Gu Suran looked at her friend. Liu Rongchen was considered an ordinary merchant, but no one knew that Liu Rongchen's home was in Jiangzhou, and he was almost as famous as Gu Suliang.

"You people, you just like to make trouble for yourself. It's obviously nothing to do with you, so you have to get in." Liu Rongchen really didn't understand, but he didn't do anything to Gu Suran and his brothers. What's wrong with the matter.

"I haven't said you yet, how come you come here suddenly?"

"You still ask me? You borrowed my name to scream in the capital, why didn't you just call me in advance?"

When Liu Rongchen thought of this incident, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart. The people under him ran to him and said that when Liu Rongchen was haunting the capital, he thought it was someone who bluffed and deceived under his own banner. Still his old acquaintance.

"It's so stingy, unlike you." Gu Suran did not tell Liu Rongchen about this in advance, but the Liu family has never set foot in the capital. If I borrow it temporarily, there shouldn't be any big problems. , Liu Rongchen knew about it, and he came to the door specially.

After Liu Rongchen heard this, he sighed. If it's normal, then forget it. Why did he choose such a time? "If this matter is not important, I won't come over to look for you on purpose. Don't you know that something happened to the Liu family recently?"

The reason Liu Rongchen hurried over was because she was afraid that Gu Suran would be accidentally injured because of her identity. So even if the two of them met, Liu Rongchen chose a very hidden place.

The pavilion was surrounded by water, only relying on boats and wooden stakes to get in and out, and ordinary people couldn't get in, so he could talk about these things to Gu Suran with confidence.

"Did something really happen?" Gu Suran didn't receive any news at all. It was because he knew it, but it didn't regard it as a big thing, so he used Liu Rongchen's name to walk outside. After all, Listening There is also a Gu Suran in the pavilion, and there is another self, there is really no way to explain his identity.

Liu Rongchen also nodded, "I thought you knew it, but I didn't expect to find out after I came. Even if you knew it, I still used my identity."

The things that happened in the Liu family recently, although they didn't kill anyone, they obviously started to affect him. Coupled with the growing wealth of the Liu family, there would be more or less coveted by some people, and he had to start guarding.

"During this period of time, Liu's shops in Jiangnan have suffered one after another, all because they got news that I am not in Jiangnan at all now, but in the capital, thanks to you, I have lost several shops." When Liu Rongchen said this, it was obvious that he was gritted his teeth. He regarded his wealth as his life. It was all his money-making business. When Gu Suran made such trouble, his own loss was really not small.

"I have no other way. I may need to stay in this place for a while. If I don't have a background identity, I am afraid I can't support it for long." Although Gu Suran said that he is now in charge of the entire Tianji Pavilion, it does not mean that it can be very good. Quickly find an identity that suits you.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that it would cause such a big problem to Liu Rongchen, “It’s just a few shops, and I’ll pay you the big deal. You can take this opportunity to blackmail me, and your customers will earn a steady profit. No compensation."

"Do you think I really care about that little money? I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm afraid that during this period of time, if someone stares at me, it will inevitably be against you. After all, you are in the dark. For a while, don’t use this identity to be too ostentatious, and it’s best to send more people by your side. Don’t do anything wrong. My sin will be serious."

Liu Rongchen was not a heartless person, at least he was very concerned about his friends, but Gu Suran shouldn't be so ostentatious even if he borrowed his identity.

The sound of Yujian breaking through the air was obviously a bit sudden. Gu Suran and Liu Rongchen did not expect that even if they had already found such a hidden place, they would still be found. It felt a little strange. Today they Both of them will meet, except for the cronies around, no one else will know.

"The people around you are so unreliable, the two of us just said a few words..."

Where did Liu Rongchen still want to listen to the nonsense of the people around him, and pushed him away, "There is so much nonsense, don't you want to die?"

Gu Suran's martial arts is not very good, and his body has always been weak. Gu Suliang has never forced him to practice martial arts, but there are still people around him, but today the two of them met in private, Gusu However, they didn't bring the guards in at all. This is good. Both of them are helpless. Whether they can escape is really all based on fate.

