Jin Yiwei visits every day. Although Shen Qianshan feels a bit annoying, he actually has no solution until the matter is resolved.

In order to ensure that Jin Yiwei's people would not embarrass Gu Su Liang, Shen Qianshan didn't dare to leave at all. He had to stay in the palace all the time, and only let Gu Huaian take his people out to find him.

But the only good news is probably that they are at least sure now that Gu Qiang is still alive, and the well-intentioned person left.

"You said that the two of you left through the other door of the secret room, and the short knife was still with you at that time, right?

Jin Yiwei is not an ordinary person, Shen Qianshan has already said that, and it is naturally impossible for them to put all the suspects on Gu Suliang. If ordinary people really have the ability to kill those two people with good martial arts, they should It's not that the short knife will fall there.

"I used a short knife to find another exit in the rocky crack of the secret room. When I went out, I didn't know what was going on outside, so I must take things with me to defend myself. After all, at that time, Chu Tiankuo was physically strong. The situation has started to get a little worse."

"Then can you come with me?"

When Shen Qianshan saw Gu Suliang going out with the Jin Yiwei, he was actually a little panicked, because he didn't know what they were going to do, so he stopped them with unconsciousness.

"Master, you can rest assured that I will not embarrass him in this matter. As long as it can be proved that he is not the real murderer, Jin Yiwei will definitely return him innocent."

Unlike the previous Jinyiwei, Shen Qianshan did have a good impression of the person in front of him. Although he hadn't been in contact before, he looked like an upright person.

"People, how did you bring it back to me? If you are missing a piece of hair, I will bury your entire Jinyiwei Commander."

Actually, Shen Qianshan is also very anxious now. Although it is said that Gu Qiang should be safe for the time being, he always has to go out and look for it. If there is one more person to look for, there will be more possibilities to find. These days and these Jinyi guards He was tired enough to deal with it.

"You can rest assured about this, but, as Mr. Gu said before, the two sons were poisoned after they came out of the secret room. I hope that if they have time, the hired person can tell what kind of poison is. Tell us that this will also facilitate our investigation."

Only then did Shen Qianshan remember that there were still such things. At first, Gu Huaian really wanted to investigate what the poison was, but when they returned to the Lingyin Pavilion that day, they found that Gu Qiang had disappeared. After so many things happened one after another, Gu Huai'an probably had already forgotten these things.

"It might not be appropriate for him to intervene in this matter. Don't you also have someone who specializes in drug testing in Jinyiwei? Wouldn't you be more assured to do this by yourself?"


Jin Yiwei in front of him looked a little embarrassed, and Shen Qianshan felt that something was wrong, "Is there something wrong with the check, but you are not sure, so you dare not say?"

The Jin Yiwei in front of him seemed to have just joined in, young and energetic, but he didn't dare to act rashly about some things. I don't know if this matter can be told to Shen Qianshan in front of him.

"In fact, the medicine that was checked out was a kind of soothing incense used in the imperial palace, but the weight was over, and it was mixed with other soothing drugs, so the effect was stronger."

"It's soothing fragrance again..." Shen Qianshan muttered to himself. He didn't forget what the medicine Rong Yue gave to him last time. Is this thing related to her again?

Because it involves matters in the palace, Jin Yiwei is of course difficult to talk to the outside world, but this time, if the matter is not investigated again, I am afraid that even their heads will be punished.

"You can take people away, and I have some things to deal with. After you have investigated the matter, people must send them back to me."

Shen Qianshan suddenly realized something and turned around and went to Yuhualou.

During the day, there was only Xiao Tao in the hall, and it happened that Shen Qianshan came to ask this time, so she probably didn't want her to give herself a clear reply.

"Master, you are here."

"Do you still remember that when Rong Yue was on the high platform that day, there were two offspring sitting below who were talking about her, do you remember what the identities of those two people were?"

Although I dare not be completely sure, Shen Qianshan felt that what happened this time should be related to what happened that day.

