Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1017: Part-time God (33)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


There are only seven teams left in the participating teams, and there is one more team in front of the bye.

The rule of all final games is the point system, which means that the remaining teams will now confront each other.

One point for a win.

Seven into three, and finally compete for the ranking.

The first game of the snack pack final was the Phoenix team. The Phoenix team performed very well this season, especially the captain Phoenix Yufei.

When playing, Mingshu saw the captain Phoenix Yufei.

It is similar to the image in his game, with long hair, half tied with a rope, half covered, it looks a bit like an art at first glance.

"Ji He." Phoenix Yufei greeted him actively: "Before you bullied our reserve team, I can remember that I will not be merciful this time."

Mingshu took several bites of biscuits before he remembered that he should have reported them to the prison that time.

Xi Jingshu immediately gave a mad death smile: "It doesn't matter, wait for you to lose, I will let you experience the same prison treatment."

Phoenix Yu Fei was surprised for a while: "I'm still looking forward to it."

Mingshu encouraged him: "Then look forward to it."

Phoenix Yufei: "..."

He has watched all their games and won in front. It seems shameless, but think about it, they have no problem with their technology.

Be careful with them.

"Phoenix team is good at strategy, we must pay special attention to Phoenix Yufei." Wang Heyang urged Ming Shu.

Mingshu pushed the moon tonight forward: "Can you engage in a conspiracy?"

Wang Heyang: "..."

Tonight Moon: "..." How did she feel that she was scolding herself?

When did he conspire? That is his strategy! Do you understand the strategy?

"Even if he doesn't work, this is not an elite shopping mall." Ming Shu looked toward Huang He's return home.

Wang Heyang: "..."

Forget it, he should go.

"Master, come on!!!" Xiang Wan blindly worshipped her face.

"Enter the field." Wang Heyang reminded them.

Ming Shu took the lead and entered the competition venue.

There was a cheer in the auditorium.

"Fengshen Fengshen!"

"Qingqiu Qingqiu I love you."

"Ah ah tonight..."

"Hahaha, this is our snack spree team. The name of this team is very interesting, and the face value of our snack spree team is also very high..." The host burst into embarrassment.

Phoenix Yufei also brought his players into the field.

Compared with the face value, the Phoenix team is naturally no better than Mingshu, but in terms of momentum, Phoenix is ​​much stronger.

Mingshu still has no team uniforms and sits lazily.

"Then next, is the first game of our finals, our snack package team and the Phoenix team will start the first game. Please put the players in place..."

The host backed off and the screen switched to the game and game commentary.

Mingshu changed into a war suit under the thought of Qingqiuzuka.

"That's it, so that we can show that we are a team!"

"We are a group of boring people gathered to play games." Ming Shu is very well defined.

No one in their group wants to be a professional player.

Not all masters want to be the pinnacle.

Qing Qiuzuka cleared his throat: "Even if it is like that, there should still be some ostentation."

Mingshu: "..."

The appearance of snack packs is so different from the lazy outside of the game.

Phoenix Yufei glanced at them, to be honest, standing in a suit like this is indeed enough to pull the wind.

But wanting to do it is not a matter of money.

The question is who to find.

They haven't inquired till now, who can make such equipment.


The battle is just beginning. Mingshu and they can't hear the outside sound, and they are standing on an island at this time.

Such maps are hard to see. Most maps are still dense forests and barren mountains. Desert maps are more common than island maps.

The final upgrade is not only the game system, but also the map.

The rarer the map, the more unknown to the player.

Qing Qiuzuka said: "The opposite team is a professional team, shall we be more serious?"

Sun Moonlight: "I have watched the Phoenix team's previous game, it is really not easy to deal with."

Huang He Xigui looked directly to the moon tonight.

Tonight Moon Road said: "Island maps are not common. I haven't seen this map. If the other party is familiar with it, we will have fallen."

Mingshu resisted the sword on his shoulder: "Fight in front."

The posture was extremely handsome and the smile was calm and calm.

The spectators outside were screaming, but of course they could not hear them.

Huang He returns to the west: "Who will keep the flag?"

This is the key.

In the preliminary and semi-finals, the means they used to hide the flag must not be used, the opponent knew it already.

Therefore, the flag in the final must be guarded.


Phoenix Yufei looked at the map and frowned slightly: "Why haven't they opened the map yet?"

"Captain, they are fighting a bit weirdly. The first few times were swords and squints. Will they play any tricks this time?"

You never know what they will do.

Phoenix Yufei is also uncertain.

"Look first."

This look is ten minutes, there is still no movement across.

The audience outside the venue was speechless.

At this time Mingshu they were guarding the small red flag, forming a circle and painting on the ground.

"They actually play backgammon. If the Phoenix team didn't come to them, would they keep playing?"

"What do they want to do?"

"Are we here to see them play backgammon?"

The commentary is also a bit helpless: "According to our speculation, the Snack Pack is trying to stay on the sidelines, but the Phoenix team has always been cautious, and it is estimated that it will not come over so quickly. Let's look at the Phoenix is indeed the case, they are still in Wait and see..."

After explaining the Phoenix team, the commentary turned to Mingshu.

Finally, I didn't know how to explain Gobang.

Audience: "..."

Is MMP serious?

Mingshu and they played for a while, they may find that the other party did not act, so they opened the map.

The audience thought it was about to start, but after the map was opened, they came back again—to continue to play backgammon.

Audience: Don't stop "...", they are going to kill them in the game.

The games in the preliminary round were not so boring.

"Come here, the Phoenix team's Wanli volley began to act..." The voice of the commentary excitedly pulled back the sleepy audience in the backgammon.

at last--

Finally started.

Wanli Lingkong easily found Mingshu and they saw a group of people sitting together, and Wanli Lingkong was obviously dumbfounded.

"Hey, after so long, I also deliberately chose the most easily found flag points."

Wan Li volley: "..." There seems to be something wrong with this situation.

Ming Shu smiled and said, "I said, if we don't open the map, wouldn't you plan to come over? Is your captain too cautious and deserve to win the championship."

Miles in the air: "..."

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