Chu Tiankuo was really helpless and could only shook his head at her, "It is true that there is no, but since Liu Rongchen has built a villa in a mine now, it means that all the things he said to you before are lying to you."

Chu Tiankuo affirmed his ideas more and more. From the beginning, he felt that Liu Rongchen was very wrong. Although he didn't know what he wanted to do, he always felt that this person's proximity would not bring everyone. What a good thing, it seems that Liu Rongchen really carries a lot of secrets.

"Since this is the case, should I ask Aran, the two of them have a good relationship, maybe they will know something." Gu Suliang really has no other tricks now, if they really want to ask, how many Among individuals, I am afraid that only oneself can open this mouth.

"By the way, there is one more thing, the mine is to use Liu Rongchen's own name, that is to say, it is very likely that your brother has seen the treasurer Xu, so pay more attention when you ask."

Gu Qiang was afraid that because of this incident, the relationship between the two brothers would be affected, so he reminded him.

It's just that the relationship between Gu Suran and Liu Rongchen has always been so good. If Gu Suliang really asks Gu Suran about this matter, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable, right? Gu Qiang was afraid that the relationship between the two brothers would be affected by such a question, so you can ask, this is not to ask Liu Rongchen as if he did something wrong.

"Ancestral hall?" Gu Suliang was actually a little confused when he heard Gu Suran say like this. Liu's family has always been in the Jiangnan area, and he came all the way to the vicinity of the capital. Such an idea?

Gu Suran didn't think much about it, but just explained it with Gu Suliang. In fact, everyone understands that there have been so many things in the Liu family recently, and it is normal for Liu Rongchen to want to take the ancestral hall away. , So when Liu Rongchen spoke to Gu Suran, Gu Suran directly agreed.

"There hasn't been much movement in the Liu family recently. After all, it's a business. It's too public. It's not good anyway. No wonder he is looking for such a partial place as the Liu family's ancestral hall."

"There's no way, you have already seen it. If it happens again, Liu Rongchen is probably dead." Gu Suran didn't know there was gunpowder, and Gu Suliang also pressed She meant to take care of her and didn't mention this matter. Although Gu Suran felt that Gu Suliang was a little bit wrong, she still didn't ask much.

"Maybe I just want to change a place to be quieter." Gu Suran always felt that Liu Rongchen was not easy. He supported such a big Liu family by himself, and there were so many people who wanted to put him to death. It is not easy to be able to save your life, and you have to take care of your family's business. If he were himself, he would definitely understand Liu Rongchen, that he really didn't help him, and he would definitely not fall into trouble like he is now.

"Well, then it's okay. During the recent period, you should try to go out as little as possible. Leave everything to Zhou Ning and Chauyun, and stay in the Lingyin Pavilion honestly." Gu Suliang didn't want to do it anyway. What happened to the younger brother, Liu Rongchen asked for so much gunpowder, no matter what, this person was too dangerous.

"If it's an ancestral hall, does that mean that all the members of the Liu family will come here when they move to the ancestral hall?" Gu Qiang also felt from a distance that Liu Rongchen was probably doing such a big game this time. Solve the Liu family thoroughly.

"You mean, Liu Rongchen might also take advantage of this opportunity to dispose of all the people who have been embarrassing him in the Liu family?" Gu Su Liang had this idea, even though he was not in a big family. I have been there, but Liu Rongchen has been by my side, and I have seen many of them.

It's just that, anyway, those people are also from the Liu family. Even if Liu Rongchen really can't stand those people all day long thinking about **** him, he won't do such a thing, right?

"I think it's possible, but don't forget that those people set up ambushes around the pavilion before, but no one wanted to let him walk out of that place alive." Gu Qiang still did not forget what happened before, Liu Rongchen and Gu The two of Su Ran were lucky enough to escape from that place. In other words, the people of the Liu family really wanted to put Liu Rongchen to death.

Everything has been done for this purpose. Liu Rongchen will have this idea. It is possible to get rid of all Liu's family members. But, Liu Rongchen is the one who can do such things with a smiley face. ?

