Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1013: Part-time God (29)

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Jintian Club.

Tao Zi thought that thing should be almost the same, and later Xiang Wan and Qin Jin are absolutely impossible.

after all……

How could Qin Jin like the defiled woman again.

If it wasn't for the last rematch, seeing Qin Jin and Xiang Wan together, she would not use what she knew to do so.

She can't let Qin Jin and Xiang Wan have any chance to be together.

Tao Zi looked at the man reading there, she got up and walked over: "Qin Jin, there is a new movie released today, shall we go watch it together?"

Qin Jin's fingertips turned the pages of the book.

"Everyone is going. The training has been tiring recently. Relax." Fearing that Qin Jin refused, Tao Zi added a sentence before he spoke.

Sure enough, Qin Jin paused a little: "Well."

Tao Zi was very happy. Although he didn't go alone, he did.

Someone outside the training room called her: "Peach, you come out!"

Tao Zi should be in a good mood: "Come."

Tao Zi entered the meeting room and saw the serious policeman.

Tao Zi's heart jumped up and looked at Ding Lei: "Brother Ding, look for me..."

Ding Lei let her in and closed the door.


The thing that Tao Zi was taken away soon spread throughout the Jintian Club, and finally the whole circle knew about it.

After all, Tao Zi is now a member of the HS team, and the HS team is a team that has received much attention.

Tao Zi was suddenly taken away by the police, and of course became a hot topic.

When Mingshu heard this, she put two grapes in her mouth like nothing else, and Tao Zi dared to do it, and she could naturally find out.

How could this incident break out in advance if no one secretly contributed to it?

Tao Zi really wanted to step Xiang Xiang into the mud.

Ding Lei did not know what path he took, and Tao Zi was taken out of it, and there was no wind on the Internet.

"Thank you Ding..." Tao Zi stayed in it for a few days, his face was not very good.

"Peach, are you really doing this?"

"Brother Ding, I don't even know what's so late, why should I do this? I don't know who wants to frame me at this time..." Tao Zi said with a red eye.

This time refers to the game.

Ding Lei's eyes sank: "Okay, this matter has been resolved. I will send you back first, take a good rest, and don't delay the game."

Tao Zi was sent back to his residence by Ding Lei.

As soon as Ding Lei left, the grievances on Tao Zi's face were put away, and there was only unwilling hatred in the eyes.

She is so hidden, why would anyone know?

Who is helping Xiangye?

"Little cute."

This sound is too familiar.

Familiar with Tao Zi consciously determined that the little cutie was calling her.

She followed the voice and looked at it. The woman leaned leisurely in the corridor, and when she saw her, she slowly smiled.

"Ji He! What are you doing!" How could she know that she lives here?

"Don't be nervous, I'll just tell you that I reported you." Ming Shu said.

Afraid of snacking for vouchers, I specially told her.

Tao Zi was thinking about it and reacted violently.

"You frame me!"

"This is a bit wrong, it was you who did it, how can it be framed."

"I don't have it." Tao Zi denied that no matter what time, he can't be settled: "Why do you frame me!"

Never mind.

Anyway, they are all black pots, and they are all the same.

Mingshu's tone was brisk: "What's the reason, I'm happy."


Mingshu got up and walked downstairs, walked a few steps and thought of something like that, and folded it back: "I almost forgot, let me beat you."


[Host you can make her more embarrassed. ] Harmony, which hasn’t had a bad idea for a long time, suddenly sounded.


[Pull out and throw it out. 】


You should not expect Harmony.

It had no other bad idea except this one.

I thought it would not make a bad idea for so long, it will make progress, really look at it.

Junk Harmony.

[Host, don’t think I don’t know you are scolding me. 】

"Trash." What's wrong with scolding you?


Give the host a little goblin fight to calm down.


Ding Lei learned from Tao Zi's mouth that this was all framed by the NS club, and Ding Lei suddenly became angry.

Ding Lei contact, to find out the details of the owners of the special team, looking for someone to start.

But apart from Mingshu and Jiangliu, the rest are people from other cities.

There is a pick-up and drop-off service between Ming and Shu, and Ding Lei has no chance to start, only the river.

"Wang Heyang actually used such a mean method, then don't blame me." Ding Lei glanced at Tao Zi: "Don't think about it too much, don't read those negative news, let me leave everything."

Tao Zi nodded: "Brother Nading, I'm going out first."


Tao Zi came out of the office and Qin Jin greeted him.

"Qin Jin..."

Qin Jin's eyes did not fall on her, staggered her, and entered Ding Lei's office.

Tao Zi bit his lower lip slightly, his eyes full of complex emotions.

After she returned from the police station. Qin Jin was obviously more indifferent to her. He greeted him before and responded, but now he ignores it.

At first, he thought he was in a bad mood, but when the other team greeted him, he would respond.

His indifference was only directed at her.

Tao Zi was absently sitting in the position, and had not figured out what to do next. Suddenly received a notice saying that she would not need to train for the time being and go home to take a good rest.

Tao Zi was totally ignorant and reacted, looking for Ding Lei as soon as possible.

"Brother Ding, why give me a break? I'm fine..."

Ding Lei signaled her not to be excited: "I have also read your recent situation, and it is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory. When you encounter such a thing, your heart is uncomfortable. Take a break for a while."

Tao Zi was not appeased at all, but was more anxious: "But it will be the final soon, Brother Ding, I can."

Ding Lei: "There are alternates in the team, you don't have to worry."

Ding Lei's nonchalant tone made Tao Zi hear abnormal.

What do you need to worry about?

She finally got a position in the HS team, close to Qin Jin, now let her give up, how is it possible!

"Brother Ding, tell me the truth, why let me rest?"

Ding Lei sighed: "I have fought for you, this is decided above, Tao Zi, go back and wait for the notice."

The words "decision above" blocked Tao Zi so tightly that there was no room for manoeuvre.

The investors behind HS are not others, it is the Qin family.

Qin Jin approached Ding Lei, and she was asked to go home to rest. Even though Tao Zi didn't want to believe it, she had to believe it.

This matter has something to do with Qin Jin.

Tao Zi rushed into the training room and found Qin Jin: "Qin Jin, why?"

Qin Jin looked indifferent and said lightly: "My team doesn't allow players with improper intentions. Ding Lei let you go home to rest. You have given your face, don't make everyone embarrassed."


Tao Zi looked pale.

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