"By the way, where is the prince?"

Gu Huaian just came in to change the dressing, Gu Suliang was not idle, indeed, he hadn't seen Shen Qianshan for a long time, and I don't know where he went.

Gu Huaian's face was very calm. At first, he didn't seem to want to say what he wanted to say. But when he looked at Gu Suliang in front of him, he seemed very curious. He didn't hide it, "He should be missing a street corner. Today It should be the day when Rong Yue was executed."

He was also very calm when he spoke. After all, this matter really has nothing to do with him. If it were not for that woman, his sister would not have been killed in this way. If it were not for Shen Qianshan, he insisted on handing this woman to Jin Yiwei. , I will definitely do her by myself.

Several people in the room didn’t seem to care about this matter very much. This Rong Yue was a catastrophe to them. Since this person appeared, there have been many disasters around him. Gu Qiang has been injured one after another, and finally almost died here. Under the women, they have no reason to forgive. It is not easy to be able to stand by and not laugh.

The only person in this place who feels about this incident is probably Shen Qianshan alone.

Gu Qian didn’t say much, nor was he very curious about this matter. In the end, this man’s life and death really had nothing to do with him, but this woman did too many bad things, even if he is dead now. The impact is still very serious. Gu Qian will never forget the harm this person caused to him, nor will he forget the appearance of lying alone on the cold mountain pass, alone and helpless.

Rong Yue was executed.

Actually, Shen Qianshan just went and took a look. He didn't send her the last ride, but just stood and watched from a distance. He didn't know what he should say if he really passed, forgive me?

He was not qualified to say a word of forgiveness on behalf of Gu Qiang, Rong Yue really changed, changed so much, that he didn't even know her at all.

He did not have the heart to watch Rong Yue be beheaded, but left before that, and he had engaged in Shen Zhongbai. This time the incident was not trivial. Even if it was to appease the Qi family, he would definitely not be able to make it a major incident. Rong Yue was originally a person with no identity background behind him, even if she was really killed, there would be no loss to herself.

Shen Zhongbai probably regarded her as a **** that could be sacrificed at any time from the beginning.

Chu Tiankuo felt that his guess should be more reasonable. At least in the current situation, it seems that the person behind the previous person is probably Shen Zhongbai. Gu Suliang felt very reasonable after hearing his words, but All of this has to be investigated by Shen Qianshan. Now Gu Suliang has almost no money left on the books. He is no longer the richest man in the capital of Bei'an State. I am afraid that even the tea shopkeeper Sun can ride. On top of his head, Gu Suliang decided not to go out in a short time.

"Have you checked the account rooms, so much money is in deficit, do you really think they have no problem at all." Of course, Gu Qiang didn't believe it. If this bank is his own, he will definitely be careful. The investigation made it clear that it will never give anyone a chance to harm themselves.

"All of them have been checked, none of them are clean, but this thing has developed to the end, it can not be just because of the shortfall of a few of them, you may not know, even if some people experience the fake banknotes After replacing all the silver bills in my hand with cash, most of the silver still disappeared. It is very likely that Shen Zhongbai wanted to use this time to turn all the money in my hand into his hands. inner."

Gu Suliang is very clear about what the result of this is. Shen Zhongbai has always cared about the assets in his hands. From before to now, he has always wanted to win, it's just because if the battlefield really fought, it would be in his own bank. His real money is his best weapon in battle.

Gu Suliang has been clenching his mouth tightly, but this is not a long-term solution, so Shen Zhongbai finally thought of this method, but he has not thought about it, sometimes this method is not very useful for him.

"Don't worry, the money on the bank's books is only part of it. I have been in business for so many years and I always have to leave myself some retreat. Even if all the money is really cheated by him, I still have a way to get them Get it all over."

Gu Suliang is absolutely assured of himself on this point. He doesn't believe that an emperor can have such a shrewd business acumen, even if he is a high-powered person, is he still playing with him in the applause?

After hearing this, Gu Qiang became a little more worried, "If you don't have the confidence from time to time, I advise you not to."

