Chang Lan happily took the dummy skin/mask that Gu Qi gave to cover the scar, and his mood seemed to be much better.

After Gu Qiang heard what he said, he naturally believed it, but when he saw that Qingping had broken his rib, he hadn't got out of bed for a long time.

In fact, during the previous period, everyone experienced a bit too much. Qingping had been hiding from Shen Zhongbai, so she never showed up. She mistakenly thought that Qingping had been lying in bed for a long time because of a broken rib. .

Even if Chang Lan's medical skills are really superb, Gu Qiang is still very worried. Even if the journey is only from this room to the next room, she is still cautious, and Chang Lan feels that she is a bit overcorrected.

"I really don't understand why you are so worried. Is it because you can't trust me?"

Of course Gu Qiang didn't mean that, but he just felt that he had never broken a bone before and had no experience the first time, so he had to be more careful.

"No, no, I just didn't dare to move."

After Chang Lan heard this, he relaxed, "There are still things I haven't told you. You have been here for a long time. Will your friends worry about it? I just want to take it in two days. You can go to the market to sell the medicinal materials, and you can go to the city to inform your friends."

In Chang Lan's eyes, someone with a very good personality like Gu Qiang must have a lot of good friends around her. She's been right for so long, and if she is known by his friends, she will be very worried.

So many days have passed...

Gu Ling was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized the problem. He has disappeared for so many days, so Shen Qianshan should realize that something happened, right?

Thinking about it, I still feel angry. If it weren’t for him to take Rong Yue with him all day, she wouldn’t have given her such a good opportunity to act on herself. If she had known this result, she shouldn’t have been so from the beginning. Easily let him go, what little junior sister, isn't she dressed in sheep's clothing?

If she had acted on her earlier, she would not have given her a chance to harm herself like this.

Chang Lan looked at Gu Qiang's remorse, and felt a little strange, "What's wrong with you? Wasn't it all right just now? Did I say something wrong?"

Chang Lan thought that he had hit her in any pain, or that this cliff fall was actually related to her family, so he didn't dare to ask further down. Gu Qiang didn't care too much and glanced at the people around him. "In fact, there is nothing to be concerned about, so if you have time to go out, help me go to the Lingyin Pavilion to find the shopkeeper there, and say that everything is normal for Gu Suran, and people are just recovering from your injuries. Okay, he is my brother."

Gu Qiang dare not let the person in front of him go directly to the Nine Kings Mansion to find someone. If he really knows what he has to do with Shen Qianshan, I am afraid that things will become a big issue. The people in the Cloud Valley are not willing to talk to the outside world. What's the matter, if I inexplicably pull them into this matter, it would be too inappropriate.

After listening to this, Chang Lan scratched the back of his head lightly, "It's simple, but there are some things I remind you. Although I told you that your current condition is not that serious, I don't recommend you. Leaving so soon."

Gu Qiang looked at the people around him with some incomprehension, "What does this mean? Is there any hidden illness?"

"You just don't move violently for the time being, but that doesn't mean you can leave arbitrarily. Besides, this is all mountain roads. If you bump down this road, I'm afraid you will get hurt again. It's better to raise one here. support."

Gu Qiang helped him so much this time, and Chang Lan is also grateful. He has always yearned for life outside since he was a child. Every time he goes to the street, he feels that even the vendors on the street live They are much more exciting than myself.

Therefore, he has not prepared to stay in Yunzhonggu all his life. Although he likes Yunni, he does not want to be caught in this place for the rest of his life, so he has never said that he likes it.

Chang Lan has always hoped to learn some new skills, so that it will be more convenient when he goes to the world in the future. After he has learned the art of disguise, he will eventually have a personal skill in the future.

Going into the mountains all day to gather medicine, and then sending them to the market to sell money, this kind of life is really not suitable for me.

He is born to like to challenge new things. Although everyone in Yunzhong Valley treats himself very well, especially Yunjue and their family, they have taken care of themselves since childhood, but few people in Yunzhong Valley can Go outside to make a living.

