Modo is not a gritty person, and he doesn't like the love of his children. After he went upstairs and packed his luggage, he planned to leave early the next morning, but the night before, he called everyone together and said something. .

He carefully took out a bag from his arms and walked towards Gu Huaian.

"Well, I left it for you. I originally had a copy of your sister, but I don't want to see her forever." Suddenly Modo said this, which obviously made Gu Huaian confused.

"Sir, what is this?"

Modo is leaving now anyway, and there is nothing. He is going to keep this matter hidden. Anyway, he is one of the few relatives of the person in front of him in the world. If he knows it, he has a thought.

"Your mother is a foreign princess and my sister. It's just that I did something wrong many years ago. Your mother didn't dare to forgive me, so I have never been here since then." When Modo Mathematics came to know him, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. In the blink of an eye, all the people he cared about left him, and I didn't know if it was a punishment from God.

What Modo put in Gu Huai'an's hand is actually a pendant. Foreign merchants, everyone is very knowledgeable, and there are more people dealing with them, so naturally they will see more strange things. This pendant The whole body is thorough and more precious than the best jade. Even if I have got these two small pendants, I originally wanted to leave a thought for my two nephews, but I didn't want Gu Ling to have already passed away. .

"When I came back this time, I couldn’t go to see your sister. It seems that it’s too late. You can help me put this thing in front of your sister’s tablet. Even if it’s my uncle who’s never met, give it to her. A little bit of thought."

Modo didn't expect things to change so quickly. In just a few days, he brought it well in the capital, and he was about to leave.

Gu Huaian obviously couldn't digest so much news for a while, and turned his attention to Gu Qiang. Who would have thought that Gu Qiang knew nothing about this matter, and didn't know that there was such a thing at all.

However, what Modo said, Gu Qiang could understand why Shen Qianshan never told him this at the time. He was afraid that more and more people would be involved in this matter, which might cause unnecessary situations. It was thoughtful, and I couldn't blame him for this.

Gu Huaian was relatively calm, and took Modo's things seriously, "First...uncle, I will take pictures and **** you back. Don't worry, we are here, there won't be anything along the way. What people dare to do to you, even after they go back, someone will protect you."

Shen Zhongbai probably knew something about Modo, so he hurriedly let him leave. Fortunately, other foreign merchants were not affected, which is a good thing.

Although Gu Qian knows that the person in front of him is his uncle, he can't say much. If Shen Zhongbai's people find something wrong, I am afraid that his uncle will also be involved in them, in case it is true. If something happened, it was too late to regret.

"Sir, you and I hit it off right away. You have taken care of me for so many days. The younger generation has nothing to give to you. This is when the younger generation traveled, and he really got a piece of jade. Now it is transferred to Mr.

Gu Qiang didn't know how to say that this piece of jade was actually left by his mother when he was alive. I don't know if this uncle has seen it before, but now he can only give it to Modo in this way.

In fact, Modo has always felt that this young offspring is very kind, so he has always treated him as his own child, but none of them are simple characters, and everything is confusing. , So I have not dared to have too much close contact with them all the time, but in the future, if there is fate, they will definitely meet again.

"Although it is precious, I still accept it.

Modo is not a person who likes to be sentimental, so even in such a scene, he doesn't like others crying. To be honest, from the first day he came to the capital, he actually knew exactly what Shen Zhongbai was. What kind of person is being targeted by him this time, I am afraid I will lose something to escape.

But this is nothing. As long as he reaches his own territory, Shen Zhongbai can't do anything to himself no matter how far he reaches.

However, Gu Qiang was very curious, why did Shen Zhongbai suddenly stretch his hand here?

Modo has already said that he is actually the uncle of himself and his brother. If it is really like this, will the incident this time be related to the letters he saw in Shen Zhongbai's study that day?

Su Ran’s matter was not resolved for a day, and Chu Tiankuo couldn’t settle down for a day. Although Su Ran definitely moved faster than himself, at this time, Shen Zhongbai should also want to know that he has come back, but whether Shen Zhongbai knows him or not The existence of Su Ran was a big threat to him. Chu Tiankuo couldn't describe how regretful he was. He didn't kill Su Ran directly at the time, but wanted to torture her slowly, so that he had a chance to escape.