Xiao Tao thought about it carefully, "One of them, I heard that he was the champion of the new division, but his subordinates had never seen him before, but the person next to him came often, and he was the second young master of the Qi family."


Shen Qianshan was not sure at first, but now that he is young, he can be sure.

Rong Yue did not have memory loss at the time, and even remembered everyone who talked about her clearly. It is estimated that it was to get revenge one day, and it happened that Rong Yue seized such a good opportunity. Gu Suliang and Chu Tiankuo.

auzw.com Just when she was anxious to exonerate the two of them, she took advantage of this good opportunity to take Gu Qiang away.

After Shen Qianshan learned about this, he didn't make any clear expressions. Instead, he returned to the Nine Kings Mansion and entered his own water prison.

Rong Yue had been locked inside. I don't know how long it was. Shen Qianshan just looked at her quietly after entering. Both of them were motionless. After a long time, Rong Yue laughed.

"You are finally here, have you found Gu Qiang's body?"

After listening to this, Shen Qianshan must be uncomfortable. It is true that he has not found Gu Qiang yet, but it does not mean that she is no longer alive.

"Rong Yue, you weren't like this before, since when did you change? And, how many people did you kill?"

Rong Yue was stunned after hearing these words, "It hasn't changed. I have not changed. It is you who have changed. You have become alienated from me. I am not reconciled."

"But I never said that I like you."

"Then my liking my love is worthless?"

Rong Yue raised his head and looked at the person standing on it, "I saved you. You tortured me like this?"

"What about your father? My master, your biological father, why did you poison him?"

Actually, Shen Qianshan still can't believe that this thing was done by Rong Yue, after all, in his own eyes, Rong Yue will never be a murderous demon, let alone someone who would kill his own father. Up.

"You still know it. It seems that it won't be long before everyone knows it."

Rong Yue looked a little disappointed, as if it was a skin bag that he had been in business for many years, just like this, his expression dimmed.

"I just want to know why."

"You will never know. You don't know what I experienced at the time. How did I know that the glass of wine was poisonous?" Rong Yue said and laughed. Who would want to kill his own father? , Who would want to be a homeless person?

"Who gave you that glass of wine?" Shen Qianshan is still willing to believe that Rong Yue must have been unaware at that time. After all, Rong Yue was only ten years old at that time. What can she know? If it is not used by others, it must be deceived.

"It's not important anymore, do you still want to say who I killed, your princess?"

Rong Yue's whole person seemed to have completely taken off, and was completely different from her before, but he still stared at Shen Qianshan very sincerely.

"The second young master of the Qi family, you should have killed his friends, right? Just because the two of them spoke rudely to you in Yuhualou that day, you killed them and then blamed Gu Su Liang?"

If possible, Shen Qianshan actually didn't want to think of things to this point, but everything was so unreasonable. Rong Yue had indeed become a man with blood on his hands and no blink of an eye.

Rong Yue lowered his head, seemed to think for a while, and said after a long time, "I am really sorry Gu Suliang about this matter, but everyone should be responsible for what he said. The two of them actually said it. In that case, you have to bear the consequences."

Rong Yue has never suffered such humiliation for so many years.

After killing his father by mistake, Rong Yue witnessed the fragmentation of everyone up and down in the Rong family. At that time, the queen mother wanted to keep herself by her side, she just wanted to stop her mouth. He can only pretend to have lost all his memories and leave Kyoto voluntarily with his master.

In fact, Rong Yue remembers everything, remembering better than anyone else.

But this time, she still believed in the queen mother without hesitation, because the queen mother told her that she still had the opportunity to accompany Shen Qianshan's side. For this, she could really have no hesitation, even doing some murder and arson.


Shen Qianshan didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't know how to reply. Could it be that Rong Yue was right to do this?

"Since things have become like this, I also pleaded guilty. You handed me to Jin Yiwei, which is your last favor and let me leave happily."

Rong Yue didn’t even know what Gu Qiang’s situation was like now, but if he fell from that height, he would be half disabled if he didn’t die. If Gu Huaian found Gu Qiang, he would really let it go after returning. alone?



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