Gu Qiang was afraid that this matter would be the last one. Shen Zhongbai came to a dead end. Besides, he was now the emperor. Even if there was a crime on Gu Suliang, they would have nowhere to complain, just like before. same.

Jin Yiwei only relied on a short knife left at the scene to say that all the things were done by Gu Suliang. Although in the end all the black hands behind this were pretty good, but this kind of thing, even one has no identity background. Rong Yue can do it, let alone Shen Zhongbai?

"I also think that it is actually a good thing that you left a retreat before, but I don't think you can do things so easily. Since Shen Zhongbai has already decided to do this, he might already be 100% sure. , We’d better study it before making a decision."

Chu Tiankuo is still very sober until now. Since returning, he has forced himself to be the most sober person among everyone no matter what he does. He will always maintain his sanity, so for so long, he will always be in crisis. The person who always reminds everyone.

When Gu Huaian heard Chu Tiankuo speaking, he looked back at him with some suspicion, and gently approached him while Gu Suliang and Gu Qiang were talking.


"Did you find something uncomfortable lately?" Gu Huaian felt that his voice was a little bit wrong, a bit like a situation after a few days of taking the medicine. Could it be that the medicine he had dispensed has expired so soon? Yet?

Chu Tiankuo hesitated in his eyes, and nodded after a short while.

Gu Huaian didn't dare to neglect this matter at all, and asked him to wait a while to go to his room and help him check his body.

Gu Qiang had actually discovered that they were wrong a long time ago. He happened to be drinking Gu Suliang and talking. The two of them took advantage of this opportunity to whisper again. How could he not doubt it?

"Brother, what are you two talking about?"

Gu Huaian didn't expect that Gu Qiang and Gu Suliang would finish speaking so quickly, and it was stiff when they were called behind their names.

"It's nothing, you honestly, don't always lean on the side of the bed, you are not afraid of bone deformation?"

Gu Huaian had only one trick against his sister since he was a child. Gu Qiang had already been familiar with his methods. The more he said this, the more it explained the problem.

Gu Qian didn't explain his doubts to Gu Suliang in front of him, but kept staring at them both.

When Gu Huaian stared at his sister like this, he felt a sense of guilty conscience, didn't know what to say, and even started to speak a little incoherently.

"Why do you always look at me like this? It is the prince who offends you and not me. Just wait for him to come back and stare at him."

Gu Huaian hurriedly ran out and returned to his room. When did his sister become like this, could she gain insight into herself so easily?

After a long time, Chu Tiankuo leisurely swayed out of the room and pushed open the door of Gu Huaian's room.

"Do you think Gu Qiang seems to have noticed something recently? Did you reveal anything?"

Gu Huaian didn't feel the guilty conscience of what he was doing just now, but instead thought that it might be Chu Tiankuo who showed his footing in some place and hurt him.

Chu Tiankuo shook his head helplessly, "I don't dare to bear the charge. You don't want to see what you were like just now, so you almost write the words on your face, let alone Gu Ling, even I think you acted too much."

Gu Huaian originally wanted to help him, but he was hurt by him in turn. Of course he felt unhappy, "Then Daxia Chu means that I don't need me to help you keep it secret?"

He was originally a person who can't tell lies. What's more, his sister didn't know what was wrong, and felt that he and Chu Tiankuo had kept secrets from them. After repeated questioning, he almost couldn't keep it. , Now that he has done well in the test, even Chu Tiankuo wants to laugh at himself in turn.

"Oh, don't don't, I'm just joking. Do you think something is wrong with me? I seem to feel a little weak recently."

Gu Huai'an also became serious, "I knew that there was something wrong with my body? Your voice is dumb like this. You didn't feel it at all before, did you?"

Gu Huaian knew that there would be some side effects after stopping the medication during that period of time, but he didn't expect that they would come so quickly.

"My voice is dumb, I thought it was because of the wind and cold." Those days I had been looking for Gu Qiang's whereabouts on the mountain. The wind was blowing all day, and it was inevitable to catch a cold, so he never cared. It is a sign of a problem with your body.

"You feel weak in your body, is there any other reaction?" Gu Huaian is almost certain now that Chu Tiankuo's condition has deteriorated.



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