Chu Tiankuo made a silent gesture. Even if they were in the listening pavilion, they could hardly guarantee that they would have ears on the wall, so they should keep their voices as low as possible.

"Why are you alone?"

I don't know why, when Gu Qiang saw Chu Tiankuo again, he still had a very quiet and peaceful feeling in his heart, as if everything had never happened before. Seeing Chu Tiankuo, he felt very relieved.

"Where have you been these days, we are really worried."

Gu Qiang didn't know how to express his current feelings, but was very excited. After all, it was hard to see his friend again, and he was able to confirm that he was safe and well.

These days, they have also thought about a lot of possible situations, and of course they all hope that he will be safe, but this is not as real as his appearance in front of everyone.

"A lot of things have happened around you. I have heard more or less, and there are so many and complicated things on my side. Why are you embarrassed to add so much trouble to everyone?" Chu Tiankuo looked at Gu Qiang a little at a loss. She smiled lightly, but her mood was no longer the same as before, but Gu Qiang didn't notice it.

Gu Qian also knew that he hadn't seen Chu Tiankuo for so long, and it must have taken him a long time to get out of Chu Junyou's death. Since he knew the funeral, it was obvious that this was his number. There are not many regrets, whether or not he could see it in advance, Chu Junyou died in Shen Zhongbai's hands, and no one could forget it.

Faced with the people around her, Gu Qiang left one by one, but she no longer had the ability to predict the future, and there was no way to confirm that every step she took was right. This is really a big deal for her. Obstacles, for a long time, she was unable to make any decisions.

Chu Junyou left suddenly. This was a big blow to each of them. So after Chu Tiankuo left, everyone still failed to come out, but everyone's thoughts were all It's the same, thinking that Shen Zhongbai should have been sitting in that position long ago.

During this period of time, everyone was actually very worried about Chu Tiankuo, asking about his whereabouts, but they also knew it early in the morning. If Chu Tiankuo really hides, no one in this world can find him, but still Well, he came back by himself, without incident, exactly the same as before.

"Is Aran here? I seem to have seen him, and he is on the street." Chu Tiankuo tidied up his clothes, and just sent him out of the place where Su Ran was closed, but he was still stained somehow. The clean things, plus the poisonous snakes in that house...

"Hiss——" Chu Tiankuo thought of this, and couldn't help but shudder. If it were in the past, he would not have wanted to get such a torture method, probably during this time, the pressure in his heart was too heavy. Even when I recalled the scene just now, I felt shuddered.

"What's the matter? Is it too cold? Let me go and bring the carbon stove." The weather in the capital has actually begun to warm up slowly. Otherwise, Gu Qiang will directly arrange for someone to deliver the carbon stove. It came up, but seeing Chu Tiankuo seemed to be cold, Gu Qiang quickly took it seriously.

"Weird, it feels weird..." Gu Qiang had just put down the carbon stove, and immediately smelled a very strange smell. She hadn't noticed it just now, but when one end of the carbon stove came in, she immediately smelled it. When I arrived, "What is this charcoal stove burning, such a strange smell?"

Chu Tiankuo’s reaction was obviously faster than Gu Qiang’s, and he quickly understood that there should be a lot of medicinal materials carefully prepared by Gu Huai’an in the carbon furnace burning in the Lingyin Pavilion, so when the carbon furnace entered the door , It worked with the realgar remaining on his body, and this strange smell appeared.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the medicinal materials in this carbon furnace. It's okay. It wasn't too cold anyway. I was just distracted. I thought of other things. It didn't matter."

Chu Tiankuo was in that room with a lot of venomous snakes. After most of the venomous snakes bit Su Ran, they must have died immediately, but the poison would slowly accumulate in Su Ran’s body. In my opinion, This plan should be foolproof, and Su Ran is absolutely impossible to come out.

So Chu Tiankuo didn't plan to tell them about this, lest they have to worry about it. Su Ran, as a person who has never appeared in the open, just disappeared quietly.

"Alright, let me close the window."

Gu Qiang couldn't describe the smell inside the house, but as soon as the carbon stove was taken out, it was obvious that the smell inside the house disappeared, and there was no need to keep the windows open.