A vicious woman like her has already investigated her details. If she wants to attack herself, she has nothing to say, but what if he does it to all the rest of the Lingyin Pavilion?

Chu Tiankuo must get rid of Su Ran as soon as possible, otherwise, he would not even be able to sleep peacefully.

Su Ran had already told Shen Zhongbai about Chu Tiankuo's return to the capital, but Shen Zhongbai didn't seem to be interested in this matter. Perhaps he would feel a little guilty about Chu Junyou's death, so he paid it back temporarily. Not ready to start with Chu Tiankuo.

However, if Shen Zhongbai did not express his opinion on this matter, he would not be able to get any blessings about him. He would walk alone and come and go. If he had a face-to-face meeting with him, he might not have any. Good luck last time.

Su Ran actually found it very strange. Even a person like Gu Huai'an who was proficient in medical skills showed obvious discomfort when he cut off the powder that he had sprinkled. Even if the powder was small, it was enough People were poisoned, but why didn't Chu Tiankuo react at all that day?

Su Ran never wanted to understand this matter, so of course she would not throw herself into the trap to find Chu Tiankuo until she was completely sure, unless she really had enough life, but she didn’t expect that even if she didn’t. He was not prepared to go to Chu Tiankuo, he wanted to let him go so easily.

Even when Su Ran is walking on the road these days, she is very cautious. I don’t know how many days I haven’t found someone to try the poison, and finally got a new poison. Of course, she can’t wait to find someone. Give it a try, but if she goes out during the day, she is afraid that she will be caught by Chu Tiankuo just like the last time. After he has the last experience, this time he will definitely confirm that he has died before leaving, right?

Su Ran took advantage of the darkness to go out, and was about to find the place where the beggars gathered. Just find someone to come out and try it out for herself. However, she went to the place several times on weekdays, and today there is no one. It is really true. It feels a bit strange.

Su Ran didn't know what was going on today, but she still didn't give up. Since they have all come out, wouldn't it be a waste if they don't find a suitable person? She continued to look for people in the remote alley, but suddenly found that a person was curled up in a shelter from the wind in the corner of the street.

Su Ran has been looking for a long time, where there is still a little bit of precaution, she hurried forward, and clenched the dagger in her hand. In any case, she had to keep this person alive and see how effective the poison she had just deployed. .

Unexpectedly, just now that the dagger was put on the back of this person's neck, Su Ran suddenly jumped into the air.

Chu Tiankuo's speed was much faster than she had imagined, not to mention that in this situation, Su Ran was initially unprepared, and Chu Tiankuo's martial arts was far above her. Su Ran has not yet Before he could react, he had already cut his throat.

However, because of Chu Tiankuo's position in the gloomy alley, Su Ran, whose blood vessel was cut, immediately splashed his blood on Chu Tiankuo's body.

Chu Tiankuo looked at the blood spurting out, didn't think much, wiped his hands in disgust, turned around and left.

Gu Huaian should have been asleep at this time, but it was a bit cold at night. He also regretted putting away the quilt so early, so he wanted to go out to the guest room and get a quilt. He just saw it. Chu Tiankuo, who had just entered the door .

"It's so late, what are you going out for?" Gu Huai'an was still far away, and didn't see the blood on Chu Tiankuo's body, but seeing that his condition was not right, Gu Huai'an quickly went downstairs, only to find Chu Not only did Tian Kuo have blood stains on his body, but his arms and cheeks were all burned by something.

Chu Tiankuo waved his hand, "Nothing else, it's just a little bit of his own personal affairs, no problem."

"Don't you hurt?"

Looking at Chu Tiankuo hurriedly trying to avoid him, Gu Huaian threw out all the questions he had had for so many days.

"You killed Su Ran."

Gu Huaian was not asking about this sentence, but merely stating a fact.



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