Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1008: Part-time God (24)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu can now receive greetings from men, women, children, and children on the line, which is not very lively.

And the parties either fight directly, or they will fight you.

There is a great heroic style that says "You are in full swing, I will stand still".

Even if the torture of the guru is met, the characters who can't enter the oil and salt, and they can do everything if they don't agree, can only admire the disadvantages.

On face.

They lost.

On strength.

They also lost.

On the backstage...

They are willing to worship.

Si Shen: You have nothing to tell me?

Si Shen finally couldn't help but knocked Mingshu privately on the game.

Mingshu had just been fighting with a player for ten minutes. After receiving the news from Si Shen, she simply sent a question mark back.

Si Shen: Oh.

He finished Si Shen decisively off the assembly line.

Mingshu wondered, what nerve did he have?

Mingshu was a bit hungry and went offline to find food. Yunyu didn't know where to get a mess of props.

"Baby Jihe, come and help me lift it up, it's so heavy." Yun Yu pouted, softly called Mingshu.

Mingshu drank the beef jerky and pulled his sleeves to help Yunyu lift the box.

"How did you get it?"

Yunyu gasped for the box: "The club helped to get it back. It will be used in the exhibition in a few days. Other people's dormitory is too far to be convenient, so it is put in my dormitory. Doesn't Baby Jihe mind?"

Mingshu shook his head, stuffed the dried meat into his mouth, and clapped his hands: "Go eat."

"I invite you." Yunyu said excitedly: "I recently opened a new store, I have eaten it, it's super delicious."

The eyes of Mingshu shine instantly, delicious...

Yunyu took the bag and led Mingshu out.

Yunyu's finger touched the red rope on Mingshu's wrist, she curiously said: "Last time I wanted to ask, was this marriage rope of Jihe baby going to the Moon Old Temple?"


"No? That someone gave it to you?" Yunyu stared at Mingshu: "Did Ji He not say there was no problem?"

con man!

The man was so beautiful last time, baby Jihe must have a leg with him! !

"What marriage rope?"

"You do not know?"

"do not know."


Yunyu popularized the marriage rope to Mingshu while eating.

There is a well-known Yuelao Temple nearby. Unmarried men and women go to Yuelao Temple to ask for success.

Moon Lao Temple will send a red string to young men and women who come to seek marriage. As the saying goes, the marriage of thousands of miles will lead the line, and they are asking for that line.

Give the marriage line to others, it means to like it, confession in disguise.

"Baby Jihe, are you really a modern person? Even if you don't believe this, have you heard it well?"

"How do you know that it is the Moon Old Temple?" What if it is an ordinary red rope?

Yunyu held Mingshu's hand and flipped left and right in the afterglow of the setting sun. The broken light flashed through Mingshu's eyes: "See, the marriage line of Yuelao Temple is specially made and can be recognized at a glance. Baby Jihe , Who gave it to you."

Mingshu raised his hand and squinted slightly for a moment: "A... little goblin."

Now that the confession is so subtle?

No wonder he just asked himself what he had to say to him.

"Little goblin? What little goblin." Yun Yu heard a little ignorant: "Is that the handsome guy last time? That handsome guy is superb, baby Jihe should never let him go."

Mingshu smiled: "I still have something to do, go back yourself."

"Ah, didn't you say that shopping with me!"

"Next time."

Yun Yu pouted, and her long, dense eyelashes flickered, like two small brushes: "Well, then, you are a busy person anyway. I'll find someone else."

Mingshu took a taxi to the villa, and the time she spent here was actually not long, and everything was still so strange.

The people on the second floor had already gone almost the same, but Wu Qing was still there.

But Wu Qing said that Si Shen came over today.

Mingshu came downstairs and when he came out of the villa, he met the man he saw on the last floor.

"Miss Ji." The man greeted skillfully.

Mingshu raised a standard smile and said hello very politely.

"Really don't think about it?" The man obviously still did not give up.

"Don't think about it." Mingshu left the villa with him, with a soft tone of voice: "I am not interested in this matter. Things that are not of interest are boring to do."

The man looked sideways, the girl's face was hazy in the twilight, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, forming a perfect arc.

The girl is as beautiful as a scroll.

Lay out in front of him.

Quiet and beautiful.

The man suddenly asked: "What is Miss Ji interested in?"

Mingshu raised his chin, and his clear eyes reflected the blue sky: "I'm not interested in anything."

The man was shocked.

She is clearly talented...

Mingshu looked sideways, her eyes were rippling, gently and softly like a pool of spring water, she smiled, and then walked into the boundless night.


Si Shen held a meeting for a day and listened to those people constantly talking about what was not there, with a headache.

Swinging back the noisy assistant, he came out of Huanyao dimly, and Si Shen looked a bit dazedly, as if he didn't know where he was.

Behind is the brightly lit Huanyao Building, where the light stays on all night.

In front of it was a dark night, I do not know where the road leads.

As if he was at a loss, he didn't know where to go or what to do.

Such a daze, he will often have.

He always felt...

I don't belong here.

Si Shen raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, Yu Guang suddenly stopped.

At the junction of light and shadow, there was a man standing.

Almost without looking closely, a name popped into his head.

Ji He.

Why is she here?

Si Shen went over there subconsciously, and the distance between the two kept shortening.

Si Shen's heartbeat was abnormal.

The headlights were swept from somewhere. The eyes of Si Shen were all white, and the sound of tires rubbing against the ground was particularly harsh.

Intuition told him that it was dangerous, but the dazzling light made him wonder where to flash.

Si Shen's body was suddenly hit by someone, and then he fell sideways, rolled in place twice, his back against the ground.

The car didn't know what was hit, and with a bang, it rolled over to the green belt next to it.

Si Shen's head was dizzy, and he lay motionless on the ground, barely opening his eyes: "Ji He..."

Mingshu put his hands on his shoulders and looked down at him: "Mr. Si, I can save your life again."

Someone from Huan Yao Building ran out, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer.

Si Shen opened his lips: "Why are you here?"


The people at Huanyao Tower pulled Mingshu up, and then he was lifted up, and the two were separated.

Si Shen watched that Mingshu was pulled away, and his irritability felt abrupt.

These people didn't seem to feel Si Shen's impatience and struggle, and quickly sent him to the hospital.

Si Shen had the heart to kill these people.

A group of pig teammates!

Fortunately, after Shen Shen's inspection, Mingshu still remained.

He deleted the edited group deduction text message that was about to be sent to the assistant.

The pig teammates are completely unaware that wages are on the verge of life and death.

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