienced those heart-wrenching things, she thought it would be No matter how much you love, it is impossible to forgive him.

"Nothing, can't I see you?"

"The emperor, the grassroots are poor and lowly, and they are just merchants. How can they be worthy of the emperor's love."

"Tie'er, you already know that I didn't mean that."

Hearing Gu Qiang's indifferent and alienated tone, Shen Zhongbai felt a little irritable. He had already achieved this level. If Gu Qiang was so incomprehensible, he would indeed be somewhat unable to come to stage.

"What does the emperor mean? Cao Min dare not speculate, but for the emperor, the Cao Min actually committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. If the emperor wants to offend the crime, the Cao Min has no complaints or regrets." Gu Qiang saw Shen Zhongbai. In fact, it is getting more and more prosperous, and I really can't cope with it. I stepped back a little, and my body slowly stepped back, for fear of any physical contact between myself and Shen Zhongbai.

"If I want to cure you of the crime of deceiving the emperor, do you think you can still live to the present?" Shen Zhongbai was obviously angered by Gu Qiang's tone. As an emperor, he could speak softly to him. Saying these words is already her greatest tolerance and concession, but Gu Qiang doesn't seem to understand her intentions at all. If she goes further, she will take a step back.

"You are no longer the Nine Queens. I already know your identity anyway. You don’t have to do these things anymore and continue to disguise your identity. I think if possible, I will help you restore your identity. , I will arrange a different status for you, so you can enter the palace earlier."

Shen Zhongbai’s tone hardly had any room for rebuttal, and he directly confided Gu Qiang, "Emperor, have you misunderstood the meaning of the grass-minded people? Even if the whereabouts of the nine princes are unknown, I am still the wife of the nine princes Shen Qianshan. , It is impossible to commit to others."

"I know, but the wife of the Nine Kings is Gu Qiang, and Gu Qiang has already died in the fire at Qingxin Palace. For us, Gu Qiang has already died, so in this world, There is no longer a Nine Princess."

"But..." When Shen Zhongbai spoke, every sentence was a big trap. Gu Qian didn't dare to reply rashly. After thinking carefully for a long time, he dared to speak, "The emperor, you know!"

"What do I know? Do you know that you arranged such a big show to escape me? Then should I make an order now and thoroughly investigate the matter at the time, and let me open my eyes well, who is it? With such a great ability, can you steal the day under my eyelids and send you such a living person out of the palace?"

Shen Zhongbai is a strong person, how could he allow this to happen to him?



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