Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1003: Part-time God (19)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"This is our newly developed robot. The principle is similar to that of the gaming helmet of the soul-questioning. People operate from a distance to achieve combat effects and can perform various complex tasks. But now the problem is that our technology is on the connection between people and machines. There is incoherence, leading to..."

Mingshu was confused, "So, what does it have to do with me?"

Si Shen pulled her here, just to listen to this kind of thing?

"Miss Ji." The explaining man pulled out a document: "Have you written this paper?"

A glance at Mingshu: "It should be."

Ji He has written many things before, some are required by the tutor, and some are studied by herself.

"Miss Ji is very talented in this respect." The man said: "I hope to invite you to join our team."

"Why don't you let the system control, you have to use humans to control?" This technology, Tama is a technology that will only be available after the robot riot?

Haven't experienced a robot riot and want to step forward?

This is not in line with the plot... No, the law of natural evolution!

How is it possible for you to succeed in your research!

Give up!

"Miss Ji, we can't all rely on intelligence. As some people have said, now intelligence is more and more amazing. There are already many intelligences showing different thinking. One day is not guaranteed..." Men are enough, smart Everyone knows what he wants to say.

"In order to avoid such a dilemma, there is a cloud bank project. Of course, the specific information of the cloud bank project will be known after you agree to join."

"Sorry, I'm busy playing games and I don't have time to study."

How can the original owner waste time in such a thing if he wants to become the king of the e-sports circle.

"..." What is the stalk of playing games?

The man looked at Si Shen next to him.

Si Shen's face is stretched, why do I see Laozi? Everyone has found it for you. She is addicted to games and blames his company's Qinling for being too fun?

Declined the invitation with clear words.

Am I not busy?

I also want to pull hatred!

I want to dominate the game!

Delay my snacking.

Ghost talent.


Mingshu felt that the group was crazy, and even the bald tutor called to threaten her.

In order to hate the value, Mingshu said very politely, despite the jump, you can't die on the first floor.

The bald-headed tutor pulled her black.

Mingshu is more addicted to the game this time, not even going to the villa.

Even if the goblin was there, she would not go.

MLM is terrible.

There are always snacks coveted by me!

There is no such thing for her at the end of the game, and there will be a rematch after the preliminary round is over.

Mingshu was sitting in a fruit forest in the game, but his eyes were greedy with red fruits, but unfortunately he could not eat them.


Wan Er's smiling head jumped.

Mingshu opened.

Wan Er smiled: Master, are you online?

Feng He did it: um.

Waner smiled and delivered it quickly.

"Master, last time I went to see you in the preliminary round. I'm sorry. I met something on the road. When I went, you all left." Waner smiled weakly.

Mingshu simply forgot this.

The play was very special and smiled suddenly: "That's right."

"Master...I...that..." Waner smiled at his finger, while aiming at Mingshu, he said, "I gave Zhou Yi to Jinshen."

"Oh." Your male **** is still your male god.

Waner smiled: "That... Jin Shen said that I have good talents, and asked me if I was interested, go to Jin Tian... Master, do you think..."

"You want to go?"

Waner smiled and bit his lower lip: "It is always my wish to fight side by side with my male god, but..."

Waner smiled and didn't know what she thought, her eyes dimmed: "Master, I want to join the NS club."

Mingshu was stunned by this reversal.

Didn't you just say that you want to fight alongside the male god?

Why would you want to join the ten-year-old third in a flash?

Waner smiled and raised his head, his eyes unprecedentedly firm: "I want to fight with him, and I want to fight against him. Only if I am dazzling enough and good enough, he can see me."

Mingshu: "..."

Who poured poisonous chicken soup on the mistress.

You are the hostess, you stand next to the male host, the male host is distressed to you, okay?

Need you to work so hard?


If the hostess does not work hard, it is estimated that it is not the hostess, but the pseudo hostess.

The biggest difference between a pseudo-hostess and a mistress is that the pseudo-hostess wants to use a side method to achieve her goal, and the mistress wants to improve her own strength.

"The number of teams is enough now." Ming Shu said: "Even if you join, it can only be an alternate."

She could no longer invite Qing Qiuzuka to kick them off, right?

"Even joining Jintian is not an alternate, it makes no difference." Waner smiled.

They were with Master and they were happy.

And her summoner overlaps with Tao Zi.

Qin Jin invited her, and it was impossible to change Tao Zi for her.

"I will let Wang Heyang contact you."

"Thank you Master." Waner smiled and glanced at the depression just now: "Master, am I going to be the back door?"

"You are the Nantian Gate you are going to."



Waner smiled and responded by the way: "Please Master take me to fly."

Waner smiled in a good mood and had to brush up again. Mingshu was fine. They were not in Qingqiuzuka, so she followed.

There is a star in the sky, and Mingshu invited him to write a book together.

The result was surrounded by a star in the sky and asked a copy of the game.

Make your hands cheap.

Let you invite him.

Isn’t that the same gossip of the gossip roommates?

In the end it was really unbearable. When I went out, I killed a star in the sky.

"It's finally quiet."

A star in the sky lying on the ground: "..."

Isn’t he just asking two more words?


The three of them were in trouble for a while. A star in the sky was going to pick up Yunyu and went offline first, then smiled and went offline.

Mingshu was bored alone, so he ran to the world.

Someone will soon speak on the public screen.

[Zizizi: Are you sick, Fenghe! I provoke you to provoke you, up is to enlarge. ]

[God of Lushan: I was also attacked by Feng He just now, with a stunned face, I don’t know where to offend her. ]

[My little baby: I have also been attacked. I have been doing a long-time task. It’s so useless. Will Fengshen not be stolen? Ooo... My task! ]

[Crow: Fenghe is up, do you dare to kill if you step on a horse? What a dumb! ]

[Feng Wo Ends Up: I did it, come to me if you are not convinced, I will wait for you here. /image]

The picture is the map where she is.

[Crow: You wait for me! ]

After three minutes.

[Crow: By the way, people? ]

[Feng He Ending Up: You are stupid, I'm really waiting for you to beat me, of course I ran away. ]

The players were speechless for a while.

You are called Fengshen, can you be a bit of a morale! A little bit responsible! A little god!

[Fengshen mighty: Hahahaha, Fengshen is too naughty. ]

[God of Lushan: You guys are really right or wrong. ]

[Fengshen is super handsome today: What's wrong with the brain powder? I like to be a fan of Fengshen! ]

[Zizizi: I'm sick. ]

[Fenghe Qiqi: You have medicine! ]

[Crow: Fenghe is up, you have a species to head to the arena, don’t think you are a god, I’m afraid of you! After participating in a competition, I really thought I was a god! ! ]

[Feng He Ending Up: Invite me to hit you, no matter if it doesn't go, then it's done, you wait first, I'll go eat something and then come up. ]

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