The arrow rain stopped quickly, and Gu Suran also felt a little strange. There was almost no place to block the pavilion. If it were his own, he would definitely change the angle and continue to shoot arrows here, even if he was not accurate. People of, maybe they can run into one casually, not to mention that someone has been sent to assassinate them, how could they find ordinary people?

"People are gone? Such a good opportunity, I haven't done anything yet."

Before Gu Suran finished speaking, a feather arrow hit his shoulder and directly pierced his shoulder blade. Where did he suffer from such a pain, one could not bear it. Fortunately, Liu Rongchen responded quickly and quickly covered it. His mouth pressed him to the ground.

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise."

"The son!"

Liu Rongchen specifically called out loudly. Of course, this was just made after confirming that Gu Suran was indeed in no danger of life. After all, he is Liu Rongchen now. Maybe these people came for his identity. .

Liu Rongchen held Gu Suran's mouth tightly, almost making him breathless. After a while, he heard the sound of swords intertwining outside. After a while, Liu Rongchen stopped Gusu safely. Of course, Gu Suran was already too painful to speak.

"Liu Rongchen, remember it to me, I will definitely not let you go."

The people who heard the sound were not the people around Liu Rongchen, but the guards arranged in advance by Chaiyun and another Gu Suliang. Seeing that his second son was injured like this, Chaiyun said nothing, so he took his own The long sword rested on Liu Rongchen's neck, "Mr Liu, can you explain what the situation is like now?"

"What's the matter? It's not a while since I went out, how come back with a sullen face?" Gu Qiang saw Chu Tiankuo and Gu Huaian return with a sullen face, so he asked the guy to quickly take a clean cotton cloth and help them both tidy up a little. , But Chu Tiankuo quickly avoided Gu Qiang, and didn't want her to touch herself.

Gu Qiang felt a little inexplicable, and stared at the person in front of her in a daze.

Gu Huaian also hurriedly explained, "This powder is poisonous, so wait for me to deal with it."

Gu Qian suddenly realized it, and looked at the people sitting around, "By the way, what about Aran? Why didn't I see him today?"

Gu Suliang heard Gu Qiang asking her brother and hurriedly came out to explain, "A friend asked him out and said that he was going to discuss something. If you have anything, you can just tell us directly. When he comes back , I will tell him."

Since it's like this, Gu Qiang doesn't need to worry too much, and his face sinks slightly, "Calling everyone here today, there is actually one thing I want to discuss with everyone."

It is simple and simple, and complex is quite complicated. In the final analysis, Ali was poisoned in Yuhualou, and Gu Qiang felt that someone must have gotten inside.

When A Li felt that he was being poisoned, it was actually too late. After the tea was put in his mouth, it started to get hot. A Li noticed something wrong and vomited all the tea out, but the medicine was too strong. , It still burned A Li's throat.

Gu Qiang hadn't been to Yuhualou for so many days. He didn't expect that such a big thing would happen when he was away in just a few days.

"I just came today, and I want to discuss it with everyone. I have never encountered such a situation before. The prince has been in charge of Yuhualou. Now such a situation has suddenly appeared, which means that it must have been mixed in. Those who have entered, want to discuss with everyone, how should this matter be resolved?"

Shen Qianshan didn't think this was a big deal. It is inevitable that people will come in and out of the Yuhua Tower. This kind of thing will happen sooner or later. "Since it is like this, there will be Princess Lao, so hard. , Find out all the traitors in Yuhualou."

Of course Shen Qianshan also knew that some things were serious, especially Yuhua Tower, which was originally arranged for intelligence collection. Although it is not as accurate as the Tianji Pavilion, it is indeed the fastest from the mouth of those officials. It's really not a trivial matter to get the court's up and down movement, and it's no wonder that Gu Qiang called everyone back with such a big fan.

"Is it a little bit difficult for you to do this alone? Why not? Zhou Ning seems to have nothing else important to do recently. Why not let her help you."

Gu Suran is not there now. In Zhou Ning’s eyes, Chu Tiankuo is still the pavilion of the Tianji Pavilion. Of course, Zhou Ning did not dare not listen to what Chu Tiankuo said, so he nodded and agreed. .



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