Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1015: Part-time God (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

She lost!

Why did she lose...

Tao Zi couldn't accept this result in her heart, but she used a large size, how could she lose to her! !

Mingshu beat her up, leaving some inexplicable words, and left with a big swing.

"Xiao Zi, the game wins and loses normally, you are in a bad mood, I can understand the abnormal performance." Jun Xing went to know that he comforted Tao Zi.

Tao Zi didn't react much, immersed in his own world.

Jun Xing went to self-knowledge and said: "That golden dragon should not come easily, I will find you another one."

Tao Zi then raised his head: "Thank you Jun Xing."

Jun Xing arrives and knows: "If you are happy, I will be happy."

Tao Zi barely smiled.

When Jun Xing came to know that Tao Zi's emotions were still not high, Feng He did just a bit too much just now, so many people watched, she also made Tao Zi lose such a big face.


Numerous fireworks exploded suddenly over the map.

Tao Zi looked up and was awakened by the sound. Looking up, countless fireworks exploded in her eyes, beautiful and beautiful.

She turned her head to look at the person next to her: "Junxing..."

"Like it?"

No girl dislikes beautiful things, of course Tao Zi likes it.

But this person...

It was not the one she wanted.

The public screen had already exploded.

[Which of MMP is burning money suddenly? The map is full of fireworks. I haven’t seen so many fireworks for so long. ]

[I saw that Junxing came to self-knowledge and Yingxue. It should be Junxing to self-knowledge. ]

Ying Xue is Tao Zi's player name.

[Does the local tyrant lack a pendant? ]

[Gosh! how romantic! ]

[Everyone was kicked out of the HS, and the face line, I think she was shameless enough. ]

[Are you jealous? Moreover, they just retired and have not been kicked out of Jintian. I really don’t know what rumor you made. ]

[If there is such a person, so many fireworks for me, I will marry, both the game and the husband, bang bang bang! ! ]

[That is, those upstairs who can’t eat grapes and say grape sour, save it. ]

Supporting Tao Zi on the public screen and arguing directly with her disgruntled.

But Jun Xing came to know that Tao Zi put so many fireworks, female players are still jealous.

Tao Zi's heart rose delicately when she saw the discussions scrolling on the public screen.

"Jun walks you..."

"Hush." ​​Jun Xing raised his index finger when he knew that: "Don't say anything, let me finish reading it."

Tao Zi seemed embarrassed not to start, looking at the fireworks that were constantly blooming in front of him.

[Mine, look at the big map! ! ]

[what? ]

[What happened to the big map? Q: What kind of plane does Ling engage in? ]

The style on the public screen suddenly turned.

Everyone pulled out the big map, and the whole world suddenly became quiet.

All the maps of Qin Ling have been changed to red hearts, and in the middle of the map, the words are written respectively-







Mingshu also saw the words on the map, and all the maps began to fall petals, forming the big characters of "Jihe I like you" in the air.

After a few seconds, the petals spread out, falling one after another to the ground, paving a thick road.

This road runs through several maps. The starting point is where Mingshu is located, and the ending point is a palace in the propaganda film released by Ling Ling the other day.

It is said that it is the upcoming love system of Wenling. Players are looking forward to it, because most competitive games now do not have love.

As a game that can be both competitive and daily, Qinling is very compatible.

As soon as the love system sent out the wind, it attracted much attention.

[Take the whole confession to the spirit, the person who confessed it, must be the owner of the spirit to ask? ]

Not the owner, who would dare to ask such spirits.

[Aren’t the clubs of the spirits around Huan Yao? ]

[... I really want to know who chased Fengfenghe. ]

[Fenghe is so beautiful, won't he be fooled by his strange uncle? ]

[Nonsense, how could my Fengshen be fooled by Uncle Blame, only talents like Jinshen could be worthy of my Fengshen. ]

Ming Shu turned off the beating private chat.

She pulled out the map and wanted to send it directly.

However, the tragedy is to find that I can not transmit.

This is forcing her to go over.

Does it take so much energy to go so far? !


There are countless players gathered on that road, she seems to be walking on the red carpet star, being watched by others.

Mingshu kept a smile on his face, not being impatient or seeing any excitement or excitement, so calm that the players would squeeze sweat for the confession.

Look at Fengshen like this, a little dangling!

The players accompanied her and wanted to see what was sacred to her.

Tao Zi stood in the crowd, his expression uncertain.


This woman always grabs her limelight! !

Mingshu followed the steps and stepped up to the high platform step by step, with the palace in front.

The closed gate of the palace slowly opened as she approached.

The player looks toward the probe inside.

The Moon Temple is large, with red yarn hanging down, swaying in the wind, and hazy and dreamy.

On either side are rows of shelves, looming behind the red yarn. A blank wooden sign fell on the shelf. The wooden signs collided and made a slight sound.

There is a circular table in the middle, on which stands a stone inscribed with the word "Qing Qing".

"This is the Moon Temple?"

"Why didn't you see anyone, the confessed big brother?"

"I have a question... Fengshen is now a man..."

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.

Although it is known that Fengshen is a girl in reality, in the game, Fengshen is still a boy!

If this confession is a man... that picture would be fun.

Ming Shu stepped into the Moon Temple in the sound of everyone's discussion.

A man turned from behind the red yarn, and he slowly walked onto the middle platform.

The man turned and faced everyone.

The man is dressed in black and has exquisite eyebrows. It is as beautiful as the masterpiece carefully sketched by the painter.

"So handsome..."

"Ah, that boy is so handsome!"

"Excited, maybe you pinched your face." Someone said sourly.

Asking Ling's appearance can be pinched by himself. It is indeed possible that the handsome and compelling players in the game are actually ugly.

"But it's really handsome. Even if he squeezed it, he was too handsome. Why can't you make it so handsome?" Yan value dog countered.

"I... I was pursuing truth."

"Come on, pinching your face also depends on the player's foundation. The more beautiful the person, the better the pinched face. Even if this person is not so handsome in reality, it is definitely a superb."


Some people are concerned about looks, but some people are concerned about accounts: "My mother, look at his level, level 120? Is it open?"

"Fart, where is the level 120 in the game, this is obviously asking Ling's internal account."

The game has not been updated to such a high level, who can open up to 120?

Unless it is a person who asks the spirit.

"So it's really asking the owner of the spirit, who is chasing the wind god?" When such a big thing happened, asking the official of the spirit had no effect. Except for asking the owner of the spirit, who has the ability?

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