Gu Suliang’s tone is indeed not very friendly, but Liu Rongchen seems to have become accustomed to such Gu Suliang since he was a child, and he greeted him with a smile, “Brother Liang, don’t you drive me away in such a hurry, this is not The matter has not been resolved yet, if I leave now, will all the spearheads be directed at Aran?"

Liu Rongchen was quite good at finding himself a step down. Gu Suliang knew that before the Liu family’s affairs were resolved, his younger brother was still unsafe. He knew this a long time ago. Gu Suran was planning to use Liu Rongchen’s identity. At that time, I should stop him, but now it's all right, causing so many things for no apparent reason.

Gu Qiang felt that the situation is quite good now. After all, until now, no major incident has been caused. Liu Rongchen is willing to stay here and just stay. Anyway, there are so many guards around Lingyin Pavilion. No one wants to assassinate him in this place.

"I don't want to take care of your family affairs. We will solve them soon. We have other things to deal with." Gu Suliang didn't like Liu Rongchen since he was a child, and it is the same now, although he has not done anything to harm his brother. , But I just don't want to let my brother get close to him too much.

After confirming that there was no problem here, Gu Qiang went back to his room, originally wanting to take a good rest, but unexpectedly, when he was about to lie down, someone knocked on the door of his room, and Gu Qiang was afraid of outside the door. What's in a hurry for the people, so they quickly put on a dress and walked out.

It was Liu Rongchen who was outside the door.

"What's wrong, has something happened?"

Looking at the look of this hippie smiling face now, Gu Qiang also felt that there was probably nothing wrong with him, but Liu Rongchen usually came with Gu Suran when he came to find him. Why is he here alone today?

"It's no big deal," Liu Rongchen looked inside. "The prince is not here. Is it convenient for me to tell you after entering the house?"

Gu Qiang didn't understand what he was up to, so he wanted to avoid everyone talking, but he still respected what he meant. Anyway, he didn't dare to make any mess on the floor of Lingyin Pavilion, and he had nothing to fear.

"Just talk about it, don't be circumstantial."

"The princess is also a clever person, so I'll just say it. Rong Chen came over today because he wanted to borrow something from the princess. I don't know it would be inconvenient." Liu Rongchen is always a hippie smiley, and Gu Yi sees more. I got used to it naturally, but I didn't know what he wanted to borrow when he came to this sentence without thinking.

"Borrowing?" Gu Qiang didn't know what was going on. When he said this, he felt abrupt. He always felt as if something bad was about to happen, but the person in front of him was so calm. What important things are the same.

"I heard that when the princess ran a gambling shop before, there was a batch of gunpowder stored in the gambling shop. The power can be used to break mountains and gravel. I don't know if it really happened?" Gu Qian did not expect that this was what Liu Rongchen said. Regarding the matter, although he was very curious how he knew about this, Gu Qiang did remember that there was such a thing.

The gunpowder was found in Gu Linjiang’s warehouse at the time. Gu Qiang didn’t know if it would be of any use in the future, so he kept all of them. It was not convenient to store them, so they were secretly placed in the secret room of the casino. Except for himself and Gu Suliang, few people actually know.

"Yes, there are, but I don't remember it after a long time." Gu Qiang still didn't know what the person in front of him was going to do, so he didn't dare to promise too precisely. After all, this gunpowder is not a trivial matter. Gunpowder is indeed enough to open mountains and gravel, so it cannot be easily given to others.

"Wang Hao keeps those gunpowder, but is it still useful?" Liu Rongchen smiled, looking at Gu Qiang in front of him. Gu Qiang who looked at him felt a little embarrassed. "It's really useless, it's just left for so long. It’s hard to say if it’s already damp, and you have to tell me, what do you want this gunpowder for?"

The gunpowder that Gu Linjiang hoarded at the time was nothing more than to make weapons and the like. As long as he had those things in his hands, no matter who became the emperor, he had to be afraid of three points, but it was a pity that he was still useless in Shen Zhongbai's place. I was emptied by myself and completely driven crazy.

The gunpowder matter was no small matter, and Gu Qiang had to act cautiously.

"The princess don't have to worry, it's just that the younger brother is a businessman. Recently, I bought a mine in a small place around the capital. After all, it is a businessman. Of course, I must save the place that can be saved.

What Liu Rongchen said is quite reasonable, but of course Gu Qiang is still a little dissatisfied with Liu Rongchen's knowledge that he has gunpowder. After all, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better. Since Liu Rongchen knows it, it means he must have gone to investigate. Own, this matter is so hidden that only a few of them know, it is impossible for Gu Suliang to tell him, so in this matter, Gu Qiang must be extra cautious.

