After all, everything is my own guess. Until now, I still haven't figured out what happened today, and I don't know if the problem happened to the prince and the princess. It's hard to say.

"That’s better. If you really don’t know how to deal with it, just give me all these things. It happens that I haven’t lived in the capital for many years, and I haven’t seen these things for a long time. give it to me."

What Rong Yue said was quite satisfactory. Qian Qiu didn't know how to deal with these things. In fact, he could only listen to Rong Yue's words. Otherwise, he didn't know how to solve it.

At that time, I had never bought these items. If there is no problem between the prince and the princess, it means that I forgot the prince’s instructions at the time. The big deal is just a scolding, but if it is true Sending it wrong makes the relationship between the two of them worse, and I really sinned.

Now that Rong Yue is willing to help him deal with this hot potato, Qianqiu is certainly desperate. Anyway, he and the people around him don't like to eat sweets. It would be best to deal with it quickly.

Shen Qianshan has never thought that a friend who has always believed in self-confidence the most would even start with himself.

Although I don’t know what is in Rong Yue’s secretly frying her meals, or what her purpose is, what is certain is that when Rong Yue came to her this time, she was indeed embracing something. For this purpose, Shen Qianshan felt that he was really like a fool. He even stupidly helped her prepare something that could be used. He never believed what Gu Qiang said.

When Rong Yue was standing in front of him just now, Shen Qianshan really didn’t know how to talk to her about this matter. If it was before, he could ask it directly, because these can be confirmed, and Rong Yue will always He wouldn't do anything to hurt himself, but now, he really is a little confused.

Thinking back now, what Gu Qiang said is indeed correct. Time has passed for so long. Who knows what Rong Yue has gone through over the years, he really has no way to be sure. He is standing in front of him now. Is this Rong Yue the same as the person I knew before? Is it the little girl who was willing to give up her life to save herself back then?

Shen Qianshan felt that his heart was a little confused. If it was before, he could ask directly, but now, he has more and more concerns, and he does not know whether he should ask.

What's more, Rong Yue doesn't know what's in the food while frying, and he has no way to determine her purpose. Only after he has investigated these things can he question her confidently.

Shen Qianshan never felt that he would lose a friend like Rong Yue, so when the secret guard he arranged to report this to him, he didn't want to believe it anyway.

But the evidence is in front of him, Rong Yue is indeed a problem, but Shen Qianshan is always unwilling to believe, so he used to throw things to relieve the pressure in his heart, but after throwing those things, the matter still couldn’t be resolved. , Time seems to be getting worse and worse.

"Second son, have you taken a rest?" Rong Yue didn't know which muscle was wrong, and he would naturally carry things into Gu Qiang's room. I have seen the scene like that just now, Gu Qiang. No matter how good she is now, but if you really oppose him, you will inevitably be said to be prudent. Gu Qiang doesn’t want to face such things, so just don’t say anything. Pretend that you are not there at all now.

Rong Yue is a very persevering guy. Gu Qiang kept silent in the room, so she kept asking outside, speaking louder, and everyone around came over. Liu Yun was originally He came to help Gu Qiang tidy up the room. When he saw Rong Yue standing at the door knocking but no one agreed, he felt a little strange. After all, he had just spoken to the people inside.

"No one?"

Liuyun really felt a little strange. After all, he had just seen him. Could it be that after such a while, the person disappeared?

"Did you fall asleep inside? Maybe I should come back some other day." What Rong Yue said, on the contrary, made Gu Qiang in the house a little bit unable to sit still. It was strange to say that, obviously he was the one. The mistress of the Nine Palaces, why should she be afraid of an outsider in her own territory? "Come in." Gu Qiang said softly, and the people outside heard it immediately, and Gu Qiang was even more sure that she might have been abandoning her concentration and waiting Saying this by myself, these people from elementary school martial arts can definitely hear the sound of people breathing in this room. Rong Yue probably already knew that he was in the room, so he knocked on the door for such a long time. Time is nothing more than forcing myself to open the door.