"what is this?"

Gu Suran just came back from the outside. She wanted to come back and have a rest, but she saw a young man hurriedly carrying the carbon stove out of his face, with disgust on his face. Naturally, she felt strange. Thinking that something was wrong, he stepped forward and asked.

"The medicinal materials in the carbon stove may have been misplaced. The young master asked to take it out just now."

Even if everyone thinks that Young Master Liu in front of him looks more like his own eldest son, but they still call Gu Qiang a little younger son, but saying such things in front of him is really different. Too accustomed, in fact, the people below would more or less speculate whether this Young Master Liu would have anything to do with his own eldest son, but no one dared to say it clearly.

"How do you say this? Isn't this medicine pack prepared in advance? How can there be any problems? By the way, why is the young man in the guest room? Are there other guests?"

Although Gu Suran is not particularly familiar with Gu Qiang, she also knows that she is not a person who will be embarrassed because of these things. She is afraid that there are customers in the house, so Gu Qiang would care about it.

"There is a young man, but he came in anxiously, and the young one didn't see clearly."

Gu Suran also knew that some important person should be here, but she didn't know it was inconvenient for her to meet, but she also went upstairs directly and rang the private room where Gu Qiang was.

"Is it convenient to come in?"

Gu Suran's voice is always unhurried, so Gu Qiang can easily recognize it, and he exchanged glances with Chu Tiankuo, and opened the door after confirming that the other party didn't mind.

"I came back quite early." Gu Qiang didn't know what to say, only remembering what to say, and let Gu Su Ran at the door into the room.

As soon as Gu Suran entered the door, she saw Chu Tiankuo, even if he was wearing a mask, she recognized him instantly. "You finally came back, I thought you were going to hide from us forever."

Gu Suran and the two people are on good terms. Although Gu Suran has always been ill in bed, since the gu worm from his body was taken out, he quickly came into contact with people and things outside, and there was nothing like it. As everyone expected, there was something unacceptable. On the contrary, he quickly took over the Tianji Pavilion, even better than Cheng Xiao before.

"You have to give me some time to deal with all the previous things, otherwise, how could I be here?"

Chu Tiankuo treated Gu Suran just like his own brother. He never regarded him as an outsider. Tianji Pavilion had set his own rules and no relatives were allowed to take over. Gu Suran was obviously The best candidate for him, in his own eyes, is only him, who can help him solve all the things in Tianji Pavilion.

Gu Suran also knew that Chu Tiankuo must have been struggling for a long time in the previous period to face everyone in his current normal state, so they were very tacit understanding and did not ask much. If the person in front of him He will tell everyone what he wants to say sooner or later.

"But I'll be honest. I came back this time to help everyone. Of course, it was also for Chu Junyou." Until now, Chu Tiankuo hasn't thought about how to make it clear, and he doesn't want everyone to worry about him. Under the circumstances, I don't want to tell them all what I have done today. After all, for Su Ran, I am afraid that this is the first time in my life that I have made such a cruel hand.

"We also understand this, and we will do our best to complete this thing." Gu Qiang knew that Chu Tiankuo still couldn't say some things up to now, and he also knew how traumatic the previous events had caused him. , So there is no further mention.

"By the way, last time you haven't recovered your body, you just left. When your brother comes back, you must let him take a good look."

Gu Qiang saw the person in front of him, thinking about it just now that he seemed to have a cold, he still feels that his physical condition seems to be not as good as before, and it seems that his brother should take good care of his body.

Chu Tiankuo's expression immediately changed when he heard this. If Gu Huai'an was really asked to check his physical condition, he would not have discovered...

"Forget it, in fact, there is no big problem anymore. There is no need to make such a fuss. During the time I left, I have adjusted myself. You don't have to worry about it. Look at me. Now, isn’t there no problem at all?"

Gu Qiang didn't think much about it, but Gu Suran, who was sitting on the side, clearly noticed that when Chu Tiankuo came back this time, his whole person had changed a lot. It was completely different from the previous situation. I didn't dare to be true, so I haven't said it yet.



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