"Evidence, how do you prove that you did this with gunpowder?" Gu Qiu didn't say too much nonsense. This matter is a kind of love for him, and it is his duty to not give it. That amount of explosives is said to be able to blow up the palace. It's not an exaggeration, I can't be careless.

Liu Rongchen heard Gu Qiang say this, and nodded with a smile, "I knew that the princess was cautious, but didn't want to be so rigorous. How can this be evidence? Brother, here is the receipt for the mine that I just bought. Up."

Liu Rongchen never felt that Gu Qiang was a good fool. If it weren't really useful, he wouldn't find so much gunpowder for a while. Liu Rongchen would never find Gu Qiang's body, and this matter, he would only I can tell Gu Qiang that if I change to Shen Qianshan or Gu Suliang, I'm afraid they won't be so easy to talk.

Gu Qiang glanced at the handwriting Liu Rongchen took out, and it didn't look like it was fake, but at the same time he glanced at it, he secretly wrote down the name and shop on it.

"That's all, it's all friends. I keep this thing and it's useless. You can take it, but the place where the gunpowder is placed is somewhat hidden. I will contact you after I find someone to arrange it."

Of course it is impossible for Gu Qiang to completely believe in Liu Rongchen just because of a receipt. The identity of the seller and this mine must be investigated before making a decision. In any case, it is impossible to let Liu Rongchen take himself. Played as a fool.

"Then trouble the princess."

When Liu Rongchen went out, Shen Qianshan was about to open the door to come in. He was unavoidably surprised when he saw him coming out of Gu Qiang's room. After looking at Gu Qiang, he also cast a questioning look.

Gu Qiang looked at Liu Rongchen's presence, and it was difficult to explain. What's more, Shen Qianshan didn't know much about this gunpowder. If he knew about it, he had hidden so much gunpowder, it would be unavoidable to worry about this and that. , Simply check it yourself, don't tell Shen Qianshan.

Liu Rongchen turned around and left. After Shen Qianshan closed the door, he opened his mouth, "What does he come to do with you?" Liu Rongchen usually comes here, but it is really rare to come here alone, plus Gu Ling. The unhappy look on his face made him even more puzzled.

As soon as Gu Qiang entered the gate of the Lingyin Pavilion, he began to feel a little abnormal. I thought it was because of the exhaustion of the boat and cars. Shen Qianshan still felt a little self-blaming. He went downstairs to find Gu Huai'an. After taking some soothing incense, it took a while, but Gu Qiang, who didn't want to talk to Liu Rongchen, looked so bad.

Gu Qiang’s face is poor, of course, because I really don’t like the feeling of being investigated. Although I must have been investigated more than once before, no one has ever said blatantly that he has investigated himself, so Gu Qiang feels that More uncomfortable.

"It's okay, just borrow something from me."

"He borrowed money from you? Why are you so unhappy?" After Shen Qianshan thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. Not to mention that Gu Qiang was not the kind of money-thirsty and careful person at all, Liu Rongchen. After all, it is a merchant from Jiangnan, how could it be short of money?

Gu Qiang had no good excuses to prevaricate this matter. Shen Qianshan found a step for herself, and she quickly went on using this excuse, "Yes, he is short of money, and A Liang again It’s always unpleasant to see him, of course it’s impossible to borrow him, so I found me."

Gu Qian is really not good at lying. Shen Qianshan also saw it at a glance. It was just Liu Rongchen's matter. After all, it was not a big deal. He should figure out the situation on Shen Zhongbai as soon as possible when he has time to deal with it. It is a big problem, and I have to pay attention to it.

"If there is something to go out, let Qi Bai and the others follow."

Shen Qianshan’s enterprise business is very worried. After all, I wanted to use Zhenzhen’s opportunity to contact Huang Hao last time. However, there were people from Song Yu in the disaster relief team. He had limited mobility and could not leave without permission. When Qiang went out, she really didn't want her to worry about her own affairs, so she didn't take the opportunity to find Huang Hao.

The correspondence between the inside and outside of the capital is not very convenient, so Shen Qianshan did not dare to write and deliver letters without authorization, for fear of being intercepted by Shen Zhongbai’s people halfway, he has not yet figured out how many people are under Shen Zhongbai’s hands. After being copied first, Shen Qianshan was afraid that he would regret it.

"Well, don't worry, I will be fine."

However, Gu Qiang was really thinking about it. People should go and see what Liu Rongchen was going to do.



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