"Then I'll wait a minute to clean up." Liu Yun didn't know the person in front of him, but looking at the conversation between her and Gu Qiang, he also knew that it should be the master. She is a maid and can't stay by her side. Listening to the conversation between the two of them, you can only leave first.

"Why did you close the door in this daytime?" Rong Yue smiled and looked at Gu Qiang, but it made Gu Qiang feel a little uncomfortable all over. I don't know why, when others smile at him, maybe it's just courtesy. An expression of sex, but when Rong Yue smiled at herself, she always felt that she was full of meaning, as if she wanted to say something to herself.

"I'm tired, so I just want to rest in the room alone for a while, can't it?" Gu Qiang didn't save her face at all. To be honest, Rong Yue's intention was bad this time, so he aimed at between her and the Queen Mother. At this level of relationship, Gu Qiang really couldn't fully believe that Rong Yue entered the palace this time just to return to the capital to live.

I can believe the reason Shen Qianshan said. Indeed, Rong Yue is just the daughter of a general. If a big mansion is really built in the capital, someone will dig into the roots and find out about the Nine Kings Palace.

Gu Qiang also thought about it. If he were himself, maybe he would make such an arrangement, but Rong Yue and Shen Qianshan are always so close together. In the scene like today, Gu Qiang even felt that Yue's actions were deliberately done for herself, just to make herself angry and show her unreasonable side in front of Shen Qianshan.

Gu Qiang was really trying his best to control his emotions during this period. He didn't want to let any extreme emotions affect Shen Qianshan. Now it is very important not to do anything. Gu Qiank knew that he shouldn't bother.

But Gu Qiang really felt that she couldn't bear this kind of thing. After all, Rong Yue couldn't compare with the people before. She was the kind of person who could really win Shen Qianshan's likes. The words Chu Tiankuo said today were originally He was able to solve himself appropriately, but in this situation, Gu Qiang still couldn't believe it.

Shen Qianshan's feelings for Rong Yue are not like the feelings of brothers and sisters, nor are they like ordinary friends. Gu Qiang himself feels that these days, Shen Qianshan has treated Rong Yue much better than himself.

If it was before, if he turned and left, Shen Qianshan would definitely not catch up with a hippie smile like he is today. He has no regrets in his eyes, and he would not feel that there is something wrong with what he did today. Compared to the woman in front of him, what Shen Qianshan did today is what makes him most angry.

"You should understand that Shen Qianshan has already told me all about your identity. This also shows that he completely trusts me, but don't care. After all, the two of us have known each other for so many years. Not to mention it is normal, but I think Qianshan should not be able to do this to you."

Rong Yue didn't know where he got the news from, and the first sentence he spoke actually hit one of Gu Qiang's most concerns.

"What's the important thing about it?" Gu Qiang really can't pretend to be completely indifferent. She must admit that she really cares about this matter. In this palace, there are many people who don't care. Knowing his true identity, and even chewing his tongue on the things of a Gusu family living in the palace, he can ignore these things, but when Rong Yue just appeared in this place, Shen Qianshan took everything I told her everything about myself.

"What about it, you are not the only person who knows my identity." Gu Qiang tried his best to pretend to be indifferent, but Rong Yue stared at him in a daze, as if he had seen him through. Gu Qiang is sitting on pins and needles, obviously in his room, but it seems that they are all being tried in court.

"If you can think like this, of course it is the best. You don't have to think about it. But the problem now is that the real nine princesses are dead. Even if you have been with the prince all the time, you have no place. No longer the original wife."

After hearing this, Gu Qi raised his head and looked at the person in front of him, "Who did you hear this?"

For so long, Gu Qiang really thought that no one could replace her position in the Nine Kings Palace, but when Rong Yue said that, she was really a bit uncertain.



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