The gentleman Gu Suliang found this time was actually a member of the Cloud Valley. He was probably one of the few people who could get out of that place. He opened a small medical clinic in the city, which is considered a business.

Occasionally I have some dealings with Gu Suliang, but I have never mentioned that he is a person in Yunzhong Valley. It is only because he has done business with people who came out of Yunzhong Valley before, so Gu Suliang would give his idea to him.

Unexpectedly, I really ran into it.

"Well, this time you should always talk about the situation."

The group of people had already gone up the mountain, and Gu Huaian asked. He was actually very happy to find his sister, but things have passed for so many days, and Rong Yue said at the time that he was directly treating Gu Qiang. Pushing down from there, I really can't help but worry.

At the very least, you need to know whether your sister is well now, whether there is a suitable doctor by her side to take care of her, and what kind of injuries she has suffered.

"Actually, there was nothing, but it was just those friends who were doing business together, helping each other out. It's nothing. What's more, Gu Qiang’s business is my business. I have always regarded her as my sister. Look."

Everyone has been together for so long. Of course, Gu Suliang can’t really be as careless as he seems on the surface. He is also very nervous in his heart. He has found a lot of people secretly, and even secretly let his brother. Go to find out about Gu Qiang.

But after Chu Tiankuo found Chu Junyou, Tianji Pavilion gradually changed. It was only responsible for some things in the rivers and lakes, and it was impossible to understand everything clearly.

Because of this, Gu Suran really couldn't help much this time. Originally, Gu Suran planned to tell him about Chu Tiankuo's investigation of Rong Yue and other things by the way, hoping that they could take more precautions against this woman. But he didn't expect that when he reminded Gu Su Liang, Rong Yue had already been sent to Jin Yiwei.

Although I don’t know what the final result will be, but for a person like this, it’s better for them to stay as far away as possible. Now they have seen her true face clearly, and will never be affected by her again. The jokes turned around.

"These things can be said later, let's go inside with the husband."

Because Gu Suliang's news came suddenly this time, and the people in the Valley of the Clouds didn't want to be disturbed, so no one brought the guards.

In fact, Gu Suliang did this deliberately just now. He once said that people in Cloud China don't want to be disturbed and like quietness. He can only do this in order to cover up all this.

"This place is so close to the capital, why isn't even the official map recorded?"

Shen Qianshan is actually still curious why there is such a place. After all, this place is not very far from the capital. If there is not even a local official under the jurisdiction, it may not be too unreasonable, right?

What's more, this time Shen Qianshan really carefully sent people to look around the surrounding areas, and even he himself began to wonder if such a place was actually inhabited.

It is impossible for Gu Qiang to disappear out of thin air, and he also believes that nothing like this will happen, and because of this, he feels even more wrong.

Rong Yue is a very cautious person. Even if he has not been by his side for so many years, he will not change too much in this respect. If she is sure from the beginning that Gu Qiang can't leave from here, she It should have been determined in advance. No one will pass by this place, so who on earth saved Gu Qiang?

"It's not that I said. Actually, from the beginning, I felt that the topographic map had a little bit of a problem. I always felt that there might be a small village hidden in that area, but I didn't expect it to be my guess. Up."

This time, Gu Suliang was begging Mr. Gu, who was at home and who was to save Gu Qiang, so he was allowed to bring him over. Otherwise, places like Yunzhonggu would definitely not allow outsiders to enter.

"There is still a small matter to discuss with everyone. We are going to disturb someone else's chassis this time, so as long as we find Gu Qiang, we will come back. Don't disturb the people inside."

Gu Suliang knew that her husband was embarrassed to say this, so she could only say to herself that they were all friends. It didn't matter if they said it, but if she didn't say it, I'm afraid that her husband would always be worried.

Yunzhong Valley has existed for such a long time, and no one has noticed it, which shows that they are really unwilling to contact people outside, perhaps the remnants of which dynasty, so there are still many concerns in their hearts to keep up.

When Gu Qiang and Chang Lan entered the room, they had already put all the food on the table. It was obvious that their family was really very good.


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