"If this is the case, even if it's dangerous, we have to follow it, right?" Gu Suliang's face changed. He just checked the gunpowder that Liu Rongchen took away because of the time he left it. It's been too long, maybe it shouldn't have that great power. If Liu Rongchen takes the inventory by himself, he should find that if they can control the distance, they should still be able to retreat all over. Take a look, there should be nothing too much. Big problem.

"It's already like this. We have to figure out what the situation is. If we go there together, Liu Rongchen will not necessarily blow all of us to death." When Gu Qian said this, he didn't know what to do. , If Liu Rongchen is really frantic enough to blow up so many people, would he really care about them?

The turmoil of this incident is really a bit loud. Even if he tried to hide Shen Qianshan at first, he could not hide it in the end. However, when Shen Qianshan knew about this matter, he was not prepared to blame them. Without telling himself, if this matter were handled by himself, it would have been worse, but Liu Rongchen now had gunpowder in his hand, which was indeed a bit dangerous.

"Then what should we do now?" Gu Qiang also felt a little flustered. Although Gu Suliang had already said that the effect of the gunpowder should have been weakened a lot, it was simply beyond their control.

Shen Qianshan was still calm at that time, "Anyway, we have to take a look. Liu Rongchen has been around for so long, and has always been afraid of people staring at us. In any case, he should not be allowed to tell us about the few of us. The matter is announced."

Regardless of how the people of the Liu family play their secrets, tricks, and show their faces, they still want to give the Liu family's Patriarch a face, not to mention the move to the ancestral hall. The news of Liu Rongchen has just been released, Shen Qianshan I have already noticed that the Liu family is indeed coming in this direction.

"We should also prepare for a while. This time, I shouldn't go along with her." Gu Huaian may be the last one of them to get the news, but he thinks more. I don't want to make this matter too much, but the final result is still not satisfactory.

Gu Huaian knew that if he was not careful this time, he would probably make the matter worse, so he originally didn’t want to get involved in this matter, but now Liu Rongchen’s matter is indeed true. When it comes to royal matters, if they are really indifferent to this matter, they might really cause some other trouble.

Of course Shen Qianshan didn’t want Gu Qiu District to take this risk, but Gu Qiu didn’t think so.

"No, this matter started from me, and must be ended by me. You can't just let the matter pass by." Gu Qiang always felt that this matter would not end like this if he didn't underestimate the enemy. Knowing that this matter is likely to be dangerous, Gu Qiang couldn't even watch them take risks because of one of his mistakes, but he stayed in the Lingyin Pavilion.

Shen Qianshan knew that the tone would not let her go, so it would be better to stay. After all, she might be more stable under her nose, so he nodded, but if something goes wrong, we must all leave, not stay there. .

After listening to what Gu Suliang and Gu Qiang said, Shen Qianshan was actually very uncertain. Seriously, if Liu Rongchen really wanted to kill the entire Liu family with gunpowder, he might be far better than everyone thought. To be even more frantic, they must plan this time well, otherwise, they may be wiped out.

Liu Rongchen hasn’t appeared in the Lingyin Pavilion for many days. He and Gu Suran explained that they were going to prepare for the relocation of the ancestral hall outside, so it was too late to return to the city, so Gu Suran has never been suspicious, but he I have been in charge of the Tianji Pavilion for so long anyway. Although Chu Tiankuo is here now, the news should be reported to Chu Tiankuo first, but he still feels that everyone in the Lingyin Pavilion seems to be avoiding him to discuss something recently. .

"Brother, what's going on these days? You seem to be busy with something." Gu Suran wanted to find an excuse to sniff things about Liu Rongchen. After all, I haven't had a chance to see Liu Rongchen these days. I can ask myself. Only Gu Suliang was the only one.

Since this matter involves Liu Rongchen, everyone has been concealing Gu Suran these days. Although I don’t know how long it can be hidden, if Gu Suran knows about it, I will definitely think again. .

"It's nothing, haven't we always been like this?" Gu Suliang coughed a little unnaturally, but in Gu Suran's eyes it seemed more deliberate, making Gu Suran more suspicious.

"Could it be because you have been relatively free lately, so you think too much?"



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